December 2012



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Nov. 13th, 2012


filtered from evil or whatever

Too soon to suggest a scary movie marathon?

Sheldon's gonna kill me for even suggesting it, but...Christmas movies? Thanksgiving is, like, next week. If I'm going to be stuck here through the holidays, I'm gonna need some extra cheer. Bucketloads of it.

Oct. 20th, 2012


You'd better be in the building right now and not off being eviscerated by a crazy person. I'm on my way home, now, but if you've gotten yourself killed, I'm going to find someone magical or something, resurrect your butt, and then kick it.

P.S. We need your survival bag and we need to get the hell out of Dodge, like, now.

You're at the apartment, right? Please tell me you didn't try to get into a pissing contest with Michael Meyers you're okay.


Filtered against Loki and Dru

All right. I've rented a bus. Anyone who wants to get the hell out of Metropolis until this bout of weirdness is over, is encouraged to do so.

The bus is going to Smallville, and I've rented out the whole motel for the next week, just in case.


I really think you and Rachel should go. It'll be much safer.


I'm thinking it'd be a good idea to have a running list of who all everyone has run into at this point. I'm not filtering this because if any of the usual suspects have seen one I'd still like to know. Feel free to filter them out when you reply.

From reading the boards and personal experience we've had:

Michael Meyers
the idiots from Scream
Freddy Kreuger
Possibly Cujo?
and those creepy kids Darcy saw (Corn kids or Village of the Damned?)
Jason from Friday the 13th
Hocus Pocus witches
Clown from IT

Anyone else need to be added?

Oct. 13th, 2012


Filtered from Loki

Bit weird bonding with my polar opposite over how crap American football is...also, it's nice when someone else hosts the party, yeah, Sheldon? Adore you Penny, darling, but it's true.

Oct. 5th, 2012


Filtered against Loki and Dru

My turn to host! Ohio State at Indiana next Saturday at 8pm; my place. Kinda bummed I'm missing tomorrow's game, but I'll check the score when I get home and get highlights or whatever. Are you guys in? Penny? Lois? Hmm?


Who the hell gave it permission to drop thirty degrees in twelve hours?

Sep. 26th, 2012


filtered to Sheldon

So. A bunch of people are going out tomorrow night. Guess who else is gonna be there?


Filtered against Loki

Every day feels like forever. I should never have put faith into a complete str and that man looking like Eric makes it worse I've never worked...I don't know what to do with myself, but I'm just an average person, here, so I suppose I have no choice. I haven't any skills of does one enter the working world without them?
Tags: ,


Filtered against Loki

I know there was talk of going out on Thursday. People still up for that because I don't know about anyone else but I could use a chance to let my hair down.

Roll call for who wants to go?

Who's going:

Chloe<--non negotiable
edit: Oliver I'm throwing you onto this list as well because I don't trust you alone
Pete 2

Sep. 22nd, 2012


Filtered against Loki and Dru

Anyone who still wants in for the trip down to Smallville for the wholesale club shopping and farmer's market, the bus leaves at 10 tomorrow. I think we'll get back by seven at the latest depending on fun traffic and how long you all really want to stay around.

We'll also be hitting up the Talon and if there's anything else you guys want to see in Smallville we can do that too. I doubt it. Smallville is called Smallville for a reason.

No one ask about the Luthor mansion because that's not on the agenda even as a drive by.

Ten am in front of the building for anyone who wants to go.


Filtered to Watchtower Residents, there's no common area to leave these, but...does anybody want any mini cakes...? I went a little overb I made way too many...

Thanks for letting me know where that Hobby Lobby was, I found everything I needed. I forgot how much this helps me cope.

This is Johanna. My friend who was in the next cell over.

Sep. 21st, 2012


Filtered against Loki, Clint, and Dru

Idaho State vs Nebraska game tomorrow afternoon. Kick-off's at 2:30, so feel free to drop by anytime after 2.

Right now, it looks like it's going to be a small party because my roommates are party poopers so I don't think we actually need to do anything potluck-y. I'll jot down the names of who's coming just as a reminder for those guys. If you didn't respond to my last post, but still want to watch the gloriousness that is college football with a few awesome ladies and one amazing guy, feel free. Drop a line here so I know how much food and refreshments to buy.

Also, if you want anything in particular? Here's where you let me know. I'm planning to grab a couple of 12-packs (Blue Moon cool with everyone?), potato chips, pretzels, and some wings from the store after the self-defense class tomorrow (which means I may have to leave a little early, depending on how long it runs).

RSVP'ed Awesome Yes:
Me, Darcy, Lois, Pete Lattimer, Andy

RSVP'ed Party Poopers No:
Sheldon, Pete, Chloe

Edited to add the apartment #. Oops! I'm in 202.


Filtered against Loki & Drusilla

So I'm going to start offering a self-defense class at Watchtower. First one is tomorrow morning at 11.

Sep. 19th, 2012


welp. filtered against evil types.

First game of the season is this Saturday. Kick-off at 2:30. Anyone else around here a college football fan and interested in a game party at my place?

Sep. 17th, 2012


Alright, so according to my internet friends here... whom I can't imagine I can trust. I mean, it's the internet. Still... there seems to be some sort of relevance to what they're saying--that being said, I'm of like mind that I've stumbled into the realm where everyone is a troll and it's my job to out troll them. I can do this, I promise.

On the off chance that I am mistaken and this is, in fact, Metropolis and realities are all sorts of whacked out, and Snooki's baby is now President of the United States... then I should probably say hi.


I'm Peter Parker. And this better not count on my Metra Card.

And this PDA is pretty alright, I mean it's no Android or iOS, but I can go without Angry Birds for another day.


Right so I’m told that this is the place to get in touch with people because apparently answering the damn phone is a foreign concept now. I was gone for five weeks and we suddenly forget all phone etiquette rules? Were you all raised in a barn? The answer to that is no. Only one of you was raised in a barn and I know for a fact that his mother and father raised him to answer the damn phone. Try me. I will so call Mrs. K up and complain about this if I don’t hear anything in an hour. I’ll probably call her up anyway considering the whole vanishing act that I did.

But right, new people. Hi, I’m Lois. Lois Lane. Reporter for the Daily Planet--well, former reporter for the Daily Planet but that’s minor technicality right now. Cousin to the girl who decided to make a really awesome fort out of a building in downtown Metropolis and set you all up with this network. If you need anything just ask. I have one of Oliver’s credit cards so I can definitely be of use.

Oh, and Ollie , I used that card for some retail therapy because I needed shoes. And clothes. And makeup. And possibly a new wallet/purse combo.

Who knew that being gone for five weeks and not paying rent in that time would have your landlord kick you out of your place and sell all your stuff? Thank god most of my things were still at the Talon.

Clocks ticking people who owe me a phone call back. Which call Chloe's because I no longer have mine. That five week thing is kind of a bitch.


Filtered to Penny

Right...the gangly-looking bloke on the sofa in the living room watching telly has five minutes for you to say you know him before I assume that he's the weirdest intruder ever and I take care of it. Shall I, then?

[ooc; please to be pretending this went up in the morning...cuz Pete isn't like me, sleeping all day lol]

Sep. 14th, 2012


Filtered against Loki and Clint

seriously, though, how weird was that to type?
kinda hoping Aphrodite shows up next, ngl - if there's a lady's brain to pick, it's hers

Does anyone know where I can get my hands on an old school video game system? Or a Wii and a couple of vintage games? Just to borrow for tonight, probably.

Edit: Sheldon hit the dimensional travel jackpot and came with money. So maybe not for borrowing.

[Filtered to Chloe]
Are we cool yet to go out and mingle with the masses? I was sorta thinking about applying to a few local restaurants so I can start bringing home some cash.

Sep. 10th, 2012


[Filtered against Loki and Clint]

To everyone on the teams and everyone who has been brought here, I'd like to say a few things:

- I know a lot of you have been brought to either the Watchtower or the Warehouse. I'm Chloe and I'm the one behind both places. For now, I can't offer much more, but I hope everyone is managing to settle in.

- To those of you who need documents, email me all your information to and I will get them done, IDs and Passports primarily, but if you're looking for a job and need certificates, include detailed information in the email.

- There was a break out from one of the mental hospitals in the area last night, we're trying to control the situation but there are still a lot of people out there, if you think you can help, let me know. Otherwise, stay inside.

- A few of the people pulled in here are not to be trusted. A man named Loki has the power to mind control people and he has taken another man named Clint already. Filter your posts against them, information leaked is information that can be used against all of us.

- I need a few volunteers to donate DNA samples to Dr. Lockwood's research in hopes of finding out how you were brought here and attempting to understand the rift.

- Lastly, it's extremely important that all of you keep a low profile for the time being. We need to avoid attention from authorities and people who might want to try and control the rift for their benefit. If there is an answer, you guys are probably the best way to find it, please be careful.

ETA: Those of you who volunteered to go, I will get a group together and meet all of you on the first floor of Watchtower for a briefing. If after that you don't feel like you are fit to fight, you are welcome to stay behind.

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