Asylum InformationBelow is information about the "Asylum Promotion" asylum on InsaneJournal. To join this asylum, click here. You may leave the asylum at any time.
User: | asylum_promo (7703) Asylum Promotion
Find the right asylum for you! |
Theme: | Asylum Promotion | ||||||||||
About: | This is the place to promote your InsaneJournal asylums (communities)! Please include all asylums into one entry, rather than posting several different times. Happy searching and promoting!
Contacting ModsIf you have a question or issue regarding this asylum, you can contact ![]() ![]() ![]() Rules & RegulationsDue to vast population increase, the following guidelines have been implemented to help everything run as smoothly as possible:
Other IJ Official Asylums
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Interests: | 68: active, activity, advertise, advertising, area, art, asylum, asylums, blog, blogging, clubs, coding, communities, community, entertainment, fandom, fandoms, fanfic, friends, fun, graphics, groups, hobby, ideas, ij, insane, insanejournal, interest, interesting, interests, internet, maintain, maintainer, maintaining, member, members, memberships, mod, moderator, moderators, mods, movies, music, networking, new, official, official asylums, old, post, posts, promo, promote, promoting, promotion, religion, role playing, rp, share, social, special interests, sports, squeaky, support, tv shows, tweak, users, writers, writing | ||||||||||
Maintainers: | 4: bri, i_, keieeeye, squeaky | ||||||||||
Members: | 50000: View Members. | ||||||||||
Account type: | Official Asylum |