War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



September 6th, 2013

Filtered from

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 photo tumblr_msmne1N8NS1qewacoo1_500.png

Dear gods they have propaganda machines now.

Do not be fooled by their 'Look how cute we are' memes.

They are full of lies. If you've seen that wholesome family movie about the cats and the dogs and the warfare. Its like that.

They're like the cats.

But more vicious.

August 20th, 2013

no evil or vampires

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So, where can a girl get her hands on some weapons around here?

I read back a little last night. You were randomly nice to other me even though she was kinda..well. I don't have a word that doesn't sound mean while she was dealing with whatever it was. But thanks.

August 19th, 2013

Filtered against Evil and Kids

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I was going to do this nice post about the shopping trip today, but instead I'm posting about a really painful vision. Human sized. Big claws. Weird third eye in the middle of the forehead. Lots of blood. I don't think these things die easy. More than one. It's going to attack a couple walking down Riverside Drive in the next ten minutes. Maybe less.


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[no Buffy or Angel, jsyk!]

I know she needs people that care about her around and all, but is it that bad not to want to bombard her when she still just sees the evil bastard I used to be? There's got to be a bloody balance on this, hasn't there? Angel really knows how to Captain Forehead cn bugger off with his bloody presumptions

August 16th, 2013

Filtered from Evil

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...hangovers. I will have hangovers! This is depressing

So is being carded.

But Spike, excellent night! I am almost disappointed we didn't have sex yet.


No evil

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So, drinks tonight. Heading to Bed of Roses if anyone's interested in tagging along.

August 14th, 2013

Filtered to Buffyverse who aren't Buffy

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Okay now I'm not Miss Tact. Tact is generally tiresome and I don't engage in it. But Buffy knows about how we are fictional here. Which alright, she could have found easier but does she know about Joyce?

I don't know how to tell her that when she's this little.

I'd mess it up.

Someone else do it.

No Evil

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So, catching up on the various media things and I have a question. Justin Bieber. Is he actually evil? I know I'm way behind on the times, but really, what the hell is with that kid? Can we kill him?

[Filtered to Stefan Salvatore]

It's been decided it's my turn to stay out all night after Nik and Elijah did recently. Now, where oh where could I go?!

no evil

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I've never been able to be so open about who I am, I'm not really sure what to think about it just yet. It's a lot to take in.

I was too busy over there wigging out when you asked me before, but..I didn't fully forget. The last thing I remember from home was killing the Mayor.

August 12th, 2013

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[No Evi Friends On No Evil. Or vampires.]
Hasn't anyone learned yet? After Katherine, after Hal, after Jerry, after
Why is everyone so keen to take just turn the other cheek when shit like this
Fucking hell. There's no fucking point. I'm not even going to bother. Fuck this. In fact, fuck everything. Fuck vampires, and fuck the Seal. Fuck Lawrence and Vegas. Fuck Lucifer and fuck Jerry. And you know what? Fuck me, and fuck all of you too.

I just
Goddammit Andrew, why'd you
I miss you. I don't fucking know what to do now. Everything's gone to shit and you
You'd want me to try.
It doesn't even matter. None of it. It should, but it doesn't. Fuck.

I hate today. Also headaches. Why are headaches even a thing? Fuck headaches.

[Roof Boys]
Going upstairs for another drink. Anyone interested?

Noooo evil here at allll bad bad evil

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Emmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaa cans come hom

am fiiiiiine

toootally fine

al ovrreactivating 2 teeeeeeeeeny bull hol

August 8th, 2013

Pfft to you Evil!

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Hello varied fictional and non fictional people.

I'm Anya Jenkins and I've been drafted to this war.

Without money though which saddens me. I wish to earn some and mostly I'm only qualified to run magic shops. Which I did very very well back in Sunnydale. Only sometimes was it destroyed and that was usually because of some evil or other trying to kill the Scoobies.

I would like ideas on the earning of money and how a plucky entrepreneur might make some

Friends (minus Buffy)*

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Well, I need a drink or 10.

[Normally, Buffy would be included in this filter but NOT this time. Because reasons. And awkward.]

August 7th, 2013

Filtered from Evil

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I feel cheated by heaven.

And hell also. Neither one deigned to leave me with money for the buying of the various goods and services one needs to surrvive when informed  by the not so apparently wicked witch of the west that you're in an apocalypse.

I am bored of apocalypses. I enjoyed them much more when I used to run away.

And I was heroic and as such expected much more than Kansas. Kansas is not an appropriate afterlife

March 3rd, 2011

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So I believe I've become able to sense a bunch of you. Dean Winchester stop being so sulky in my head. You complain more than Spike does.

I think I'm a Jedi. And Xanders not even here to...I think I really miss... hmmph irrational silly human thoughts

February 22nd, 2011

Filtered to Xander

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Filtered to ANYA and VI!!!!!!

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[ooc: I s'pose it's possible that serious shock and confusion were felt through the force. >.>]

February 21st, 2011

filtered against evil and kids

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There's been at least three incidents of people coming into the clinic with dual puncture wounds in their necks over the past two days. I called up the hospital to ask for similar injuries reported in the past couple days and they had another batch of cases to report. The victims in each case were partially drained of blood, disoriented, and unable (or unwilling) to tell the police what happened.

I think, and here is another think I never thought I would hear myself say, we may have a vampire problem. Has anyone else seen anything suspicious?

Filtered Against Baddies. And Kids. And Quinn.

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Quick poll.

Does anyone here aside from this Sweets bloke think I actually fucking belong to someone? Or that I'm a figment of someone's imagination and don't really exist?

Edit:[All of the above filters, plus filtered against all females]
Alright. I want some fun tonight.

February 20th, 2011

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I'm people sized!
My wings!!
Well, it's clear that I'm not in Hyrule anymore!

This place kind of gives me the creeps. You guys aren't exactly in a time of peace and happiness, are you?
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