War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



March 10th, 2014

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Ain't wrong of me to wish Joanna Beth would stay little, is it? Gotta say the Seal could have done a lot worse with acting up like this.

[Joanna Beth]
How you doing baby girl? What did you want for dinner tonight?

March 8th, 2014

No kids

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What the hell is going on!?

January 6th, 2014

Filtered from Lucifer loyalists.

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So. I'm back.

What did I miss?

December 20th, 2013

Filter against Lucifer and evil

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If you didn't see it here, we're setting the Roadhouse up to be a safe place for those left behind to go to. Well protected and plenty of weapons.

For those going to the fight, get your asses back here in one piece.

[Sam and Dean]
Goes triple for you boys.

December 19th, 2013

Filtered Against Lucifer

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The answers in war are never simple. I believe we can all agree, however, that it is time. We move. Now.

Detroit, Michigan is 801 miles away. Do we have a way to transport an army to this point? As many as are willing to fight with us. The front lines will, of course, take on Lucifer himself. He will be surrounded by supporters attempting to stop what we intend to do, and that is where the others will come in. Exorcise if you can, if there is time, but we may no longer have a choice. When under attack, quick thinking and intelligent decisions need to be made. Self-sacrifice is not an option unless it becomes a requirement.

You all have a part to play in this, and I would prefer to not deal with any bickering or in fighting. We stand together or we do not stand at all. You may choose to trust me or you may hate me, but you will follow or we will lose. And losing is not something I do well.

If you are all ready and willing to stand together to end this once and for all, we leave in forty-eight hours. Find transport and soon. Further strategy information will come, and suggestions will be looked at. I am not unreasonable and any help will be welcomed.

[Sam Winchester]

You, however, tie up your loose ends and go ahead of us. Do what it is you need to do. We will be there as your backup if needed. Jacen will accompany you and distract Lucifer to give you your edge on him.


Stay in touch. Do what needs to be done and let me know how it's going. If we don't have to move this weak and somewhat pathetic army at all, even better.

December 12th, 2013

No evil

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Right, is anyone else experiencing sudden levels of pain?

I can't fix this. I'm a doctor and I can't fix this.

November 29th, 2013

No Lucifer

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We really gotta go into again how we don't sass the devil? Haven't we had this same discussion at least ten times by now in the last damn year?

Wait until the retaliation starts happening because you bet your goddamn smart mouths that it will.

Goddamn idjits, the lot of you.

November 13th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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So the girls currently like the phrase "allllll day". I have no idea where they picked it up from.

"Mommy drink coffee alllll day."

"Raerae keeps taking my blanket alllll day."

And my personal favorite: "I can fly with my cape alllll day.".

[Mom + girlfriends]
I've been thinking about taking off my wedding ring. It's just...I don't know. I don't think he's coming back.

October 10th, 2013

No Lucifer or Lucifer aligned demons and no evil

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Alright everyone. Let's get this shit organized. Saw someone make mention of getting hotel rooms while we deal with fixing up the complex. Gonna leave some tabs for people to hit who needs hotel rooms. Same thing with medical attention so medical people, keep an eye on. Anything else you lot can think of we need to stay organized in this mess throw me a line.

And again make sure you all are protected against possession with the amulet/tattoos and triple check your wards in the other houses that weren't hit.

ETA: If you need a place to stay check out Lois' post here. She's got hotels and such listed out for those that need a place.

October 9th, 2013

No evil or enemy possessed

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Shit's hit the fan. We'll use the Roadhouse as a headquarters while dealing with the fires at Stark's and the complex. Make sure y'all got her anti-possession charms on.

September 18th, 2013

Filtered against Lucifer.

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Okay, Ruby, here we g

How many of you all actually know how we got here? To the Apocalypse and everything? I think it might be a good idea to make sure everyone knows everything in case Lucifer decides to use it all against us at some point.

September 16th, 2013

Filtered against evil & kids

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Ever since I got the wish money windfall a couple years back, I've been stockpiling weapons and supplies in a bunker under the Roadhouse. It's got more than one room and in one of them we can put the kids and those who can't fight when all this goes down so hopefully they'll make it out. I've got enough weapons for a small militia down there, as well as various other supplies, so people can start coming by today to gear up. We may not know when things are going to happen, but it's obvious it's coming fast, so we need to prepare, look out for one another, and stick together.

There's also a chance that supernatural activity may pick up while all this is going on, so keep your eyes open and your amulets on.

ETA: Scratch that - we can use the Roadhouse as an HQ if needed, but the kids and all should go to Ruby & Sam's.

August 25th, 2013

No damn evil

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New camp August 31-September 7. Speak up if you want in.

Also got two new hunts to offer to those who are interested.

August 21st, 2013

Filtered against Lucifer and evil

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Good to see Lawrence still in one piece.

You in town?

Keeping outta trouble boys?

February 2nd, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer, Katherine, and the Joker.

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Dean Winchester, I've got half a mind to come over to that complex and kick your ass.

January 25th, 2012


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awesomee birthdaey paryt guyds
thankyou for beng awesomme and stuffff

HAPY BIRTday jesca
we have the besst daty of beng born
becaus its cool

MOM thaenk you for hanvng me :)
and for not beng dead anymor

sammymy andruby i am sorrybut there is pie on your rug
puppy ate mots of it tho its ok:D

juleets and ben i forgiv you for tortung me with musicilas
actualy thatis real tortur alistr used to singg someti
andby tortur i meaan the oposite of course becaus thattt was les than torturey of course
nott that wea re talkngning about torutire tonight because thatis not a talking subjecklt for birhtdays


December 22nd, 2011

Filtered against evil.

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I'll be serving my famous eggnog at the Roadhouse tomorrow night. You guys and gals should swing by if you're looking for good drinks and company to help bring on the holiday spirit.

December 9th, 2011

Filtered against evil.

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Remember when I introduced myself and mentioned I was booking up hunts for those of you with the skill to take 'em on?

I've got a few up for the taking. Let me know if you're interested.

December 5th, 2011

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[Chuck, Dean, Sam, Mom]
Just made it to Bobby's, and we've got the fang in the panic room. Sorry it took a while to let you know, but parts of I-29 are closed and I had to take a couple detours. I'm gonna sleep for a bit, then head back. I'm going to let Elena know, and send her your way if she has questions.

Chuck, Dean - how ya doing?

We've got him in an inescapable panic room three states away. I'm about to get some shut-eye, so if you want details or have questions, contact my husband Chuck, or Dean, Sam, or my mom Ellen.

December 4th, 2011

Filtered against evil.

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Ten minutes in this state and the ground is already coming apart underneath my feet. Looks like you folks gotta have some tough skin to be able to stick it out in this neck out of the woods, huh?

The name is Ellen. I'm Jo's mom and you're gonna be seeing and hearing a lot more from me from now on. I've got eyes and ears working on reeling in current events from the apocalypse, so I'll keep you all updated if I hear anything new.

I'll also be keeping track of hunts and the like if any of you are trained up and ready for that sort of thing. If you're interested, you let me know.
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