Jan. 14th, 2009


Update on GJ: Good News and Bad News

Well appearently greatestjournal is back up and running.

So the good news if anyone wants old entires or icons you can get them.

Bad News is that you only have two weeks.

When I tried to test comment, of course I couldn't do it BUT I was redirected to a page and got the following message:

Server no longer maintained and will be closed Jan 30 2009 - Please use LiveJournal or ljarchive

So if you want icons from communities such as rpg_icons, if you have old rp sls you wanna save, or anything else you wanna save from that site YOU HAVE TWO WEEKS SO DO IT NOW.

Jan. 6th, 2009


It finally happened. lol

Does anyone remember GreatestJournal? Well it's finally down. I was on it yesterday and it was working fine so it must of happened within the last 24 hours.

What I keep on getting is:

403 Denied
GJ is currently down - Please go to LiveJournal

Old users: you can backup all entries and comment with ljarchive

As of January 6, 2009, after a year of issues, GreatestJournal is finally dead. Oh well.

Check this out http://greatestjournal.com/