December 2012



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Sep. 25th, 2012


Where are you? I'll find you no matter wha I put a tracker in

Sep. 24th, 2012


Filtered against Loki, Drusilla

Anyone good at helping people remember things their mind won't let them?

Sep. 22nd, 2012


Filtered against Loki, Drusilla everyone I was a dick to, sorry. Loki had taken over my mind and made me his personal flying monkey. I don't remember everything I did but I'll do my damnedest to make up for everything I hope.

Sep. 20th, 2012



New type of collar has been made. One that allows the wearer to control it, if they want to willingly dampen their power. Someone I *do* trust made them and swears that option can't be taken off of them.


Did I really just get kidnapped? I don’t have time for this.

Whomever brought me here, I’d like you to know that neither Tony nor I are known for negotiating with kidnappers.

Also, you’re terrible. I can’t believe you’ve let me roam around a city with no one to watch over me.


So, what's the likelihood of actually getting a job in my field around here? Can't say I've ever looked into what it would require to transfer a medical license to the United States; I never really planned on leaving England.


Lots of new recent arrivals.

Welcome to the jungle.

Sep. 19th, 2012


Filtered to Loki & Clint

I have a friend named Methos who'd like to talk to you two.

Sep. 18th, 2012


...k...not exactly what I was expecting when I opened the cooler... What is this place? Where is this place...?

Sep. 17th, 2012


[Filtered to Clint Barton]

We need to talk.

[Filtered to Danny]

Having fun yet?


Edited filter against Clint, Loki, and any other stupid assholes wanting to cause "chaos", the librarian says to get on here and ask. I don't know why she couldn't just say, but whatever. Could somebody explain to me how exactly we started our walk in London and ended it in front of the Metropolis Public Library. ...also, can someone please explain why any legitimate city names itself after Superman's town or...whatever? I'm really not okay with this right now.

Sep. 15th, 2012


The stars are wrong. They're wrong and I don't know why. Why oh why did he do what he did?

I still taste the ashes on my tongue-worse than dirt he is, and too alive!

Where am I?

[ooc: Pretend this was posted after sundown!]


Pizza is a truly remarkable creation.

Sep. 14th, 2012



Right, straight to it then. No way to fix the universes; well, not yet at any rate, but don't worry! Live your lives as you normally would--well unless you're not normally from here, then live your lives abnormally!

Brilliant, thanks, working on it now!

Oh, and Doctor Lockwood (that's correct isn't it? Sorry, big brain, lots of names. Hard to bring them to the forefront all the time.) you and I must definitely meet. I have things to discuss.

Oh and... uh, social networking right. Have to be social and all that.

Had a crumpet, quite brilliant--don't know why you care. Why do you care? Why do you humans twitter? Or tweet, or twit, or... whatever it is?!

How is everyone doing? Have you played some football, maybe done a little dancing? Go have fun! Date! Texting and tea and limeade--what's a limeade? I suppose it's a lemonade but with limes; right, in the name. OH AND GOT THIS THING TO RESPOND TO VOICE IMPRINT. CAN TALK WHILE WORKING!!! Oh, sorry about the caps; was yelling over the TARDIS she's being rather cranky.


(oh that's rubbish, never saying that again).

Sep. 15th, 2012


Filtered to Claire

Don't suppose you'd be up for watching my back tomorrow?

Even if we became enemies a former teammate is taking me to my partner's grave. Don't think it's a trap but rather be safe than sorry.

Sep. 14th, 2012


Filtered to Hill

Don't suppose you'd let me know where Tasha Romanoff's buried?

Sep. 13th, 2012


Filtered to Clint & Loki

There's this guy who wants to put collars on people who have abilities, to negate them. This place is seriously messed up.

Sep. 10th, 2012


He did it! Thrall was able to change me back into a Unicorn! Now I can be myself anytime I like.

[Filtered to Loki - if I am doing this correctly?]
My thanks for the offer, but I am no longer in need of your assistance.


Hello! I'm the Doctor.

Brilliant thing this thing, is this a 'smart'phone? Is this one of those iPhones? No, works too well to be an iPhone--Apple geniuses, I gave Steve Job his first job I'll have you know. Well pushed him towards it, well really I just kind of stopped a Zorbarg--giant fish-faced worm creature with a pig's snout and a nasty ground eating habit--in front of him once, and he stole a piece of tech from me. Still, not to take away from his genius, he did buy Pixar and I love Toy Story!

Anyway, hi. So, is this thing a Facebook? I don't think, not blue enough--I like blue. Still, never had a Facebook, want a Facebook. I should get a Facebook. Then I can like cat pictures and poke people, while I'm having a scone.

Anyway, I'm working to save you all from total oblivion! You'll be home soon! In the mean time, like me on Facebook at "TheDoctor"!

Sep. 9th, 2012


Seems like I'm in Metropolis, Kansas? Never heard of Metropolis before, but a city this size seems like it'd be hard to miss. I wonder if Grandmama's dinner suddenly has teleporting effects.

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