Dec. 25th, 2007


Rules reminder

With the new influx of members, just a reminder to check the rules on the userinfo. While you're there, check the membership numbers - this asylum is watched by more people than [info]asylum_promo, [info]newcomers and [info]addme combined.

That said, I'd really like to keep this asylum for news and updates on journalling services and related such stuff, information to help people migrating, etc. Not addressing this at anyone in particular, just saying that telling us you've come over from LJ, looking for roleplaying games, asking about people's account status (statuses? stati?), etc, can all be just as easily done in other places.

There's over a thousand of you now and that's fabulous, but it also means that pretty soon moderating might actually require more than reading every post (though I read every post on my friends page anyway) and adding tags to entries that need it. Don't take it personally if an entry here or there gets deleted, yeah? :) Though I'm glad to say that I don't think I've ever seen much drama in the comments here, and that makes me a happy mod.

Thank you, and happy holidays, whatever you celebrate.

Dec. 11th, 2007


Asylum Maintenance

I've added a list of useful links on the asylum main page - Dingsi's newbie tutorial, Green's recent post about asylum creation, the [info]addme asylum and the two asylum directories, [info]fandomdirectory and [info]anime_directory.

Also a reminder for new users to read the rules on the userinfo. :)

Feel free to tell me if there's anything else you'd like to see.

Dec. 6th, 2007


Another note/welcome

Due to [info]squeaky's last post in [info]announcements telling us that GreatestJournal users are being directed to create new accounts here because of server strain there, I'm going to open the asylum up to talking about GJ issues as well. I expect that it will still mostly be about LJ simply because the problems going on there are just so insane and there's already a huge base of us from there, but GJ's technical problems are becoming increasingly overwhelming.

So, if you're coming over from GJ, welcome to our corner of the internet. If you have any questions or problems feel free to comment or email me and I'll do what I can to get you sorted out. Remember to use the tags list when you post, and I'll just go and add some for GJ now.

Dec. 4th, 2007


^_^ Greetings.

I feel I should join [info]squeaky in welcoming the new LJ-fleers to IJ. Hopefully you'll settle in nicely here. This asylum acts as a sort of halfway point to keep us up to date on what's happening on LJ, whether for wistful nostalgia's sake or pure trainwreck syndrome. Any questions can be directed to me, the owner/maintainer, by comment or email.

If you go to the main community page there's a list of tags down the side that you can use when making posts. I do my best to tag the posts that need it, but it always helps if the OP does it themself. :)

Aug. 11th, 2007


Mod Post

If you've been following the comments you should be able to guess pretty well what I'm going to say.

I've updated the info page again with new guidelines for the asylum. Originally there weren't really that many of us coming over from LJ, but as they dig their hole deeper and deeper there's been a huge influx of new users.

So, from now on we'd appreciate more with the 6A-related links and information, and less with the introductions and asylum pimps. I know we have a large membership here compared to [info]newcomers and [info]addme, but it's starting to get a bit unwieldy, especially when there's a lot of cross-posting. I think there was discussion of creating an asylum friending meme, so there will hopefully be a good place to take it to. (And since that asylum is directly related to refugees immigrants from LJ, it can be posted about here. :-))

There's also a link in the userinfo to the list of tags. I'm adding tags to new entries if I catch them but of course it's easiest if the OP does it, so people can go through the archives as painfully painlessly!! as possible.

Thanks everyone!

Aug. 8th, 2007



Since [info]das_dingsi pointed out the tag management things I went and added a few tags and I'm working back through the entries adding them to posts. I sincerely doubt I'll manage to get right back to the start, but still. :P

Current tags:
asylums, helpful, icons, lj update, newbie, outside link, question, retaliate, and I'll put in mod post just now as well. :)

Both add and edit have been set to friends, so as long as you're a member of the community you can add new tags, and edit/remove existing ones.

Have a happy elephant sign.