Where is LiveJournal?

December 29th, 2008

Scheduled Maintaince or just Down Time? @ 05:57 pm

Current Mood: confused

Has LJ planned to be down and I missed the announcement since I live at work, or has the site just taken a timeout? I can't seem to get the page to show up and it takes a long time to tell me that it's not going to show up.

ETA: Saw the link for the status page in a post below, and it says that the site is having database problems. I guess this is a head's up then.


LiveJournal Status
LiveJournal may be unresponsive or slow to load due to some database problems we're experiencing. Our Operations staff is working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

11:39 pm GMT (Monday, December 29)

November 22nd, 2008

(no subject) @ 04:03 pm

Um, does anyone know why LJ is now just a blank white screen?

October 26th, 2008

Anybody know what's up with LJ? @ 11:18 am

I know there's supposed to be downtime in a few days, but I can't get in this morning, though status.livejournal.org says it's all fine.

ETA: And it appears to be back, at least for the moment.

October 3rd, 2008

Anybody else? @ 01:45 am

Is anyone else having trouble accessing LJ right now?

The .org status page isn't reporting any problems, but I can't reach the site.

ETA: One hour later, LJ seems to be back now. I wonder if the downtime had to do with the hackers they'd been having trouble with earlier this week. ETA2: And in the time it took me to post this update the site went down again.

ETA3: 1h15m after I originally posted this entry, LJ is back up and I've just filed a support request to ask them what happened.

August 26th, 2008

down for a while @ 07:25 am

It's about 7:30am (EST) and apparently LiveJournal's been down for about 5 hours so far?

No update on status.livejournal.org, which was last updated 4:44 am GMT (Tuesday, July 15).

Why did LJ die? :(

edit: LiveJournal never finishes loading, and nothing will display. On my status bar, it just shows that it's stuck on "Transferring data from p-stat.livejournal.com..."

I'm using Firefox v2 (Windows XP), and I'm in the states. It also won't load in IE.

I wonder why no one's said anything in so many hours...

edit x2: ~10:40am EST, LJ seems to be back up again. That was a lot of hours of downtime!

July 15th, 2008

LJ's down @ 12:17 am

It's been down for about ten minutes now (that I noticed -- it might have been down already while I was AFK.) Here's their status message:

Livejournal.com is currently unavailable for a brief emergency maintenance. We'll be up again shortly.

Thank you for your patience.


Here's status.livejournal.org info, now with incomplete sentences:

LiveJournal is currently. Our Operations staff is working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

3:48 am GMT (Tuesday, July 15)

December 2nd, 2007

LJ is down, down, down @ 06:16 pm

At the moment, none of 6A's sites are up: http://status.sixapart.com/

Edit: LJ's back up, but they've been sold! http://news.livejournal.com/104520.html

July 25th, 2007

Good Morning InsaneJournal! @ 08:12 am

LJ is back-up and there a news item has been posted.

Heroic effort. @ 02:39 pm

LJ is back up. I've managed to log on, and the database (at least as it affects me personally) doesn't seem to be affected. It's a bit slow, but it's up.

July 24th, 2007

(no subject) @ 09:39 pm

LJ appears to be back up but running a bit slowly.

But it is up.

According to the 6A staus page @ 08:41 pm

As of 7:25pm they had TypePad up and running.

As of 7:45 they started working on Vox.

LJ is still getting no love. :(

July 25th, 2007

(no subject) @ 01:38 am

Current Mood: annoyed

http://status.livejournal.com/ is back now but LJ itself isn't. The status page doesn't have anything useful on it just this:

"LiveJournal is down. There has been a power outage at our data center. We are working as quickly as possible to restore service."

But it's something, right?

July 24th, 2007

Amusing Press Release by LJ's server host @ 04:51 pm

I stumbled across this article on Mashable: the server host company that SixApart apparently uses, 365Main, had issued a press release today celebrating its continuous uptime record. But the best part? This quote:

…The company’s San Francisco facility includes two complete back-up systems for electrical power to protect against a power loss. In the unlikely event of a cut to a primary power feed, the state-of-the-art electrical system instantly switches to live back-up generators, avoiding costly downtime for tenants and keeping the data center continuously running.

The Mashable article is here.

July 25th, 2007

SF Power Outage Reported on Slashdot @ 12:53 am

I felt a great disturbance in the Internet, as if millions of geeks suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened. - comment by MsGeek@slashdot.org about the SF power outage.

Here is article on Slashdot about the outage. Interestingly, initial reports were of that the outage was caused by a drunken employee.

July 24th, 2007

LJ coming back slowly @ 03:43 pm

Power is being restored to our data center, and TypePad, LiveJournal, Vox are each bring brought back online carefully.

From http://twitter.com/sixapart

LJ Access 24th July 2007 @ 11:38 pm

I haven't been able to access LiveJournal since 22:00 GMT. It may have been down earlier but I only tried to log on at that point.

Happily [info]elfwreck posted about the situation over at the Refugees from Strikethrough 07 community.

Further information can be found in comments to the entry.

Where is LiveJournal?