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Dec. 22nd, 2010




Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 200, very early morning

HaHA! Well, that’s enough of that, isn’t it?

[You awaken. You are lying on the Arena floor, in exactly the same health as when you answered the last Call. It seems like ... everyone is here, though some are slower to wake that others.

As you lift your head... you see possibly the most enormous spider you could ever imagine... were it intact and not well broken and torn to pieces, ichor covering a great deal of the Arena. As you watch, it is crumbling, becoming sand... and simply falling away as if it never were. Beside it, an empty loom cracks and falls apart piece by piece as well.

Enormous bloody pawprints lead away towards the Arena doors.

The King is on the throne.]

Up a little late aren’t you? I would run along now, if I were you.

Dec. 3rd, 2010




[Once again, that strange patchwork of light and reality bathes the arena. Deep, impenetrable darkness wars with scattered rays of light, illuminating tiny slices of some seemingly unconnected scenery. Here a patch of lush, bluish tinged grass is warmed by the sun and blown by the breeze. There half of a delicate stone fountain is bathed in the first morning light... And over there you see a strange, fuzzy creature skittering and scrambling up a sheer rock face, ducking nervously in and out of shadows.

Scenes like this are scattered throughout the entire Arena without any sense of rhyme or reason... But as you walk further, you find yourself having to step on or around more and more thread. Fourteen shades of fine thread loop, scatter and tangle, condensing and congregating below the throne... leading to fourteen looms, each with a primitive, fuzzy picture coming into view, line by line- starting with the sky at the top.

When you look directly at the throne, it seems empty. It is only out of the corners of your eyes do you catch fleeting glimpses... sometimes fingers twined with thread... sometimes a face: matured with age, but warm and kindly.]

W... d...seek.... ?

Nov. 21st, 2010




Who: Lepus (and I guess Mono can come too if they want)
Where: Lepus dorms
When: Day 194, bright and early ♥
What: Team meeting! And other things...

[This morning Emiri can be found seated bright and early at the breakfast table with our breakfast that doesn't exist because Bunnycorn members are probably all still asleep and warm in their beds. If you weren't awake already, you can be assured that Emiri came and woke you and asked if you could please join her in the common room. Although it probably didn't sound as polite as that, and was probably less of a request than you think.]

Good morning all!

I hope you're all feeling fresh and chirpy, 'cause it's a new day! And before that day gets underway any more than it already is, we are, once and for all, finally going to have a proper team meeting! Aren't you excited? I'm excited! So, ah, get yourselves comfortable, yeah?

Nov. 9th, 2010



Who: >_>
Where: To Ophiuchus, then elsewhere
When: Day 189, when the torches are dark

[She couldn't get him out of her head. Every time she closed her eyes, there was his smile, his eyes, his ragged, pained last breaths. And so, she made up her mind. She made up a thermos of what may or may not have constituted as tea, but at least it was caffeinated. Scraps of lunch and half of her dinner were carefully horded and tucked away- it was a long walk after all. On her bed she left a note,


Sorry, if you get to this note before I get back. (Though really, you should be in bed, you know!) I have to see go see him. I can't help it. Maybe it's a bad idea, but I'm going anyway. That's just how it is! I can't do anymore sitting around and waiting. Please don't worry, I'll take someone with me that I know will look after me. I'll be back by morning.


And now she was knocking on his door.]

Hmm, I wonder if they'll be annoyed it's this late. Maybe I should have asked earlier. Do you think? Aaah, probably, probably.

Oct. 30th, 2010



Game 116

Who: All Blanks
Where: The Arena
When: Day 186, late evening
What: Game 116

[You are called to the Arena by the sounds of an impatient tapping. The statue that looks down upon you is stern, the face gaunt, and sardonically amused. The arena has several terminals again, screens lit and displaying nothing but a command prompt.

A paper is in front of each terminal, with several lines of options that seem to get more complex as they go along. The only instructions on them is a simple "Circle one, fill out one sheet per team."

[Battle / Parlay
Logic / Emotion
Self preservation / Public good
Unity / Divide and conquer
To live out your time well / Seek eternal life
The practicality of duty / The wisdom of exploration
The game / The result of the game]

Today should be a fairly straightforward experiment. Heh, I highly anticipate your results... and will be greatly interested in what you discover of yourselves today. I do encourage wholehearted participation.

Fill out the forms in front of you... we will begin as you finish.

Answer sheets!
Post-game Mingling]

((OOC: Straightforward choose your adventure game! Grading will be done at the end on a variety of factors! We will start in an hour to an hour and a half depending on as I finish prep!))

Oct. 17th, 2010




Who: Monoceros and Surgeon
Where: Arena
When: Day 181, early morning
What: fixin's

[two white blanks are heading back into the Arena the morning following the good end celebrations]

... It's almost as though it never happened.

Sep. 19th, 2010




Who: Cygnus, visitors
Where: Dorms
When: Day 171, noon/post-game
What: Catching-up and stuffs

[This is a post, people are here.]

Sep. 11th, 2010



Who: Lepus, Edward Elric, Sohma Shigure
Where: The Operating Room
When: Day 168, late evening (so game day antics can happen without worry)
What: Penalty times 1/2

[As the torches truly begin to dim, Delphinus and Hydra hear a heavy metallic rapping on the door. No matter whom answered the door, certain people are taken this time, perhaps by design or by lottery. The Assistant merely bows to the person at the door before they disappear... or as someone inside simply vanishes.

Lepus, on the other hand, simply feels a comfortable, but firm tug towards the door. When the open it... it is to a simple, white, aseptic room.]

Pre-Game Ed and Shigure
Pre-Game Lepus

Time Out - Shigure
First Stage - Shigure
Second Stage - Shigure
Shigure - Clean up

Time Out - Edward
First Stage - Edward
Second Stage - Edward
Third Stage - Edward
Edward - Clean up))

Jun. 28th, 2010




Who: Any
Where: The large Common Area south of Pyxis and Cygnus
When: Day 143, noon

[It's a very reasonable hour that a metallic knock comes at the door. There's no answer to any query as to who it is or what they want, but the hiss and clank of a certain clockwork man is unmistakable to those who've heard him before.

If you chose to follow it, you will eventually reach a large common area to the south and west of Cygnus and Pyxis. There's no statue or spiders, but there is a definite feeling of a heavy presence staring at you.]

I suppose this is all.

((OOC: I'm out for now! I will pick up threads tomorrow, but feel free to timespace healings. Just remember to comment so I know who to bother later~))

Jun. 20th, 2010



Who: Bones, Surgeon
Where: Outside the Canis dorms
When: Day 140, early evening
What: Doctor doctor. There is, in fact, a doctor muttering to himself.

I suppose today wasn't completely bad. Except for these damn terrible living conditions. We might as well be in the stone age.

Mar. 28th, 2010



Who: Anyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 117, evening
What: The going-away party of Gaius Octavian

[Today in the arena, a very particular Call was given out, heard by any outside, and those inside who might have been listening.. It is a strange octave, almost regal, with the deep sound of brass horns and cadence of drums. As one gets closer, they might hear something a bit like winds, but of a strange harmony that doesn't match any instrument a Blank may have remembered. Strings on a slightly different chord and pitch, the range dancing at a joyous counterpoint to the solemn, majestic trumpets.

Those who have heard, one in particular, and all those following the unique sound, will find the Arena unusually appointed. Banners of all teams colors stretch overhead, red taking the pinnacle spot.

Without the trappings of a game, what seems to be laid out is a long table, a multitude of chairs and covered plates sitting upon table cloth of Pyxis red and Cygnus pink. The music seems to come from all around, and the general area before the tables seems to be open, inviting for those inclined to dance. There is a less austere table, far to the back, which seems to have simple snacks, one single platter of fruit, and some juices and wines.

In the throne, presiding over it all is the statue of the King, expression thoughtful as it overlooks the festivities.]

((If you wish to play a JUDGE in this post, #sabra_la_iudex

Everybody else
Memory pie
King's doing something.

Mar. 27th, 2010




Who: Hydracula
When: Day 116, late evening (Slightly Backdated)

[Nestled within the angerdome are two teams, a terrible cat, one yippy cave corgi and two hands onna rope on ice. One of these is not as common as the others.]

So, we ready to do this?

Mar. 14th, 2010




Who: Whoever
Where: Outside Monoceros and Lepus
When: Day 114, morning
What: Mostly Armless Demon Fail Leader seeks Missing Monoceros

[the one-armed man is exiting his dorm with intentions!!]

Where are they...

Feb. 6th, 2010




Who: Lepus & their faaaaaaaaaavorite Judge & later on Monoceros probably
Where: Lepus, with the door open
When: Day 104, late night

Surgeon! Hey, Surgeon, are you listening? I need to ask you something!

[starts tapping on his spider mark like a rat hitting the button for a food pellet]

Jan. 24th, 2010




Who: Lepus
Where: The Waiting Room
When: Day 101

[You find yourselves suddenly in a white waiting room. There doesn't seem to be any doors, but there is a closed window, and a simple bell on the sill in front of it. There is a strong smell of antiseptic in the air, and there's not a great deal to look at. The only spots of color in this room are a few magazines on a simple, white table.]

Nov. 21st, 2009




Who: Allen
Where: Common Area
When: BACKDATED, Day 78 Dead Morning ----> Present Day 82 Evening after the game.
What: What happened to Allen Walker?

[Shortly after this talk, Allen stops walking home, and stands quietly. It's a while before he speaks.]

Hey... Surgeon.

Oct. 31st, 2009



Session 2

Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 74, late evening
What: Game 54, Session 2

I believe that is enough time.

[You find yourself back in the arena... the screens are turning back on as you are finding your team's station...]

Game Start-Storage Room
Hallway, Downstairs
Hallway, Upstairs
Dorms 2
Aftermath threads.
Hypothesis thread.

((Memories and stuff shall go up later todayyyy after I've had sleep. Thank you guys all so much.))

Oct. 30th, 2009



Game 54 start

Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 74, afternoon
What: Game 54

[An irritable tapping cadence summons you to the arena. The Surgeon is sitting on the throne today, and at his feet, there are chairs and desk consoles with computer screens and writing tablets in front of them. Each of them are in a certain team color, with enough monitors and pads for every team member. The chairs look singularly uncomfortable.]

Hmmm... Lets see if performances are a little more... up to standard this time. I trust you will grasp the mechanics of the experiment quickly enough.

The project will start shortly, in the meantime, there is an exercise available to perform to demonstrate some cognitive function. Surprise me.

Game Start
Komui's Post
Med Room?
Poison's Room
Decisions Discussions