December 2012



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Oct. 30th, 2012


Filtered from Loki and Dru

my mom said i can talk to people on here.

my name is melody and i was wondering why people make the pumpkins look scary in the little town we're at?

are they supposed to scare away the creatures in the big city?


Filtered to Sam

...I shouldn't find this as funny considering where we are, should I? And yet...I'm laughing.

[ooc: edited in after Melody's post]

Tell me you see that. Tell me I'm not crazy. You've got to be fucking kidding me...Melanie Merchant? Really, rift? Because the movie monsters weren't bad enough right?

Oct. 24th, 2012


Filtered against Loki and Dru

...are these things going to stay here, like the rest of us...?

ETA: Guys...where have you seen which of these movie monsters/killers/etc? Maybe there's a pattern, like there was when we came in...?

I'm restless.

Are you okay, sweetie? I haven't had a chance to check in and I'm really sorry about that. You need anything? Hangin' in okay?

Oct. 22nd, 2012


To those I have yet to meet: greetings. I am Reyna, daughter of Bellona, Praetor of the Twelfth Legion of Rome.

I have a theory I wish to test. Are there any storage facilities for a severed head I can use for a day or two?

[Filtered to Mark Gold]
There is something wrong with you

Have you ever seen a dead body before

Are you all right?

Oct. 21st, 2012


So, anyone been chased by the dude in the mining gear with the pickaxe? Because that was not what I was expecting today.


It might be in people's best interest to start carrying garlic and crosses. I think we ran into Dracula and his wives.

Hello, need your help. Cordelia was bitten by Dracula and I remember the book well enough to know he'll be trying to take her back and he's out of my league unless I know more. We need to keep him from getting her.

[MacLeod and Amanda]
Don't let Cordelia out. She's not going to be herself and she might actually try to hit you so watch out.

Oct. 20th, 2012


I'm thinking it'd be a good idea to have a running list of who all everyone has run into at this point. I'm not filtering this because if any of the usual suspects have seen one I'd still like to know. Feel free to filter them out when you reply.

From reading the boards and personal experience we've had:

Michael Meyers
the idiots from Scream
Freddy Kreuger
Possibly Cujo?
and those creepy kids Darcy saw (Corn kids or Village of the Damned?)
Jason from Friday the 13th
Hocus Pocus witches
Clown from IT

Anyone else need to be added?

Oct. 19th, 2012



...I gotta go out, I'm guessing you're already out there since you haven't come back yet. Where are you? We'll fight together. It's safer that way.


[Filtered against Loki, Dru and bad guys just in case]

Anyone who is able and willing to patrol, we need all of you out there. These people dressed up as Halloween villains are dangerous. This isn't a Halloween party that just let out, people have been hurt and the police isn't being able to handle the increased volume in calls.

They seem to be concentrating in the metropolitan area, all the way from Campus, to Suicide Slams, to Uptown Metropolis. We need to cover as much ground as possible.

For those of you who can't fight, please stay inside Watchtower or another safe location. Lock doors and windows and keep an eye on the boards for updates. Watchtower security is as high as it can be right now, that means that any non-resident will have to be escorted in all the way to the elevator or they will not be able to make it into the building.

I'd also like to ask all of you who have work or school tomorrow not to go, I will provide a doctor's note if necessary.

ETA: Two things:
1) I have communicators for those of you who want to patrol so we can remain in contact.
2) If anyone sees a very large dog, about 8 to 10 feet tall, he's on our side. Don't attack it, or he might attack back. Let me know if you feel like it's a problem and I'll contact the owner.

ETA 2: If any of you get hurt, we have a doctor in the building that can help. She'll be on the 21st floor.

Oct. 18th, 2012


Filtered against Loki and Dru

Uh, so just to double check, it's not actually Halloween yet, right?

Oct. 11th, 2012


Filtered against Loki & Dru

I hate this time of year...

Hey sweetie, how are you feeling about school? Feel like you want to test in and see where they'd place just for curiosity's sake or wait until you've got some more of Jess's tutoring under your belt?

Oct. 5th, 2012


Who the hell gave it permission to drop thirty degrees in twelve hours?


Filtered against Loki & Dru

So...quick questions:

1.) What's the likelihood someone around here would know how to bullshit some paperwork to make Clove & I legit citizens and, in addition, make me her legal guardian so I can register her for classes?
2.) I've never had to register someone for school does one, you that?

Think you can step off Team Peeta long enough to tutor Clove a little so that she'll be prepared to start school no later than when the holiday break is over? You said you're a teacher, right? She really wants to go.

Oct. 4th, 2012


Filtered against Loki and Dru

...your Wikipedia is way different here than it was at home...just saying.

Hey, I went out today to grab some food and I passed the most amazing sale, so I grabbed us both some stuff. I didn't figure you for a pink kinda girl so I stuck with earthy tones but I've got a few outfits for you, if you wanna come try 'em on when you're free.

Question: the things we hunt back home...are they real here? I don't really know what to do with myself anymore. That kinda...became my life back there...after dad died. What are we supposed to do with ourselves...? I'd be content to stay at home and bang you completely retarded but I don't really think I'm going to be that lucky, so

Oct. 3rd, 2012


Toto, I think we're in Kansas again.

Get it? Because of Kansas and the Wizard of Oz. Which I've seen over seventy-five times. Seriously. I made myself a certificate. Seventy-five viewings is kind of a momentus occasion. But yeah, I'm not Dorothy. I'm Jess and I'm in Kansas, even though I fell asleep in L.A.

Like, at first I thought it was kind of cool. Time travel or inter-demensional travel, whatever this is. And then I was worried that I'd died and gone to Kansas heaven, but people tell me that this is normal for this place. So I've kind of given up hope of seeing my grandparents around. Which is kind of a bummer, but I'm glad I'm not dead.

I actually have no idea what I'm doing. I'm Jess.

I already said that.

I'm the new girl.

Sep. 28th, 2012


flterd aginst loki

lst nigt wsa fun

Sep. 27th, 2012


Filtered to Clove

Hey sweetie...I'm going out tonight. I'll have my phone on me, though, so if you need anything, let me know on here and I'll get the message. I just wanted to give you a heads up.

How are you settling? Still okay?

Sep. 26th, 2012


Filtered against Loki

I know there was talk of going out on Thursday. People still up for that because I don't know about anyone else but I could use a chance to let my hair down.

Roll call for who wants to go?

Who's going:

Chloe<--non negotiable
edit: Oliver I'm throwing you onto this list as well because I don't trust you alone
Pete 2


Filtered against Loki & Dru

Still on for Thursday, ladies?

Check this: new girl's gonna teach me knife tricks. Scoooore.

1. How old are you, anyway? I never asked. Cuz if you're of age, boom, girl you're totally coming out Thursday night
2. Think I found a place where we can practice and not accidentally kill people while I'm learning new things. You down for getting together tomorrow?
3. Settling in okay? If not, there's still totally an extra room in my apartment you can crash in for a couple of days to get used to the new surroundings without having to be by yourself. Sam can suck it up probably won't mind.

Sep. 25th, 2012


What is this place? Who brought me here?

Cato? Are you here?

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