Jan. 19th, 2009


State of the Goat, 2008

Complete with anchored category links for your convenience.


(Personally, I'm amazed that three pages in, there's still no macros...)

Jan. 6th, 2009


LJ employees sacked

SUP sacked a number of employees in their San Francisco office. no_lj_ads has a tiny summary and a few links to a few sources (they call it the Grim Purge which I find inappropriate...)

Mar. 13th, 2008


Give LiveJournal Just One More Chance!

Just kidding.

The latest smooth move by 6A/SUP (no more accounts without ads unless you pay up) put me in a nostalgic mood.

I've summarized LiveJournal's greatest customer service disasters, going back to April 2005.

Remember Nipple Gate!

It's a history lesson of fail.

Dec. 29th, 2007


LJ Automatically Removes Videos Marked "Explicit Adult Content"

I am not sure if this issue was discussed here before, you are welcome to delete this post if it was.

I am on IJ now (going permanent soon)  but keep a basic LJ account to keep in touch with friends. Today I decided to post imbedded video in one of my entries. That video was a joke and had some naked Barbie Dolls having sex as explicit content *cough, cough*. OK, I know that I am immature! 

My journal is set to Adult Concepts because, frankly, I don't see why anyone under 14 would want to read my entries nor would I want them to. But I digress. I posted that "Barbie Porn" video in a f-locked post. And then I decided to use "Explicit Adult Content" setting for the first time. Just being a responsible adult and censoring my own entry.

LJ automatically removed a video in the entry marked "Explicit Adult Content"!!!
All I had left on my Recent Entries page was written staff.
So, I deleted the entry altogether.

Perhaps everybody already knows about this, but to me it was a total shock. My entry was never public, going from "private" to "friendslocked". But video content got removed as soon as marked "Explicit". And it's quite possible that the fact of auto-removal of "adult" video from my journal is tallied somewhere in my account stats. 

The very first use of Explicit self-censoring was a huge disappointment and I am not inclined to repeat this experience.
I used to think that it was a useful tool, a convenience, but the way it's implemented - no.

Dec. 23rd, 2007


Poll time!

Poll #740 Reasons for migration
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Which was the worst journaling experience that made you migrate here to Insanejournal?

View Answers

Livejournal strikethrough, 07?
167 (69.9%)

Greatestjournal's owner system's constant unpredictable restrictions?
58 (24.3%)

48 (20.1%)

Dec. 10th, 2007


Russian Blogger Faces Jail

Found via [info]escapee_of_lj, a translation of a Russian article about a Russian blogger who is being criminally charged for something he wrote on LJ.


Dec. 8th, 2007


Right off the bat SUP alienates its users.

Thanks to nebris over at CommieJournal.com I found this little trinket of information.


Apparently SUP is starting to remove the search capability for certain interests while keeping a double standard for those that really should be in the current ban-list.