December 2012



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Oct. 2nd, 2012


Filtered to Jo

How about dinner beautiful?

Sep. 22nd, 2012


Filtered 'gainst Loki, Drusilla

Seems to be I should be gettin to work on my cookin skills.


Filtered against Loki, Dru, women, and Peeta

Oi...I need to learn to bake. You lot see this bollocks?

Sep. 20th, 2012


My favorite thing about this time of the year?

Early Halloween candy sales.

Sep. 17th, 2012


Filtered against Clint and Loki

Much fun as relaxing is, it's boring. That being said if anyone needs a retrieval specialist for anything, I'm your guy.


Edited filter against Clint, Loki, and any other stupid assholes wanting to cause "chaos", the librarian says to get on here and ask. I don't know why she couldn't just say, but whatever. Could somebody explain to me how exactly we started our walk in London and ended it in front of the Metropolis Public Library. ...also, can someone please explain why any legitimate city names itself after Superman's town or...whatever? I'm really not okay with this right now.

Sep. 12th, 2012


I'm not exactly a fan of waking up in strange places. Never led to anything good. Someone want to tell me what planet I'm on? And the nearest spot to find some off-planet communication, since this don't seem to work that way.

Sep. 10th, 2012


Hello! I'm the Doctor.

Brilliant thing this thing, is this a 'smart'phone? Is this one of those iPhones? No, works too well to be an iPhone--Apple geniuses, I gave Steve Job his first job I'll have you know. Well pushed him towards it, well really I just kind of stopped a Zorbarg--giant fish-faced worm creature with a pig's snout and a nasty ground eating habit--in front of him once, and he stole a piece of tech from me. Still, not to take away from his genius, he did buy Pixar and I love Toy Story!

Anyway, hi. So, is this thing a Facebook? I don't think, not blue enough--I like blue. Still, never had a Facebook, want a Facebook. I should get a Facebook. Then I can like cat pictures and poke people, while I'm having a scone.

Anyway, I'm working to save you all from total oblivion! You'll be home soon! In the mean time, like me on Facebook at "TheDoctor"!


[Filtered against Loki and Clint]

To everyone on the teams and everyone who has been brought here, I'd like to say a few things:

- I know a lot of you have been brought to either the Watchtower or the Warehouse. I'm Chloe and I'm the one behind both places. For now, I can't offer much more, but I hope everyone is managing to settle in.

- To those of you who need documents, email me all your information to and I will get them done, IDs and Passports primarily, but if you're looking for a job and need certificates, include detailed information in the email.

- There was a break out from one of the mental hospitals in the area last night, we're trying to control the situation but there are still a lot of people out there, if you think you can help, let me know. Otherwise, stay inside.

- A few of the people pulled in here are not to be trusted. A man named Loki has the power to mind control people and he has taken another man named Clint already. Filter your posts against them, information leaked is information that can be used against all of us.

- I need a few volunteers to donate DNA samples to Dr. Lockwood's research in hopes of finding out how you were brought here and attempting to understand the rift.

- Lastly, it's extremely important that all of you keep a low profile for the time being. We need to avoid attention from authorities and people who might want to try and control the rift for their benefit. If there is an answer, you guys are probably the best way to find it, please be careful.

ETA: Those of you who volunteered to go, I will get a group together and meet all of you on the first floor of Watchtower for a briefing. If after that you don't feel like you are fit to fight, you are welcome to stay behind.

Sep. 9th, 2012


Directed to Jo

Had a good time sparring yesterday beautiful. You definitely got some moves.

Sep. 8th, 2012


Someone's holding out.

I was going to go pick up another gun today and the shop was closed because someone robbed it last night.


This ain't Nate's place. The hell is going on? Damn it Hardison, did you do something again??