October 14th, 2012

[info]thatlanewit in [info]apokolipscomm

Filtered to Chloe

Why didn't you say Lana was back in town?

[info]watch_tower in [info]apokolipscomm

Filtered to Ariel

A child has just been pulled through, a little girl. I don't know what your daughter looks like but I promised to let you know.

[info]partofurworld in [info]apokolipscomm

Filtered against Loki and Dru

Thank God for small favors...

Bruce, could I have a word with you, please?

[Chloe and Sam]
She's here. Thank you both, so much, for keeping an eye out for her potential arrival. I can't, honestly, tell either of you how much I appreciate it.

[info]salvatore_da in [info]apokolipscomm

Filtered to Natasha

And how are we feeling today?