War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


May 3rd, 2013

Filtered against Lucifer.

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Demon Dean. Can't decide if that's the worst birthday present I've ever gotten or not.
I don't know what to do with
Does anyone have any ideas on

So how many of us are actually still the us that were here? How many aren't?

EDIT: Okay, I'm making a list of those who aren't themselves.

List. )

April 22nd, 2013

Filtered agains the Devil

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Fuck me!  Right, lost my post it, and am way too sober to be dealing with a Rube melt down.  Anyone see a smallish yellow slip of paper with a name on it?  Oi!  Where the fuck am I anyway?

April 19th, 2010

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Why is this man still on the air? Why is the Jerry Springer show still on the air? This is what happens when journalists go bad This is what happens when I have too much time on my hands They elected him Mayor? Ha. I bet Cinninati regrets that decision. The seventi If people are going to waste perfectly good mornings watching baby mama drama they might as well watch The Steve Wilkos Show because at least then in between the million parternity tests condoms and birth control pills, people there aren't stories about zoophilia.

And who in their right mind would go see the opera version of the show?

I don't know whose good idea it was to end Manana Es Para Siempre. Sortilegio is nowhere near as interesting

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ok, i just want to say for the record, in case anyone else out there was thinking the same thing.

i hear i look like some fuck that killed off an entire race, but im not him. my name is mason and i dont generaly kill people despite what you might assume thanks to my job. except that once, but that was an exception. and that other time doesnt count because he was already dead when i killed him.

Edit: alright, i looked up that zod fucker. turns out, i can see a bit of resembelence. at least with the tv version of him. and he looks like me me, not what im supposed to look like to the living. is everyone here dead? strange thing was that i guess the other bird was right. i am on a tv show. something called dead like me.

so when do i get the money from having a show about me?

Filtered against those with bad intentions

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Giant pissing contest
You know, I'm just not even going to get involved. Let them kill each other.

Who's got the vodka?
Patrols and vodka?
You all suck

April 17th, 2010

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anyone out there know what im doing in kansas. . !? stupid phone thing im suposed to be in seattle.
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