August 2015




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Apr. 20th, 2014


Who: Regulus and Bellatrix
Where: Somewhere between the castle and central village.
What: A random meeting between two cousins.
When: Monday afternoon

So I find words I never thought to speak, in streets I never thought I should revisit. )

Mar. 17th, 2014


Who: Rodolphus and Bellatrix
What: Answering the Call
When: Before the battle kicks off
Where: Just outside the perimeter where the DE's are gathering

Pausing his steps he took his bearing and felt certain he knew which direction he was being hailed to. )

Dec. 25th, 2013


Proper society dictates certain behaviors.
Presents from Rodolphus to Bellatrix, Draco, Melin, Narcissa, Pansy, Peter, Rabastan, Severus


Gifts from Romilda to Albus, Analisa, Ariana, Ava, Bellartix, Charity, Daphne, Demelza, Draco, Lucy, Minerva, William

Professors and students not listed receive a hand made ball ornament reflecting their Hogwarts house.

Dec. 8th, 2013


Who: Bellatrix and Peter
What: Blowing things up
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Outside the walls
Rating: PG-13? TBD

Bellatrix was in a mood. )

Oct. 21st, 2013


Who: Evan Rosier, Bellatrix Black
What: Dark Arts training
When: Sunday afternoon, October 20
Where: One of the southern islands
Rating: Medium?
Status: Closed, Incomplete

... )

Oct. 16th, 2013


Happy Birthday, Bellatrix!

DRACO: He gives her a gold necklace with a small diamond locket. Her name is inscribed inside.

REMUS: He sends her a sweets basket (she is his student!).



Happy Birthday to Bellatrix )

Happy Birthday to Lucius )

Sep. 15th, 2013


The Dance.


Sep. 4th, 2013


Who: Evan Rosier and Bellatrix Black
What: Welcoming Bellatrix
Where: Vault, then the forest
When: Backdated to Monday, after Bella's journal entry

It was a strange situation )

May. 24th, 2013


Owl Deliveries to Nathan and Regulus

Seperate Owls Sent to Nate and Regulus )

May. 21st, 2013


Who: Evan, Lucius, and Bellatrix
What: Bellatrix comes to wake up Lucius and Evan from their slumber
When: Tuesday morning.
Where: By the lake
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

May. 4th, 2013


Well, she said she would send presents

Delivery to Sirius and Lorcan )

Delivery to Marlene McKinnon )

May. 1st, 2013


Happy Birthday Helena

Bella didn't know what to send, but she heard from Evan that it was Helena's birthday so she had to send something cause she kind of likes her. She picked this out.


Delivered to Bellatrix, Andromeda, Narcissa, Rabastan, Regulus, and Helena )
Delivered to Helena )

Apr. 30th, 2013


Delivered to Bellatrix )


Who:Bellatrix Black and whoever shows up!
What:It's her birthday so come celebrate!
Where: The pub.
Rating: I have no idea. You tell me!

Birthday Cake!! )
Post if your character stopped by. It was mentioned publicly, so it's open to anyone and everyone. Let me know if they brought anyone and all that jazz. Also in your comment mention if it's okay if I post a gif of them tomorrow. She brought her camera.


Sent to Bella )


Sent to Bella )


Left for Bellatrix )

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