December 2012



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Nov. 16th, 2012


I saw a little girly with a pink balloon tonight. She cried so beautifully when I popped it.

Nov. 2nd, 2012


It seems that I am truly my father's son, even in the ways I swore not to be.

My dishonor has been pointed out to me, and as the argument is logical and intelligent, I assume that it must be true. I have forfeited my honor, and have disgraced not only myself, but my Cohort, my Legion, and Rome.

I beg the forgiveness of those I have hurt. I will be in my room, packing, and wherever this place will let me go, I shall. Perhaps, somehow, I shall find the road to redemption and forgiveness, if the Gods will it.

Oct. 24th, 2012


My master needs me. I must go to him.

Oct. 21st, 2012


Filtered to Faith and Buffy

Dracula bit Cordelia. Either of you up for helping me hunt him down tonight?


Filtered to Angel

I sorta need your help.

Oct. 2nd, 2012


Filtered against Loki & Drusilla

While it's refreshing to not be in constant terror for my life, it's also...kind of boring, after living with that terror for so long, you know?

Oct. 1st, 2012


Filtered against Loki, Drusilla

I've found a building that seems suitable for Angel Investigations.

Sep. 22nd, 2012


Filtered to Drusilla

Still avoiding me?

Sep. 21st, 2012


Filtered against Loki & Drusilla

So I'm going to start offering a self-defense class at Watchtower. First one is tomorrow morning at 11.

Sep. 18th, 2012


Filtered against Loki, Clint, Dru

I'm contemplating opening a branch of Angel Investigations here. It would be a way to help keep an eye on the rift, especially if I could get office space near it.

Also, everyone should add in a filter against Drusilla. She's a crazy, homicidal vampire who can see things. Wear a cross, have holy water, something. Whatever you do though, don't invite her in to where you live.

Sep. 16th, 2012


What the hell is going on here? I swear if this is something done by Wolfram and Hart...