June 26th, 2018



[Network Post]


First off, Bruce is gone again. Bummed. Hope he's not stuck as a space gladiator again.

Show of hands on who wants to beat the pulp out an angry eggplant? I'm raising my hand. Anyone else? Bueller? Because I kinda felt like the dream left things hanging in a weird (very bad) place. Maybe it's just me. Maybe not.

Also, if anyone comes across any HYDRA super-weapons, can you beat the pulp out of those guys and try not to touch them too much until we scan 'em for prints? Fury's looking for leads to help track down the weapons runners. It's a world-wide hot mess that Fury and Morse are dealing with right now.

[filtered to Jane Foster and Peter Quill]

Did you two get that ship fixed?



[Network Post]


Valkyrie has taken her leave of us. I wove a spell to find her and alas, she is no longer here among us.

[private to Gamora]

I would speak with you, if you have the time and willingness to do so.



[Network Post]

I have finally learned to work this contraption without guidance, so I felt it was beyond time to introduce myself. I am Frigga, the former Queen of Asgard. Thus far I am thoroughly enjoying my stay here. These frocks are quite...freeing. Midgardian women have such marvelous choices for clothing.

What would make my being here so much better would be to see my son and other Asgardians. Pray tell. Has anyone seen Thor?




- My ass is huge
- I drool in my sleep
- My halitosis is so severe dog breath smells better
- I poo
