December 2012



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Nov. 13th, 2012


Guys, I'd like to set the record straight.

I was wrong.

Troy doesn't cry.


Except for when he does.

Nov. 2nd, 2012


It seems that I am truly my father's son, even in the ways I swore not to be.

My dishonor has been pointed out to me, and as the argument is logical and intelligent, I assume that it must be true. I have forfeited my honor, and have disgraced not only myself, but my Cohort, my Legion, and Rome.

I beg the forgiveness of those I have hurt. I will be in my room, packing, and wherever this place will let me go, I shall. Perhaps, somehow, I shall find the road to redemption and forgiveness, if the Gods will it.

Oct. 26th, 2012


Filtered from Loki and Dru

I know that I can't actually be in Kansas because I fell asleep in my apartment and there has to be a logical explanation to this because there is no way that watching Doctor Space Time and then falling asleep to it could actually transport you through space and time.


So this has to be a dream, or a nightmare. Clearly the library is my safezone and… no one's actually seen an phone booth around, have they? Or a guy with a funny hat? Or an old time British police man?

No, this is crazy. I'm just going to take a few deep breaths and close my eyes and stop typing

I think I'm having a panic attack.

Why am I still typing?

Oct. 27th, 2012


Filtered against Loki and Dru

What's going on? Come on! It was Annie's turn to play the kidnapped Batman love interest! It was me the last three times, Abed. We're even for the grappling hook, now, seriously. She doesn't make a very good Catwoman, anyway. No offense, Annie. Where am I? I gotta get back; it's Inspector Space Time night, this isn't funny. Come out and get me, guys, or I'm calling Jeff. I mean it.