War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



January 11th, 2011

Filtered to Lorne

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Still wanna talk?

December 27th, 2010

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If you were caught in a lightning storm, electrocuted half to death, and then magically given a super power as a result - what would it be?

December 16th, 2010

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dude, this is so not cool.

Filtered to the non-puppets

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Hey guys?

We might want to keep a closer eye on the puppets, before they decide to start a coup and take over the complex.

December 15th, 2010

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I go away for two tiny days to see about some things and you all have become so adorable without me! I see that the lovely witches are learning to become Blue Fairies as we speak, but until then if you need some stitching, come to Lorne. My tailor taught me some fabulous tricks with a needle and thread.

December 3rd, 2010

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Apparently I have a month off. Paid vacation I never took and am now taking it for Christmas holiday. Thing is, I'm not entirely sure what to do with it all. A month is a long time. Maybe vacation, but I don't know where I'd go. Maybe Hawaii for a week or so? Or something tropical and not freezing? I don't know, what do you people like to do for vacation?

Also, I'm thinking we should get a Christmas tree, and a menorah. But with my back the way it is, I can't do it alone. Anyone want to come help pick out a tree?

It's my second Christmas here without my kid. why did I even add th

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I got bored, there's now Firewhiskey and Butter Beer in my room. If I know and like you, I'll only charge half my asking price. I wouldn't suggest muggles try it out, but only if you're feeling extra adventurous and I take no blame for what may or may not happen.

May 31st, 2010

Filtered Against Baddies

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So, I think that tonight someone should have a Buffy Is Alright slash New Year's party. You only change decades once every ten years, after all!

...for most people, at least.

May 22nd, 2010

Filtered against Needy.

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All right, I give. What's with all this talk about monsters? Are you guys for real?

And I need a job. Quinn is gonna let me help her take care of the kid if I get one.

May 5th, 2010

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I haven't been feeling much like myself lately. Honestly, I guess I could just chalk it up to all of this craziness that's been going on lately, but it's nonetheless upsetting. I feel like someone else really anxious sometimes. My motor skills sometimes aren't as smooth as they should be. I've been knocking every damn thing over incredibly ungraceful painting this room like an idiot and it's just very strange, considering that I've always had such a steady hand.

I suppose none of that is as strange as the things that other people have been experiencing. People believe that they can do magic, for chrissakes! Thank God I got out when I did. Does anyone having any fricking clue what's going on yet at all?

I really have to talk to you.

[ooc: Elliot's faux personality is beginning to slip.]

April 19th, 2010

Filtered against those with bad intentions

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Giant pissing contest
You know, I'm just not even going to get involved. Let them kill each other.

Who's got the vodka?
Patrols and vodka?
You all suck

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So. Kansas, huh? I've been here before; passed through during the Cold War. Not here, specifically, this being another dimension and all, but fancy the world being pretty much like the one I just left. Even got an apocalypse of your very own clouding up the horizon. Surprise, surprise, always one of those around. You know, I really should be back in Los Angeles, but I'm guessing hellfire? Not raining down there in this dimension.

Although... Anybody heard of Wolfram & Hart?

April 18th, 2010

filtered against baddies.

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The entire people being eaten alive hunt has been incredibly inconclusive so far. There's no trail. Nothing. I hate dead ends. Like Lilith. Has anyone heard anything?

April 9th, 2010

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she realy was grate, you know. ANd prety and funny and fun and CORdy

and ANgel had KID. hOW DID HE Hve a kid/// hes a vmpire!

March 3rd, 2010

Fitlered against those with bad intentions

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So, I may or may not have just managed to secure a loan. And I may or may not have just bought out an old bar with the intentions of reopening it.

Just so people are aware of where or may or may not be for the next while.

February 18th, 2010

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Riina won't trouble any of you anymore, she's, we're...It's fine now. Faith, Shay, Thank you.

Now I'd like to help. Somehow. Buffy, Andrew, is there anything I might do? I owe this place a lot already

February 6th, 2010

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Okay. This is really weird.

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that is such a funny word. shagshagshagshagshagfern. ooh, pretty fern!

February 2nd, 2010

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You've gotta be kidding me. What the hell am I supposed to do in Kansas? Why does it seem so familiar?
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