Jan. 15th, 2008


How to Archive and Repost Journal entries (windows)

What with GJ sinking fast, these instructions needed to be posted somewhere public and stable so people can have a reference on hand as they perform backups. I've also got a roundup of every tool and tutorial I could find here at my journal.

THIS IS NOT BY ME. This is the tutorial from the Official Issues Community on GJ. I asked and recieved permission to repost it elsewhere.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gynee at Greatestjournal on the Official Issues Community)

There are three different tutorials below:

1) Archiving/Backing up your journal entries and comments to your computer.
2) Exporting your journal entries and entering them to your new journal site.
3) A link to the tutorial for migrating communities.

Read more... )

Aug. 18th, 2007


Shouldn't that be a -1st strike...?

There have been first strike warnings issued to at least two LJers - one of whom had deleted the picture in question more than a week previous, but though it was completely inaccessible to her it was still on LJ's servers, and the other who had f-locked all her posts and posted age statements.

There's a summary by diachrony that explains it all and has the links in one handy place for your reading pleasure. Or torture. One of the two. Either way, there is discussion on exactly what this means if age statements don't mean anything and even deleting the pictures may not be enough.

Aug. 10th, 2007


Linking to suspension-worthy material

I came across this post talking about how posting a link to suspension-worthy material might get you suspended too (unless you removed the link).

A second thing that's quite interesting: yourlibrarian posted here that some feeds above 300kb will not be synced on InsaneJournal because it goes over the limit. So if your feeds aren't working, you might want to check this out.