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War Is Coming Communications.



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January 17th, 2014

no evil

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I was going to say something all motivational and deep, but screw it. My moods toast.

Five years is a long time to be fighting something like this.

Connor, don't mind the blanket fort I decided your place needed. What kind of place doesn't have a fort?

January 16th, 2014

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Hello!  I'm the Doctor!

I found this, it looks interesting.  Anyone know why I disappeared from my TARDIS and appeared in a graveyard, in the middle of a blizzard?

Filtered to Jack Harkness and Connor Temple

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So, I am going to talk to Death. Me and Robin.

Someone tell me that punching an angel is a terrible idea.

Filtered from remaining Loyalists/Sam

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Just to clear up some Celestial propaganda.

1. Sam's soul is with Lucifer. In the cage. He got petty
2. No the ritual won't work again. No Cas can't stroll on in and get it. Neither can Crowley. 
3. No Sam can't make decisions about this. He's logical, he's functional. But there's nothing to make him care. As I pointed out. Right now he'd sell Emily for cookies if they looked particularly good.
4. Everyones come to the same conclusion that knows about this. We need someone older, more powerful than heaven or hell and contrary to said propeganda I don't mean God. He's not been home in years and he is not the only one. There's Death. We ask Death. Really nicely. WIth the two people we know he likes. If they're willing to help

January 9th, 2014

Filtered against evil bitches.

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So which of you gun experts can train me up on how to make the shooty end actually hit the shooty thing?

(Filtered to Rebekah's peeps)
How do we get her to crank up the emotional dial again?

I mean, okay. I get it. If I had taken an unexpected vacation down to Lucifer's place, I'd be in a big hurry to not deal with whatever shit went down during my away time, too. But this isn't good, is it? That's not really her, right?

(Filtered to Bo)
Heya, Bo-Bo. Doing okay?

January 3rd, 2014

Filtered to Jack Harkness

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You're worried.

December 30th, 2013

Edit: Filtered against evil

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The last time I woke up in a strange place, it certainly wasn't a cemetery. I would appreciate it if someone would please explain to me how I came to be here.

December 27th, 2013

No evil? Is this still a thing we're doing?

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Okay. Now that I'm awake and allowed to move around again, can someone fill me in on what I missed from the end of the battle until now?


You know, I'm pretty sure the vampire blood has left my system by now. You can let me help you.


Been pretty out of it all week, tell me you're okay, please.

December 19th, 2013

Filtered Against Lucifer

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The answers in war are never simple. I believe we can all agree, however, that it is time. We move. Now.

Detroit, Michigan is 801 miles away. Do we have a way to transport an army to this point? As many as are willing to fight with us. The front lines will, of course, take on Lucifer himself. He will be surrounded by supporters attempting to stop what we intend to do, and that is where the others will come in. Exorcise if you can, if there is time, but we may no longer have a choice. When under attack, quick thinking and intelligent decisions need to be made. Self-sacrifice is not an option unless it becomes a requirement.

You all have a part to play in this, and I would prefer to not deal with any bickering or in fighting. We stand together or we do not stand at all. You may choose to trust me or you may hate me, but you will follow or we will lose. And losing is not something I do well.

If you are all ready and willing to stand together to end this once and for all, we leave in forty-eight hours. Find transport and soon. Further strategy information will come, and suggestions will be looked at. I am not unreasonable and any help will be welcomed.

[Sam Winchester]

You, however, tie up your loose ends and go ahead of us. Do what it is you need to do. We will be there as your backup if needed. Jacen will accompany you and distract Lucifer to give you your edge on him.


Stay in touch. Do what needs to be done and let me know how it's going. If we don't have to move this weak and somewhat pathetic army at all, even better.

December 17th, 2013

No evil/Lord Harry

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My accuracy at the shooting range has gone from 97% to less than 75%. Is there anything stronger than caffeine?

December 9th, 2013

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[Filtered to Kon's friends and family]

I'm sorry. I told him not to look.

His eyes.

He needs you.

[Filtered to Cas' friends]

I have it.

I have my Grace.

It... it blinded Kon.

December 7th, 2013

Texts to Connor

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» I can't.
» Lucifer was right.

Filtered from Evil

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In no way did I expect that one to last 24 hours

Found some families that need rehoming, is there a nearby shelter

November 27th, 2013

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I've been thinking.

I mean I've seen the future, so have some of you. I win, so, I win. But lets run with a hypothetical for a second. I do enjoy those.

You somehow lock me back up, every lock on the cage, every seal slips back into place. Including 33. That's the one that acted up in a way no one expected. Brought you all here when it opened.

Ruby and Sam would be fine, the abomination they spawned, Jo, she'd be fine, her girls too. Dean, well, he'd lose the one girl that ever lasted more than a drunk weekend but he'd get over it, that's what booze is for, right?

But what about the little fairytale, what about the bun in Romanoff's oven, or the sith girl, or Lady Locksley who by all rights should be dead in what you so laughingly used to call the holy land. What about those of you who go back to die, or those who found love across worlds. The fixed point in time and the solider assigned to protect the team that die around him, (Actually Harkness, is that what you saw in him) the vampire and the littlest Bennett, the doctor and the mess, Jaina Solo and...oh wait, he left you already, never mind.

Giving up a lot just to lock me away, aren't you?

No evil thanks.

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I'm BORED. The TARDIS needs some love. She been stationary bit long now.

November 24th, 2013

No evil/Lord Harry

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So. Watched it last night with Jack.

There was vodkas. Unfortunately not hyper ones, but still. And then we ended up having a long talk about Zygons. And their suckers.

November 22nd, 2013

No Evil

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So far I have been marathoning Doctor Who when I have any spare time off and I finally finished the series last night at, like, three AM. Rose, you are beyond awesome. I think I like you even more now. And Dr. Jones, you were spectacular. I do kind of wish Oswin was still here, though. It kind of hurt to watch her episodes and know my first friend here isn't here any more. Stupid fucking Seal. I miss her a lot.


The food was great. Can I get some more of the spaghetti sauce, the pork chops, the meatloaf and anything you think I'd like that I can freeze? I have more evening shifts this week than afternoon and I want them to last. Also, any chance you can make muffins? I've been craving banana nut and blueberry lately and I'm not all that fond of the ones at the local bakery. I know blueberries are kind of out of season right now so if you can't find those I'll take chocolate chip instead. Or even better, banana nut chocolate chip. That sounds great. And remember you get to keep whatever's left over from the ingredients. Don't try and give it back to me this time.


Since I'm done ignoring the world to watch a TV show, I just realized we haven't done pool in a bit. Want to meet up tomorrow at 6? We can hit the ice cream shop and get the shakes before we go.


We need to go get drunk soon. Like, maybe tonight. Watching Oswin's episodes hurt more than I thought it would. I'm off at midnight, if you're up to it. I'll even do tequila shots if you want the over whiskey.

November 11th, 2013

No evil/Lord Harry

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This is the first Remembrance Day (or Veterans' Day as it seems to be called here) that I haven't been involved in something. Even the year I was deployed, we marked the day.

Anyway, I plan to raise a glass later to the men and women I served with who never made it home. And all those who came before us.

November 7th, 2013

no evil

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Just great. Mp3 player is now dead useless. Thank you so much TTK.

So when did you
surprise, I think I'm
Crap. Nevermind

November 5th, 2013

No evil + No Lord Harry

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Happy Bonfire Night. I get to play with fireworks, I may be in my happy place.

[Filtered to Jack Harkness]

33 Texts You Wish Jack Harkness Sent You

Pretty sure you have sent me some of these!
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