December 2012



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Nov. 20th, 2012


[Filtered against Loki and Dru]

As some of you know and some of you might not, we celebrate Thanksgiving this Thursday. Some of us locals decided to throw together a typical Thanksgiving party for everyone that got pulled here.

Regardless of whether you celebrate it or not, everyone is welcome to come. There will be a lot of food and it might be a good opportunity to meet new people.

We're meeting up around 11AM on the 22nd floor.

The traditional food we're providing are turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, stuffing and pumpkin pie. If anyone wants to bring anything, you're more than welcome to, traditional or not.

We'll also have music, video games and TVs for entertainment. It should go without saying that even those of you residing outside of Watchtower are welcome to come, you will just need to be with a resident to come in, so let me or one of the others know when you arrive.

Let me know if you have any questions.

ETA: I forgot to mention, we're thinking of doing a secret santa for Christmas, again regardless of religion or if you celebrate it or not, a gift exchange should be nice for everyone. We can stipulate a low price rule so it doesn't get too complicated.


Filtered from Loki and Dru

It looks like it's going to snow and my mom is home from Washington. Now it feels like the holidays.

Now if snow didn't make me think of the funeral it would be perfect

Nov. 15th, 2012


Chloe, Oliver, Lois

I hope we're still on for Thanksgiving. Mom said unless something really wild happens they will recess on Friday for the holiday so expect a mountain of food.

Nov. 2nd, 2012


I have to say I don't miss the monsters.

So I will be collecting data on worlds from people if they'll allow me to ask them. Hopefully if we have enough data to compare we can find commonalities as to who is being brought here which might lead to why.

Hey Cordelia, less desire to call someone master and possibly eat bugs now that Dracula is gone?

Oct. 22nd, 2012


[Filtered to Lois and Clark]

Oliver's birthday is tomorrow. I know it's far from the best time but considering everything he's been through, I think it's important for him to have a celebration. No matter how small it is.

I'll pick up some food since a couple of the restaurants are still opening for whatever reason and we can all have dinner at the apartment with him around 7 tomorrow night? Maybe a cake too, if we can find one.

Oct. 20th, 2012


I should have asked earlier since these things keep showing back any of the scientists want one? I can control one enough to bring it to you for study or possibly for locking up tight to see if it can get out or not.


I'm thinking it'd be a good idea to have a running list of who all everyone has run into at this point. I'm not filtering this because if any of the usual suspects have seen one I'd still like to know. Feel free to filter them out when you reply.

From reading the boards and personal experience we've had:

Michael Meyers
the idiots from Scream
Freddy Kreuger
Possibly Cujo?
and those creepy kids Darcy saw (Corn kids or Village of the Damned?)
Jason from Friday the 13th
Hocus Pocus witches
Clown from IT

Anyone else need to be added?


I'm moved, I live right below you, now. you still want me to stay with you for a while, though? Because I can, if it would make you feel safer better.

[Chloe] light of everything, I never actually got anything baked, but I'm guessing that maybe there's a reschedule of the job fair...? If not I'm really sorry that I didn't follow through. It's just...Rachel was in trouble, that was more important.

Where were you the other night? I really could've used your help, you kn

Oct. 18th, 2012


To Watchtower, encrypted.

I have word from a... sensitive, that things are going to get worse before they get better. We need to watch the patrols, and get powered people out there to be with the non-powered.

With how this sounds, it may be that we're dealing with something caused by the same thing that is bringing us here.

Oct. 19th, 2012


[Filtered against Loki, Dru and bad guys just in case]

Anyone who is able and willing to patrol, we need all of you out there. These people dressed up as Halloween villains are dangerous. This isn't a Halloween party that just let out, people have been hurt and the police isn't being able to handle the increased volume in calls.

They seem to be concentrating in the metropolitan area, all the way from Campus, to Suicide Slams, to Uptown Metropolis. We need to cover as much ground as possible.

For those of you who can't fight, please stay inside Watchtower or another safe location. Lock doors and windows and keep an eye on the boards for updates. Watchtower security is as high as it can be right now, that means that any non-resident will have to be escorted in all the way to the elevator or they will not be able to make it into the building.

I'd also like to ask all of you who have work or school tomorrow not to go, I will provide a doctor's note if necessary.

ETA: Two things:
1) I have communicators for those of you who want to patrol so we can remain in contact.
2) If anyone sees a very large dog, about 8 to 10 feet tall, he's on our side. Don't attack it, or he might attack back. Let me know if you feel like it's a problem and I'll contact the owner.

ETA 2: If any of you get hurt, we have a doctor in the building that can help. She'll be on the 21st floor.

Oct. 18th, 2012


Filtered against Loki and Dru

According to the news, a family of five was killed by a man wearing a white mask. Witnesses said the guy was dressed like Michael Myers from the Halloween movies.

I strongly advise everyone stay inside with the doors locked until this is sorted out.


We have a first aid kit there, right?

OOC: This post isn't Oliver as Oliver, but as Green Arrow, so if your character doesn't know they are one in the same, he'll just appear to be a guy dressed head to toe in tight green leather and wielding a bow and arrow. However, if your character is from one of the other worlds and recognizes Green Arrow AS Oliver Queen, I'm cool with that, too.


Filtered from Loki and Drusilla

Are there a lot of Halloween parties going on right now?

Oct. 17th, 2012


Filtered against Clove and Sarah

I miss having my own kitchen...

I think I might come back to Watchtower soon. Do you know who lives in the apartments on the first or second floors, by chance? Besides, Rachel, I know where she lives Is it still okay if I

[Rachel] you think I could sit in on another of your rehearsals...? I enjoyed it last time. I mean, if you wouldn't get in trouble for it or anything.

[ooc: added a few minutes later]

Chloe said you said that it was okay if I use your kitchen to bake for that job fair...but before she said that, I invited Rachel to help me. ...should I see if I can use Rachel's kitchen or is that okay with you...?


[Filtered against Loki and Drusilla]

For those of you still looking for a job, or just looking for a better one, I will be organizing a job fair with Oliver Queen of Queen Industries and Bruce Banner of Bannertech here at Watchtower this Saturday.

They both know about the Rift so you don't have to worry about lying about your qualifications and hopefully we can find a place for most of you.

Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise, the fair will be on the first floor, from 10 AM to 2 PM on Saturday.

Oct. 16th, 2012


Filtered from Loki and Dru

So for various reasons since all of you displaced people started showing up here, I haven't really been around much. But I'm back now.

My name's Oliver Queen. And I'm here to help.

Oct. 14th, 2012


Filtered against Loki and Dru

Thank God for small favors...

Bruce, could I have a word with you, please?

[Chloe and Sam]
She's here. Thank you both, so much, for keeping an eye out for her potential arrival. I can't, honestly, tell either of you how much I appreciate it.


Filtered to Chloe

Why didn't you say Lana was back in town?


Filtered to Ariel

A child has just been pulled through, a little girl. I don't know what your daughter looks like but I promised to let you know.

Oct. 10th, 2012


[Filtered to Lois, Clark, Peeta, Bart and Jo]

I only met some of you in passing, but I noticed from the boards you have become friends with Oliver since your arrival and this is why I'm extending this conversation to all of you, but it cannot leave this group, it most certainly cannot reach Oliver's ears. I will be monitoring all of you to make sure it doesn'

As most of you probably know, Oliver hasn't been doing as well as he could be. Some of these details might be too personal and not for me to share, but I have been keeping an eye on him and I have noticed some patterns I'm not comfortable with. He hasn't really been himself lately due to some things that happened in the past year or so, and I believe it's time for something to shake him out of this state he's been in.

I have tried most approaches already, but they haven't worked, so I came up with a plan to help him get back to his full potential. Before I give any of you any details, I need to know if I can count on your collaboration or not and I need to know that I can trust you to keep this between us for his sake.

Oct. 1st, 2012


Chloe and Lois

What do we know about this Clove girl who's moved into Watchtower? Is she still there? Have either of you met her?

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