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Aug. 4th, 2007


More migration--

The [info]100_women community now has an IJ base, and previous entries will more than likely be imported by Friday.

[info]trialia (trinity1986@LJ), co-moderator.

Aug. 3rd, 2007


Any Pokémon fans here?

'Cause I just finished making/working on a Pokémon Wi-Fi trading community, so all the video gamers can keep out of the hair of those who couldn't give a hoot about the games. xD




Since I have a feeling we'll be getting an influx of new folks after this latest round of WTFery from LJ/6A, I want to take a moment to point out [info]fandomdirectory which is still in the process of getting up and running, but is aiming to be a one-stop shop for fannish folks to find IJ asylums that they might enjoy (and to keep from having six asylums for the exact same thing).

Check it out :)

~an LJ refugee from May who is quite happy here.


I am starting up a Fullmetal Alchemist fan community and a Hellsing fan community on Insanejournal in light of the new deletions. Please join and contribute to these new divisions of fandom!


Jul. 26th, 2007


Fan Finder

Throughout LJ, we're seeing fans talking about one or both of these: whether to fight or move, and places to reach them. Either way, fans want to preserve their communities. ETA: We meant _all_ communities not just journal communities. Your friends, your acquaintances, the people who e-mail you when disaster strikes, the people you meet at cons.

[info]fanfinder addresses that need. Post contact info across several journal systems. If one goes down, all is not lost.

fanfinder on Blurty.
fanfinder on GJ.
fanfinder on LJ.

Fight the scatter.

Jul. 24th, 2007


Further to elfwreck's post

Tonight I was wondering whether my lack of connectivity to LiveJournal was me, them or something bigger. Happily I came across elfwreck's post, which has cleared up the issue.

However, as [info]elfwreck said this is somewhat off-topic for this community. So I felt it would be useful for those of us who still are using LiveJournal to have a community in which we can make queries, place notices and exchange information about downtime at the LiveJournal site.

So I present: [info]where_is_lj.

Hope that some of you will join.

Jun. 26th, 2007


New Asylum & a question

I looked for one and found that this journal is lacking an asylum: search for beta readers (and offering services).

So I created one for such purposes: [info]beta_readers.

Happy beta'ing. =)

x-posting to asylum_promo

"Looking for a Diversified fanfiction asylum"

Is there an asylum that has multi-fandom fanfiction? o.O Especially for ones that are not so well known like the manga, Girl Got Game. :S

If there's none, I'll create another asylum but with the sole purpose of writing for lesser known fandom.

Edit:: I've created another asylum about the above question! [info]unknown_fandom, which will accept pretty much any kind of works like fan fiction and fanart (and I suppose icons too, now that I think about it...)

Jun. 10th, 2007


Another Refugee...

I've toddled on over here.
And...I think the same complaint that everyone usually has...
My friends didn't follow me.  >.<
I'm looking forward to making new friends here!

Also, on an unrelated note...
I got all my icons (except for my OTP one) from memegen.  Does anybody know a new comm here where I can ask if anybody knows who I should credit, or know who to credit for any of these?

Jun. 8th, 2007


Another New Com

I created [info]hpslash since there didn't seem to be a main community for Harry Potter Slash fanworks on IJ. Feel free to join and post your fanworks & discussion topics. Femmeslash is welcome as well.

Jun. 7th, 2007


New Asylum - Jossverse Syndication

[info]jossverse_syn - an asylum for posting/sharing syndication feeds that pertain to anything in the Jossverse (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series, Firefly, Serenity, Joss Whedon, etc.).

Open posting. Keep it on-topic.

Thank you.


Jun. 6th, 2007


[info]the_frog is here.
Frog brought [info]psycho_froggy for Frog's loyal followers

Jun. 7th, 2007


:( I was going to post to [info]gamers about how I'm getting my DS soon (just waiting for it to be shipped) when I realised I'm not a member yet because it's moderated membership, and the maintainer's last post was in 2004. Now I'm trying to decide if I should start a new one or leave it to someone else...

Jun. 6th, 2007


From LJ to IJ anonymously

Hi, Stevie here, I'm happy to find a safe haven from two things, the way LJ is going, and from my current online friends. It appears that none of them are coming over here so that makes me glad. Though, to protect my identity, it saddens me to say that I can't divulge my identity for fear of "that one person that did come over here" paranoia. Which means that I hope to get to know a lot of new people here, and I've listed my interests as such in my profile but a quick run up are: manga, anime, cosplay, drawing, reading, graphic design (I'm majoring in this as well), writing, internet, Jesus and (extreme) sports.

I've also created a community asylum not affiliated with cosplay on LJ, [info]cosplay. I hope to see this community asylum flourish. =) And apparently I need to remember it's not "community," it's, "asylum." I keep forgetting. D:

Also, for clarification's sake, I'm female.

So, hi. =)


Oh, dear god, what have I done?

I just made [info]fanficrants

Don't worry. I'll make sure there's bert/ernie mod tags.

- one of the mods on FFR@Eljay

Jun. 5th, 2007


[info]btvs_icontest and [info]bigbadfic

For fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, whether you're taken of fanfiction or graphics, we have groups for both.

[info]btvs_icontest is an icon contest asylum for the artistically inclined - and those that like to admire the talents of others. We've just posted our first challenge, so come out and enter - or just lend your support!

[info]bigbadfic is for fanfiction - or fanfic featuring vampire Spike to be specific! If you like to write or read fanfiction about the sexiest peroxide blond vamp in the Jossverse, come over and join us. We'll even make Spike promise not to bite, unless you want him to, that is. ::wink::


Kinda like LJ's brutal Honesty but without the attitude of "Its not brutal, you're an idiot". Brutal, lame, whatever... as long as its interesting and/or well written :)

Confess your secrets, get something off your chest, rant, whine, whatever... as long as there's a point.

Yeah, responses can be harsh and even judgmental, but within reason. Snark is allowed.

"If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees."
Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)

I'm also tempted to create another bad sex comm, if anyone would be interested in it... the's always amusement to be found there. :)

Jun. 3rd, 2007


For the Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney fans: [info]gyakuten_saiban

I see it as pretty much a clone of the original back on LJ.


New asylum. :)

[info]mmorpgs for the discussion of any and all MMORPGs. :)


New comm


Not one-hundred percent sure what it'll turn into--either Rp or a discussion board, depending on who joins and what folks want, but the focus will be on the horror genre from books, film and TV. Feeel free to join as yourself or as a horror-based character. We'll figure out what to make the place into once you all get there. *g*


Community directory

We might as well try and keep a running list of the asylums here, especially the fandom ones but the general ones too - like LJ has metaquotes and bad_rpers_suck and things. :P I don't expect there's many at the moment, but it'll help people coming in later to keep track.

A NOTE: If you're creating a new asylum, [info]squeaky would love it if you posted about it to [info]asylum_promo, too. That way people watching that asylum can learn about all the new places being set up.

Cut for convenience )

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