December 2012



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Nov. 2nd, 2012


It seems that I am truly my father's son, even in the ways I swore not to be.

My dishonor has been pointed out to me, and as the argument is logical and intelligent, I assume that it must be true. I have forfeited my honor, and have disgraced not only myself, but my Cohort, my Legion, and Rome.

I beg the forgiveness of those I have hurt. I will be in my room, packing, and wherever this place will let me go, I shall. Perhaps, somehow, I shall find the road to redemption and forgiveness, if the Gods will it.

Oct. 26th, 2012


These pathetic humans think they can harm me with their pitiful balls of metal.

Oct. 24th, 2012


Filtered against Loki, Drusilla

I find it rather dangerous to be wandering the streets of the city in my true form. More so than usual.

Oct. 19th, 2012


[Filtered against Loki, Dru and bad guys just in case]

Anyone who is able and willing to patrol, we need all of you out there. These people dressed up as Halloween villains are dangerous. This isn't a Halloween party that just let out, people have been hurt and the police isn't being able to handle the increased volume in calls.

They seem to be concentrating in the metropolitan area, all the way from Campus, to Suicide Slams, to Uptown Metropolis. We need to cover as much ground as possible.

For those of you who can't fight, please stay inside Watchtower or another safe location. Lock doors and windows and keep an eye on the boards for updates. Watchtower security is as high as it can be right now, that means that any non-resident will have to be escorted in all the way to the elevator or they will not be able to make it into the building.

I'd also like to ask all of you who have work or school tomorrow not to go, I will provide a doctor's note if necessary.

ETA: Two things:
1) I have communicators for those of you who want to patrol so we can remain in contact.
2) If anyone sees a very large dog, about 8 to 10 feet tall, he's on our side. Don't attack it, or he might attack back. Let me know if you feel like it's a problem and I'll contact the owner.

ETA 2: If any of you get hurt, we have a doctor in the building that can help. She'll be on the 21st floor.

Oct. 18th, 2012


Filtered against Loki and Dru

Uh, so just to double check, it's not actually Halloween yet, right?

Oct. 11th, 2012


Edited to filter away from Loki and Dru

Guess who was able to wrangle herself a job at the Metropolis library?

This girl.

I'm going to do some serious turning upside down of the boring regime they've got going during children's story hour. Harry Potter, Where the Wild Things Are, a lot of Shel Silverstien and Dr. Seuss, Curious George, Puff the Magic Dragon...

Oh, Anne of Green Gables! The age range might vary, so I might have to tweak things, but the important thing is that I've got a job. And I get to use voices in that job. And if I slip in a few bars or a little something or other in the name of entertainment who is going to complain?

So two questions.

1. Where can I buy a second hand guitar?

2. Is there anyone here that would like some tutoring help? I know that all of our worlds are different, but this universe is close enough to mine that I feel confident in tutoring English, Math, History, Science, Social Studies up to a college level. It's okay if you can't afford to pay me anything. We can barter knowledge or something. I'm sure each of you have something I'd love to learn.

ETA: I'm a teacher where I come from. For those of you who haven't met me.

Sep. 30th, 2012


Message to Andy Gallagher

May we speak?

Sep. 26th, 2012


Filtered against Loki

I know there was talk of going out on Thursday. People still up for that because I don't know about anyone else but I could use a chance to let my hair down.

Roll call for who wants to go?

Who's going:

Chloe<--non negotiable
edit: Oliver I'm throwing you onto this list as well because I don't trust you alone
Pete 2

Sep. 21st, 2012


Filtered against Loki, Clint, and Dru

Idaho State vs Nebraska game tomorrow afternoon. Kick-off's at 2:30, so feel free to drop by anytime after 2.

Right now, it looks like it's going to be a small party because my roommates are party poopers so I don't think we actually need to do anything potluck-y. I'll jot down the names of who's coming just as a reminder for those guys. If you didn't respond to my last post, but still want to watch the gloriousness that is college football with a few awesome ladies and one amazing guy, feel free. Drop a line here so I know how much food and refreshments to buy.

Also, if you want anything in particular? Here's where you let me know. I'm planning to grab a couple of 12-packs (Blue Moon cool with everyone?), potato chips, pretzels, and some wings from the store after the self-defense class tomorrow (which means I may have to leave a little early, depending on how long it runs).

RSVP'ed Awesome Yes:
Me, Darcy, Lois, Pete Lattimer, Andy

RSVP'ed Party Poopers No:
Sheldon, Pete, Chloe

Edited to add the apartment #. Oops! I'm in 202.


Worst. Hash. Ever. What am I doing here?! What is this place? First, friggen Frontierland... I'm never getting high again ...correction, I really need to get high right now