A central community for people to find out what's going on with SixApart's/SUP's amazing customer service skills and associated drama, as well as discussion related to user migration and joining the IJ community. Slightly trainwrecky, may have you headdesking in rage. Check the tag s list for older posts and as a guideline for how you should tag new posts.
As of December 6, 2007, the asylum will/can also be used for those migrating from GreatestJournal, due to squeaky's announcement on announcements that GJ's servers are overloaded and users are being directed to create journals here instead.
Note: Now that we have over 600 members, we'd prefer if generic info posts and random asylum pimps got taken to other communities, which are listed below. Relevant asylums, eg where_is_lj can still be posted about here. Transgressions are more likely to be overlooked if they come hand-in-hand with more relevant information. :-)
If you're looking for asylums to join, some places that may be of help:
To contact the mod use the email address above or poke me somewhere, keieeeye.
Guidelines on offensive and adult material, from the ToS:
Within the confines of international and local law, InsaneJournal.com will not place a limit on the type, or appropriateness of user content within journals. Those users posting material not suitable for all audiences must agree that they are fully responsible for all the content they have posted anywhere on the service. Should content be deemed illegal by such law having jurisdiction over the user, InsaneJournal.com is committed to submitting all necessary information to the proper authorities;
Should any Content be reported to InsaneJournal.com as being offensive or inappropriate, InsaneJournal.com might call upon the author to retract, modify, or protect (by means of private and friends only settings) the Content in question within a reasonable amount of time, as set forth by the InsaneJournal.com staff. Should the author fail to meet such a request from InsaneJournal.com staff, InsaneJournal.com has the full authority to terminate any such reported and verified offensive account holding such inappropriate content. InsaneJournal.com, however, is under no obligation to restrict or monitor journal Content in any way;
And from the FAQ:
Also, InsaneJournal has many users that are legally underage to view explict material. Because of this, in some cases, stricter guidelines can be imposed. In particular, posts to non-age-restricted communities, comments in others' journals, and default user picture icons should be kept free of explicit content.
If you frequently post material to your journal that can be considered of an "adult" nature, InsaneJournal asks that you place a warning in your User Information ("bio") to that nature, warning that underage users should not view your journal. This is not mandatory, but can serve to protect both you and InsaneJournal.
If you are the maintainer of a community in which users regularly post explicit images, you must monitor the membership of your community carefully to make sure that all of your members are of legal age to view such material. Again, this is to protect both you and InsaneJournal.