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Apr. 17th, 2008


LJ Archive possible overwrite question

I forget where I saved this information or where it is, but I want to be sure before I do anything.

I archived everything back in January, then imported it all with LJ-sec.

My question is: I want to archive my IJ regularly. Do I need to make a new folder/name for each time I do this? Or do I actually *want* to overwrite my older file, seeing's how I've added to it?

What do you-all do? What is best?

I promise I will put this post and all its replies in my Memories!! :-D

Thanks in advance!

Mar. 19th, 2008


asylum plans... on LJ

Hi all, just a note that I've looked around my LJ flists and determined that there's a huge need for the moving community discussed in my last post. Too many scattered pieces of information. Obviously not going to open it before the Strike, but I have organization and format starting to come together on the blueprint.

The irony is that it will need to be an active community on LiveJournal. Many hands make light work, though, so if we have enough helpers, it should work itself out. Not just tech skills needed, either -- people who can track comment threads and organize information would be helpful too.

eta: Posted.

Jan. 15th, 2008


How to Archive and Repost Journal entries (windows)

What with GJ sinking fast, these instructions needed to be posted somewhere public and stable so people can have a reference on hand as they perform backups. I've also got a roundup of every tool and tutorial I could find here at my journal.

THIS IS NOT BY ME. This is the tutorial from the Official Issues Community on GJ. I asked and recieved permission to repost it elsewhere.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gynee at Greatestjournal on the Official Issues Community)

There are three different tutorials below:

1) Archiving/Backing up your journal entries and comments to your computer.
2) Exporting your journal entries and entering them to your new journal site.
3) A link to the tutorial for migrating communities.

Read more... )

Dec. 10th, 2007


Re: GreatestJournal Refugees...

I noticed we have 2 (TWO) asylums for GJers to find each other: [info]findgjers and [info]gjmeetup. The first was created on 12/09, the second on 12/10.

None of them has GJ or GreatestJournal listed as an interest -- actually, there are no listed interests at all. One of the maintainers set up a welcome post, so I left a comment. The other, I don't know.

Again, please don't forget to list relevant interests, so users are able to find you via the interest search. Not only is it a great help for networking, it would also avoid redundancy.

To all the GJ RolePlayers: IJ STILL HAS COMMENT ROT. This means your comments might disappear without notice. (Eta: I don't mean the problem of comments sometimes not showing up right after you posted them; this can be solved simply by commenting again: both comments show up, delete the redundant one. What I mean is that weeks or months after posting, comments or whole comment threads are gone.)

It won't be fixed until the next code update goes live. I've written about this before ("Known Site Issues"). I know it sucks; at the moment there's always at least one downside no matter which journaling service you choose. :(


Dear [info]07refugees mod (*waves @ [info]keieeeye*): Would it be possible to update the profile page, and perhaps create a sticky post on top of the page (some journal styles, e.g. Unearthed, allow for that) with the most important rules, necessary information, and asylum links? (I'll gladly help if needed.)


Moving journals and communities

I am unsure if this has been pimped before, but the lovely [info]sherlock has two brilliant posts regarding how to move your journals and communities to IJ.
Post 1
Post Two
Tags: ,

Dec. 9th, 2007


Message to Russian Users

My friend helped me translate this into Russian. It is basically how to set up an IJ and how to use LJ-Sec to transfer posts. Please redistribute.

Здравствуйте, русские люди!
Многие англо-говорящие пользователи знают что большинству русских ненравится SUP. Нам очень хочется открыть линии связи, но так как многиене могут читать кириллицу, это трудно. Хотя я не русская, я верю чтоесли за свободами не следить, они исчезнут. Следуя этому, я перенесламой частный блог на InsaneJournal и DeadJournal. InsaneJournal гораздолегче в доступе чем DeadJournal, и я расскажу Вам именно об этом.

Squeaky, который имеет владельские права над InsaneJournal,очень гостеприимен. На протяжение нескольких месяцев, он открыл рукитем которым пришлось уйти от LJ по разным причинам: fandom, дискомфорт,и т.д.. Я спрашивала его насчет чего передать русскоговорящим людям синтересом в перexоде на InsaneJournal. Он мне сказал и я Вам передаю:

"Я только хочу чтобы они знали что мы им всегда рады и будемрады их иметь. Нам хочется увеличить количество пользователей. Знайтечто в будущем, мы собираемся оставатся независимым вебсайтом."

Еслисудить по тому, что вижу я как пользовательница, IJ сейчас - это то чтокогда-то был LiveJournal, когда они еще думали о своих пользователях впервую очередь.

Если Вам хочется сделать аккаунт там, это достаточно просто - я дам Вам инструкции вкратце.

А. Идите на: и кликните на второе меню, где есть Create Journal. 
B. Когда Вы уже на Account Setup:
1. Выберете Ваш username.
2. Введите Ваш e-mail.
3. Введите пароль, повторите для подтверждения. Попытайтесь не делать слишком простой пароль для Вашей безопасности.
4. Где в LJ были communities, в IJ это же является asylum. Еслихотите, можете их добавить на список друзей. Рекомендую: asylum_promo,syn_promo и newcomers.
5. Введите Ваш день рождения: месяц, день, год.
6. Тип аккаунта. Если без предпочтения, Вам дан  Free Patient - аккаунт бесплатного пользователя.
7.Terms of Service - законы пользования - я Вам не переведу так как эточересчур длинно - но если Вы хотите, можете найти на Вэбе переводныйсайт для этого, типа Babelfish.  В любом случае, отмечайте согласие вкоробочке.
8. В еще одной текстовой коробке, введите код который Вам выдан в стиле CAPTCHA.
9. Готово! Кликнете кнопку.

Процесс несколько длинный, но он того стоит. Я надеюсь что ничего не усложнила.

Если Вы хотите перевести все свои записи из LJ в IJ, я Вам передам как это сделала я, с небольшой помощью с записи от brown-betty.
1. Скачайте и инсталлируйте LJ-Sec.
2. Введите свои данные и сделайте login.
3. Программа начнет составлять список всех Ваших записей в LiveJournal.Это может занять немного времени. Когда это закончится, Вы увидитесписок всех записей с теми иконами которые Вы оригинально поставили.
4. На самом верху окошка, идите на Selection, потом на Select All.
5. Опять-таки на верху, идите на Journal, потом Repost selected entries to another journal.
6. Введите все данные на IJ, выберете InsaneJournal на меню и отметьте все коробочки.
7. Кликнете на Begin reposting.

Это займет время но сработает как надо. Когда все записи будут переведены, можно удалить Ваш LJ. LJ-Sec непереведет комментарии, фильмы, аудио-посты или категории. Рекомендуетсясохранить все на Ваш компьютер. Те же инструкции  можно использовать сDeadJournal, JournalFen или GreatestJournal, если Вам хочется.

Надеюсь на хороший опыт в содержании Ваших веблогов. С этой стороны озерца, с любовью,

ETA: LJ-Sec download link

ETA: I have been told that the Russian translation may still be a bit off. Someone else has made a translation of brown-betty's instructions here:

Good luck!

Dec. 4th, 2007


"InsaneJournal: A Beginner's Guide"

(I hope this is appropriate for this place -- if not, feel free to delete it.)

With the recent influx of new users, I thought I'd post some sort of "Beginner's Guide" for InsaneJournal. The entry is divided into five parts: 1. a "prequel" on leaving LJ, 2. link roundups, 3. things to keep in mind before creating a new asylum or feed, 4. places to find asylums or users, and 5. known site issues. You can read it here.

Aug. 19th, 2007


The LiveJournal Conflicts Archive

The LiveJournal Conflict Archive is a LiveJournal community [info]sailorcelestial and I created for the purpose of gathering in one place all those links and pieces of information we've seen floating around out there. We want to have an archive to act as a single, cohesive and comprehensive resource where users can have this information at their fingertips. Personally, I've been running an ongoing series of posts covering the current issue, but I wasted time searching for links to reference what I was talking about. The LiveJournal Conflict Archive will hopefully remedy that problem, not just for me but for everyone needing information for coverage purposes or for essays.

We want information on Strikethrough and Boldthrough, of course, but also on past controversies that have occurred in the LiveJournal community, such as the controversy concerning default user pics depicting breastfeeding and the ongoing controversy over advertising on LiveJournal.

[info]sailorcelestial and I have done our best to make certain the Archive will remain objective information, free from bias. While the information linked in the Archive may show bias itself, anyone posting to the Archive must refrain from using any biased/subjective language.

By posting this information here, we are inviting everyone with links to information to come join and help us build the Archive into the comprehensive resource everyone needs. Already, we have a timeline of events and a listing of communities dedicated in one way or another to the issues at hand. One person can only gather so much, however. We need to come together as the Live(and Insane!)Journal community to offer our knowledge, and in it, seek the larger truth.

Aug. 12th, 2007


RSS Feeds

How to set how much of your LJ posts are visible via RSS:

and probably

There's an admin console command, set synlevel < level >, which allows you to choose how much of your journal posts are syndicated via RSS feeds. The < level > can be "full", for the entire entry, "summary" for the first paragraph, or "title" for only the entry subject.

So if you have friends using RSS NewsReaders and you'd like them to be able to read your entire post (especially if they're using FeedReader and can see flocked posts) then: set synlevel full

Aug. 11th, 2007


IJ sitescheme customisation

I've seen a lot of people saying that the siteschemes on InsaneJournal are eye-searing, so I made a tutorial on how to prettify them.

Unfortunately, this tutorial is only valid for people using Firefox, Opera or Epiphany. I *think* there's a way to make it work on Safari, so if someone could test it and write a tutorial, I could add/link to it from my post. I'm afraid IE users are stuck, though.

Feel free to pimp the tutorial far and wide, and to create new styles on

Aug. 10th, 2007


just in case...

I hope this is okay to post here. And feel free to plug this anywhere you see fit.

On the off chance that anyone wants to relocate to Blurty for whatever purpose, here is a comunity you will want to see.


If this is not allowed, please delete it!

I am helping people get to new journals. :) If you are interested in a Deadjournal, Lostjournal, or Journalfen please head here where you can request any of them or all three.

Also, if there is enough interest I can find around here, I'm thinking of starting a community on insanejournal just for people to help others get codes. (If it hasn't been done, has it?)

Aug. 9th, 2007


link list: site features and settings

A while ago I did a post in my journal trying to list helpful links concerning Insanejournal.

Right now there are links about:
basics (for example searching the FAQ, ToS and sitemap), insanejournal (settings and viewing options), rss feeds, client(s), abuse (how to report abuse and protect your journal from harassment), mood theme, to-do-list and posting via email.

I'm going to update the list regularly.
Tags: ,

Aug. 8th, 2007


the skunkworks of migration

(Originally for LiveJournal, then I thought better of it. All user-links are to LJ!)

EDITED: 16 August 2:00pm CT.

I am going to update this when I can, but please do not consider me the expert here. I have not checked all these links and the list is definitely incomplete. This is in many ways repeated in [info]elke_tanzer's fantastic link post, just grabbing the tech links in one place!

So please comment! I hope that you can all help me mine the flists for technology links, make corrections, and generally put it all in one place. Because honestly, even with a slow connection and multiple journals? Moving it all shouldn't take more than three days. Download the tools, clean up where you are, spread out where you'll be.

First off, be very awake when you do any of this!!

Frequently Forgotten checklist )

How to Pack Up & Leave LiveJournal (A Tutorial) Overview and links!
Entries, userpics, memories, voice posts, comments the-hard-way, scrapbook.

The Tools )

Still needed: tools for Macs, and the forwarding services and sites.



Since [info]das_dingsi pointed out the tag management things I went and added a few tags and I'm working back through the entries adding them to posts. I sincerely doubt I'll manage to get right back to the start, but still. :P

Current tags:
asylums, helpful, icons, lj update, newbie, outside link, question, retaliate, and I'll put in mod post just now as well. :)

Both add and edit have been set to friends, so as long as you're a member of the community you can add new tags, and edit/remove existing ones.

Have a happy elephant sign.


Better Business Bureau?

Why don't we complain?

Quite frankly, it didn't occur to me to complain to an American organization (I live outside America) but if we can do it online, then I suppose it's easier.

The problem is that right now, I don't think I have anything I could actually register as a complaint. LJ finally gave us guidelines -- which it's refusing to add to the TOS -- but it did give us guidelines. Complain for unreliable service and delays in answering valid concerns?

At any rate, I think that it comes a little too late but if we end up having to deal with a third round of Strikethrough '07 (has anyone seen an explanation yet for the bold, btw?), then maybe it'll be useful.


On Tags Features and Permission Levels

When I noticed that I couldn't add tags to asylum posts (unless they had been previously created by a moderator), I did some research and the official IJ FAQ didn't have the information I was looking for. So I wrote a quick tutorial on tag permission levels for asylums, and how to change them using the admin console. (english and german)

Asylums and Tags / Kategorien in Communities


Aug. 7th, 2007


Migrating tool for Mac

Ok, so people have been talking about LJ-Sec and the wonders it can do to pull posts from LJ. But now people on Mac can rejoice. Because there's a new tool that caters to this group. caters to a much larger group, but computer idiot that I am, I couldn't understand them. ^^;


Aug. 6th, 2007


Important- Caution about creating RSS feeds

We’re trying to get the word out that folks should NOT use actual usernames when creating RSS feeds from LJ to other services, as it may block those folks from creating new accounts at IJ (and presumably GJ and JF as well). Seems the RSS feed creates a “dummy account” at in order to feed out the incoming entries. More info at and in comments further down the entries.

Some of these RSS feeds at IJ now have a number of people who have picked them up. According to the response I got from IJ support, no one can delete the actual RSS feeds but the sysadmin. Anyway, I suggest that if you have tried to create an IJ (or GJ) account and found yourselves blocked, leave a comment here, so there is a list for the support ticket. Or even just to see if there are enough folks to affected to put in a support ticket.

And, just in case, if you're at IJ and have subscribed to a feed for someone who appears on the suport ticket list, you might want to check for a username variant in already place and switch to that instead, just in case the IJ sysadmin will delete some feeds for folks.

Aug. 3rd, 2007


Links to Back Up Your LiveJournal

A lot of people here probably know this, but just in case someone doesn't, I posted a round-up of links on how to backup your LJ to your hard drive and to other journaling sites.

The links are tucked into the middle of an over-all round-up post.

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