December 2012



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Nov. 12th, 2012



Have we been shopping for accessories dear?
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Nov. 2nd, 2012


It seems that I am truly my father's son, even in the ways I swore not to be.

My dishonor has been pointed out to me, and as the argument is logical and intelligent, I assume that it must be true. I have forfeited my honor, and have disgraced not only myself, but my Cohort, my Legion, and Rome.

I beg the forgiveness of those I have hurt. I will be in my room, packing, and wherever this place will let me go, I shall. Perhaps, somehow, I shall find the road to redemption and forgiveness, if the Gods will it.

Oct. 30th, 2012


Filtered away from Loki and Dru


We've got an injured Praetor in the hospital with no identification as far as I know. Could someone help me with the bureaucracy? I'm tap dancing as best I can but if I keep it up too long they're going to arrest me on general principal.

And I hate jail cells. They're very bad for one's ego.
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Oct. 21st, 2012


It might be in people's best interest to start carrying garlic and crosses. I think we ran into Dracula and his wives.

Hello, need your help. Cordelia was bitten by Dracula and I remember the book well enough to know he'll be trying to take her back and he's out of my league unless I know more. We need to keep him from getting her.

[MacLeod and Amanda]
Don't let Cordelia out. She's not going to be herself and she might actually try to hit you so watch out.

Sep. 29th, 2012


Amanda and MacLeod

So since someone was being demanding about it I told Chloe I stole the collar. Yes, I know I didn't actually do the deed but I figured since I was already under attention better me than Amanda.

And I still love my present darling and we're not giving it back. Just don't go confessing to anyone hmm?

Turns out they have another ally making collars the people who have powers can control themselves in case they have issues. Name of Bruce Banner.

And I thought this new world stuff might end up boring.

Sep. 24th, 2012


Not sure if you monitored my earlier post or spoke with Lois but she recommended I talk to you.

[MacLeod and Amanda]
I talked Claire into not living with Loki and coming here. I gave her my word no one would end up putting a collar on her and it's possible she might need some looking out for. And the first one of you that calls me a nanny is getting punched.

Sep. 19th, 2012


Filtered to MacLeod and Amanda

So there's a few things I learned from Claire that is sending me digging for information. I thought you two might want to get involved.


Just got here a couple days ago, some people showed me around but I just realized I don't know a place here for fun. No hole on the wall bars, I want something with style.

(OOC: No Catwoman, just Selina. Unless you know her from her comics and wanna blow her cover, but then she might have to blow you up. =D)

Sep. 14th, 2012



Right, straight to it then. No way to fix the universes; well, not yet at any rate, but don't worry! Live your lives as you normally would--well unless you're not normally from here, then live your lives abnormally!

Brilliant, thanks, working on it now!

Oh, and Doctor Lockwood (that's correct isn't it? Sorry, big brain, lots of names. Hard to bring them to the forefront all the time.) you and I must definitely meet. I have things to discuss.

Oh and... uh, social networking right. Have to be social and all that.

Had a crumpet, quite brilliant--don't know why you care. Why do you care? Why do you humans twitter? Or tweet, or twit, or... whatever it is?!

How is everyone doing? Have you played some football, maybe done a little dancing? Go have fun! Date! Texting and tea and limeade--what's a limeade? I suppose it's a lemonade but with limes; right, in the name. OH AND GOT THIS THING TO RESPOND TO VOICE IMPRINT. CAN TALK WHILE WORKING!!! Oh, sorry about the caps; was yelling over the TARDIS she's being rather cranky.


(oh that's rubbish, never saying that again).

Sep. 13th, 2012


Well and here I thought I was getting too old to be surprised anymore. This is actually getting a checklist on the never did this before list. I don't suppose someone could point me to a good beer or two?

Sep. 11th, 2012


....this is different...