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Apr. 28th, 2011


Who: Poe and Aaron (With special guest star Uncle Preston!)
What: Pizza, Movies, and a Sleepover
Where: Bathos 502
When: Wednesday night
Warnings: Boyish shenanigans and Aaron being the mayor of Oblivious Town.

He may not have a clue and he may not have style / But everything he lacks he makes up in denial )

Mar. 27th, 2011


Who: Evie and Poe
What: Meetings and healings
Where: Aubade
When: Sunday
Warnings: None

The only thing he knew just then was that he hadn't been able to dance in a week. )

Mar. 25th, 2011


Who: Poe and Blake
What: Kisses
Where: The fire escape, inside Bathos 106
When: After this
Warnings: Kisses?

Poe's breath caught in his chest when Blake touched him. )

Mar. 21st, 2011


Who: Shiloh, Poe, and Preston
What: A hospital visit
Where: The hospital near Harmartia
When: The morning after the blackout
Warnings: None to speak of. Awkward father and son moments?

He kept blinking quickly to avoid crying, because he was going to be more mature from now on, no matter how much it hurt. )

Mar. 20th, 2011


Who: Poor injured Poe and Uncle Preston
What: Transfer to the hospital.
Where: The hospital nearest Hamartia.
When: After this mess.
Warnings: Some mature topics under discussion, as apparently this is the best time to grill Preston about his preferences.

Because fighting three boys and losing was ok, but running from three boys and getting kicked to pieces so wasn’t. )

Mar. 18th, 2011


Who: Matty, Poe and Preston
What: Checking on Mockingbird related injuries
Where: Hamartia
When: During the blackout
Warnings: Some talk of gay-bashing, blood

Matty had given the paramedics a piece of her mind when they said that there would be a delay in getting the ambulance sent out to pick up Poe. )

Mar. 16th, 2011


Who: In order of appearance: Shiloh, Blake, Preston, & Poe
What: A ballet performance
Where: The Performing Arts … Place.
When: A while ago; long before the blackout.
Warnings: None.

A hush passed over the audience and the curtains parted. )

Mar. 15th, 2011



Who: Everyone
What: Blackout
Where: The three building lobbies
When: 3/15/11
Warnings: These are party style threads, with one thread for each building. Proceed with caution, and please warn in the subject line for explicit activity.

When the sun sets over Seattle on the Ides of March, the city's power suddenly stops humming. Everything goes dark, and dark it will remain until sunrise the following day. Cell towers are non operational, modems do not work, street lights are dark and the city is plunged into eerie silence. Those residents with radios will hear that the blackout is unexplained, that the power company cannot fix what isn't broken. The lobby of all three buildings is dimly lit via generator, more darkness than light and not enough brightness to even make out the features of those collected there, the walls painted with shadows and imagined fears. That is all the power the buildings afford.

Mar. 12th, 2011


Who: Shiloh Preston & Poe Moira
What: Pre-performance meeting
Where: Poe’s Ballet School
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: Angst.

Read more... )

Mar. 9th, 2011


Who: Blake and Poe
What: A visit
Where: The Aubade
When: After this.
Warnings: Inappropriate kissing?

I can breathe and I can smile, whisper it'll be worth my while )


Who: Bly, Luke, Poe and Valerie
What: Fake IDs and older women
Where: Rick's Bar
When: Last Friday
Warnings: Boyish awkwardness?

Using fake IDs to get into a bar so Bly could attempt to pick up older women wasn't one of their better ideas. )


Who: Preston, Shiloh, and Poe
What: Who’s the daddy?
Where: The Ballet School, then off to eat lunch.
When: Monday afternoon
Warnings: Boys being stupid?

Read more... )

Mar. 3rd, 2011


Who: Blake and Poe
What: Blake checks in on the apartment he's paying for
Where: Hamartia
When: Todayish in the AM
Warnings: None

Poe didn’t know about Creations, and he didn’t know about Musings. )

Feb. 24th, 2011


Who: Poe and Preston
What: A confusing run-in with his uncle
Where: Near Sparke Industries
When: This morning
Warnings: None

Poe's first ballet lesson since being accepted into the program let out late, which meant he was going to be late to his first day of his father's class. )


Who: Blake and Poe
What: Poe gets a scholarship, is excited, and Blake tries and fails not to want to corrupt the innocent.
Where: The Ballet company performance
When: Recently
Warnings: Swearing, unsurprisingly

wanderers this morning came by, where do they go graceful in the morning light? )