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War Is Coming Communications.



July 2nd, 2015

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This graveyard does not look like any of the ones I'm familiar with from Sunnydale.

I'm confused but granted it probably does not take much?


September 16th, 2014

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Ok so graveyard? I can handle. Spent more than enough time in them so, really, NOT a big deal. But I do kind of draw the line at waking up in a random graveyard after being somewhere ELSE that is definitely NOT a graveyard.

So someone needs to help me get back before my sister shows up and yells at me because this? Whatever it is? NOT MY FAULT. I hope

February 7th, 2011

[Filtered to the Travelin' Scoobs]

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Would you guys mind if a friend joins us? She needs out of Lawrence for a sanity check.

February 6th, 2011

filtered against evil

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I've been doing some research on New Orleans and as soon as we get down there and settled in I'm going over to the Old Ursuline Convent. I mean, I'm sure you all know about it already but it's am amazing resource, the oldest building in the Mississippi Valley, the archdiocese records which, you know, super interesting especially with the whole apocalypse and angels and demons stuff. There's about eight million records and documents I want to check over and I haven't even seen the index yet.

Thing is Buffy's going to be pretty busy, you know, kicking undead ass to break me in plus she might hurt the books and I don't exactly have any kind of credentials that would get me past the tourist-y museum part. So, questions! I have some!

1) Can anyone make me some kind of fake ID or other credentials to get me in?
2) Anything anyone wants me to look in to specifically?
3) Fellow witchy type people: anything special from New Orleans you want me to bring back for you?

February 5th, 2011

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Okay so I get that you guys have demons and everything here, which is actually kind of cool because I've always been fascinated with the supernatural only I never actually thought I'd be in a place where there was this whole war with demons thing going on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not excited about the demons being evil and trying to kill us, I just like the fact that stuff like magic exists here. But please for the love of scanning electron microscopes, I need a lab! Or at the very least, the equipment for one. I don't like this not having equipment to work with, it makes me feel really agitated and antsy.

Or that could be the caffeine withdrawal I'm suffering. I am in need of something that can replace Caf-Pow until I am able to make my own Caf-Pow. So, can anyone suggest a really good high-caffeine drink? This is an emergency!

[OOC: Also, there is LOUD music coming from Abby's room on the 5th floor. Even though Kurt is her only neighbor right now, I'm pretty sure most people on the floor can hear it. The music is mostly industrial with some metal and industrial rock mixed in there. Forgive the loud music, she is a hearing child of deaf parents, she's special! :P]

February 3rd, 2011

Against Baddies

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Right, so I'm off to New Orleans for a week or two or more, time to get with my job description and do some slayage. If the Apocalypse starts again text me.


With or without you guys I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Early.

I need to get out of here and slay a damn vampire!

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I probably shouldn’t have had that last Caf-Pow because clearly it was laced with something. How can I be in Kansas when I was just in Washington D.C.? I know I’m not asleep because I don’t dream about Kansas. I mean, who does dream about Kansas? Usually I dream about strange things, though not as strange as Kansas if you think about it. Maybe I am asleep because this is very weird and there’s some technology involved and also weirdness. And this is usually the part where Gibbs goes 'ABBS!' and I stop rambling.

January 22nd, 2011

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[Filtered to Andrew, Anya, Dawn, Spike Spike, Vi, Willow, Xander]

It's time I start taking this slayer thing seriously again. And if the vamps aren't bringing the fight to me, then I'll take it to them.

I was talking to some hunters, apparently there is a big nest over in New Orleans no ones been able to take out.

You guys in?

January 14th, 2011

Filtered against baddies!

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All right, you've sucked me in. Much as I think Fred could use a trip out on the town adult style, even I know that this isn't the right wa Vi doesn't much seem like the type of And Dawn is acting a little insa What's going on with everyone and how do we stop it?


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Um, so, I've been busy with my classwork now that term has started and my job as a research assistant which is really cool and everything we're studying the difference between the sacred and the profane in terms of...right, not the point, um, I guess my question is: did everyone do a whole bunch of drugs while I was gone?

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Looks like I'm going to have to save the world again from all the crazy. You guys are so lucky you have me.

January 13th, 2011

Filtered to the Unaffected and against Evil

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Okay. I'm going to make a list of people who are acting strangely and how so. So feel free to comment with people you know are acting strangely.

The affected )

January 7th, 2011

filtered against evil

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So since our demon not-so-much friends seem to have something on the radar I thought I'd convene a meeting of the unofficial Hey We Do Some Useful Magic Stuff club. Which I am now forming. So!

People who do magic: Meet down in the lobby at 8pm tonight ready to work some protection spells.

People who want to be prepared: Come down to the lobby and I, and maybe other witchy types, will be there to put protection spells on you, make you hex bags, whatever we can all think up.

People who like books: Library, until then, researching spells and general demons and the number seven stuff?

Maybe it won't do much good, but I feel better making at least some vague stabby motion at the being prepared. So, um, yes, hopefully some of you will want to come!

December 29th, 2010

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Dear Diary

The past few days have been dizzying at best. I'm not sure I quite grasp what's going on despite having it explained to me. This just, is completely unreal, and my life was far from normal to begin with...

I'm sorry Are you okay?

December 27th, 2010

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If you were caught in a lightning storm, electrocuted half to death, and then magically given a super power as a result - what would it be?

December 26th, 2010

all sunnydale people and scoobies except Faith

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So, okay, did anyone just see the thing where Faith killed someone? I mean, it was in the "future" I heard about but, you know, if you have murdered in the past and you murder in the future I think there is a good chance you're a duck. No, wrong saying. you may be a crazy vicious murderer in the present. Just, you know, putting that out there.

filtered against baddies.

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Deans letter is

I found the Impala. But no Dean. His phone was in the front seat.where the hell is

You're supposed to be able to find him aren't you? Do it.

Looking for Dean.

One of you must have a locator spell. I need to find Dean.
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