Pokémon Wi-Fi Connection @ InsaneJournal.com's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Pokémon Wi-Fi Connection @ InsaneJournal.com

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Layouts change. [17 Sep 2007|12:19pm]

[ mood | busy ]

As some of you may have already noticed. I'm in the process of changing the community layout and userinfo layout. Please watch out for falling Poké Balls and other items as I complete the process. :)

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Magbies. Can I interest anyone in a magby? [21 Aug 2007|01:33pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

Guh, my boyfriend wanted the perfect EV trained team and decided that he needed a specific Pokemon with the right IV's / Nature. So I went to work and now I have fifty-million of the little things. Well, that is a bit of an exaggeration I suppose. I do have three boxes full of them and would like to cut down a little on my list ._.; I plan to release them all eventually... but for now, any one want one?

You can give me trade fodder if you like for one. I can look down the specific nature by request, but can not guarantee if I will have it or not.

Leave a comment and we'll work something out. I rather someone have a couple if they can use it than release them.

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Breaking the ice. [11 Aug 2007|12:32pm]

[ mood | calm ]

I figured I would begin the community's activity by saying I have Pokémon up for trade in my personal journal on an open, public entry. :) They are not all that I have in my possession, just that I have not taken the time to finish the list. Included in this trade post, I will be trading all Legendaries from each Gen. Each are legit and will hold an item of choice.

Let's get this community more active and established. :)

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Journal Affiliates. [03 Aug 2007|06:22pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Under the cut )

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Friend Codes Directory. [03 Aug 2007|05:41pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Directory under the cut for Courtesy )

In-game Name:
Friend Code:

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The Community Blacklist. [03 Aug 2007|05:41pm]

[ mood | calm ]

Currently there aren't any people to be added to the Blacklist. Let's try to keep it this way.

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Welcome! [03 Aug 2007|05:40pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Welcome to Pokémon Wi-Fi! If you want to, you may ask to be affiliated on the userinfo. Only communities, please, as we don't want the userinfo to get clogged up with everything and anything just yet. There will be a post following this one for a Blacklist, one for a Friend Code list and another for where the journal Affiliates will be placed.

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