War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



May 15th, 2010

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Over a hundred years and it's still the same. You people never change, do you?

May 14th, 2010

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Christmas without Parker..as if this demon hell wasn't hard enough I've never had it without him. I know I'd only worry if he were here but it's hard.

[Filtered to Dru]
I know you remember what we had. But it'll never happen again. If you come near me, I don't care if bullets can't kill you. That doesn't mean they won't hurt. I'll shoot you through the heart. I don't miss.

May 12th, 2010

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Hey so...I think I took a wrong turn and now I don't know where I am.

And I lost my reporters. I LIKE my reporters. Phil brings me blood with maple syrup in it.

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And why can't I hear the Partners. Could be they're not answering me but thats just

Explaination? Because this state is bad for my shoes.

May 8th, 2010

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May 7th, 2010

Filtered to Drusilla.

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How are you feeling?

May 5th, 2010

Filtered to Dr Quinn

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Do y ou havE my mediCation fillled yet?

April 29th, 2010

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Spell check guidee me pls plaes please I'm not sure who I should be telling this, but I'm not going to make it in tomorrow. At least not until I get a refilll.

Filtered to Dr. Quinn

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Doctor....I need anootther presscription please? My pills ran out and I"m hearing the voi I'm seeing thin Things are fuzzy I don't feel right.

April 27th, 2010

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Thanks to many requests, we're not going to be having anything remotely T-day related tomorrow. So you can stop sending the requests, alright?

Did you get the extra treat I left on your desk for you?

April 20th, 2010

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I had to listen to a solid twenty minutes of TEAM EDWARD VS TEAM JACOB OMG today. With high pitched giggling.

This is why I'm glad I don't go to public school. That's probably a daily conversation.

1. Vampires don't sparkle
2. Werewolves don't 'shimmer' or whatever the hell they were talking about
3. There was a disturbing part about getting a half vampire baby out of its mother uterus by the vampire dad biting it out with its teeth.

What the hell is wrong with people?

April 19th, 2010

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So. Kansas, huh? I've been here before; passed through during the Cold War. Not here, specifically, this being another dimension and all, but fancy the world being pretty much like the one I just left. Even got an apocalypse of your very own clouding up the horizon. Surprise, surprise, always one of those around. You know, I really should be back in Los Angeles, but I'm guessing hellfire? Not raining down there in this dimension.

Although... Anybody heard of Wolfram & Hart?

April 16th, 2010

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I've got a puppy!!!!!!

He can be heard but not seen. He wants the thump thump thump your heart makes!

April 11th, 2010

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(ooc: Yes, it's blank. Dru senses something and is happy!)

April 9th, 2010

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she realy was grate, you know. ANd prety and funny and fun and CORdy

and ANgel had KID. hOW DID HE Hve a kid/// hes a vmpire!

Filtered; Lilith

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Merry Christmas!

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So today, when the elementary schools let out for recess in Lawrence, the kids were assaulted with the sight of various body parts on their playgrounds. At all the elementary schools. The parts all had dead roses scattered on them, along with big red bows. And it should be all over the local news, since the police are probably just now telling the press-they needed time to get over the WTF??

April 8th, 2010

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I sent some of my friends out to visit.

Who wants to play another game?

April 3rd, 2010

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The sun tastes like honey and feathers!

March 25th, 2010

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Can't stop stop stop.

Not a rooster want to sing cant

how this
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