December 2012



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Oct. 2nd, 2012


Filtered against Loki & Drusilla

While it's refreshing to not be in constant terror for my life, it's also...kind of boring, after living with that terror for so long, you know?

Sep. 23rd, 2012


Ned...? Please, for the love of all things holy, tell me this is part of the spiritual path you forgot to mention...

Sep. 22nd, 2012


Filtered to Watchtower Residents, there's no common area to leave these, but...does anybody want any mini cakes...? I went a little overb I made way too many...

Thanks for letting me know where that Hobby Lobby was, I found everything I needed. I forgot how much this helps me cope.

This is Johanna. My friend who was in the next cell over.

Sep. 21st, 2012


I hate this place.


Why did she not tell us? We would have kept her secret, surely she knows that.

[ooc: And if it's cool with the modly mods, there will be a very bad lightening/thunderstorm outside of Metropolis caused by Torunn to blow off some anger]

Sep. 16th, 2012


What the hell is going on here? I swear if this is something done by Wolfram and Hart...

Sep. 10th, 2012


Hello! I'm the Doctor.

Brilliant thing this thing, is this a 'smart'phone? Is this one of those iPhones? No, works too well to be an iPhone--Apple geniuses, I gave Steve Job his first job I'll have you know. Well pushed him towards it, well really I just kind of stopped a Zorbarg--giant fish-faced worm creature with a pig's snout and a nasty ground eating habit--in front of him once, and he stole a piece of tech from me. Still, not to take away from his genius, he did buy Pixar and I love Toy Story!

Anyway, hi. So, is this thing a Facebook? I don't think, not blue enough--I like blue. Still, never had a Facebook, want a Facebook. I should get a Facebook. Then I can like cat pictures and poke people, while I'm having a scone.

Anyway, I'm working to save you all from total oblivion! You'll be home soon! In the mean time, like me on Facebook at "TheDoctor"!

Sep. 8th, 2012


This is highly unusual. I mean, I thought about getting away from Sunnydale for a little while, but I wasn’t thinking of going all the way to Kansas. Reminds me a little too much of my hometown for any real sort of comfort.

Could someone tell me how I got here, please?


Okay, so...since when does stopping the Apocalypse land you in another dimension?

And also, Buffy? I didn't do it.