February 10th, 2019



[Network Post]


Since the dust has had time to settle and Damage Control crews have been cleaning up, it might be a good time to review a few basic guidelines regarding the Infinity Stones. Read more... )

If you need help, ask.



[Network Post]

Well I can say that was the grossest thing I ever went through. Tony, I'm going to need your help with getting all the zombie goo off the shield.

Clint needs a new bow. Think you can work one up?

Next time? Less zombies. More steak and potatoes.

So about that date...



[Network Post]

Sorry about the reality thing. My bad.



[Network Post]

Pirates smell bad. I just wanted to say that.

BRISKET!! Now!! And sauerkraut. Also, I punched Jack Sparrow in the face.