Oct. 16th, 2016



so let me get this straight, i come back from a few days away to discover another mage went off their rocker playing with blood and demons? i'm so surprised.

[ the fam - you know who you are ]

back calmer and richer. thanks for the good wishes for someone to attack us; we stumbled on a nest of bandits. the city's safer and we got to appropriate what we found in their camp. they won't be needing those things anymore. apparently they weren't the worst raiders in nevarra, since there was plenty of coin stashed away. no way to know who it belonged to, so we'll just have to live with it.

no more warehouses.

everyone wins. except the bandits, but good riddance.

[ fam + friends ]

on a completely unrelated topic, how do people do satinalia around here? we're considering pulling something together to keep up an old tradition.

Oct. 15th, 2016



I have heard the most preposterous rumors this afternoon. Truly, I am uncertain whether to be concerned or laugh them off as impossibilities.

[ Souvelani ]

[...............] You are working for the princess, aren't you? Do you know what happened at the palace last night? I can't reach her.

Oct. 8th, 2016



so is everyone going to this thing tomorrow? because i won't lie, the idea of mostly empty taverns doesn't piss me off.

[ godric ]

aka we should go drinking tomorrow night. these docks warehouses are seriously starting to piss me off, let's go do something that isn't boring as fuck.