[info]caersidi in [info]07refugees

Further to elfwreck's post

Tonight I was wondering whether my lack of connectivity to LiveJournal was me, them or something bigger. Happily I came across elfwreck's post, which has cleared up the issue.

However, as [info]elfwreck said this is somewhat off-topic for this community. So I felt it would be useful for those of us who still are using LiveJournal to have a community in which we can make queries, place notices and exchange information about downtime at the LiveJournal site.

So I present: [info]where_is_lj.

Hope that some of you will join.


Great idea! Have joined.
I joined.

I actually find it rather hilarious that my friendslist is all going "lol lj". But I'm also sad, because I was reading the fandom_wank post about all the muddying the waters "clarifying" 6A was doing and there's a link to a thread I really want to read on one of the posts on lj_biz. Sigh.