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War Is Coming Communications.



June 14th, 2014

No evil or anyone who wants Apocalypse part Deux

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Everytime the Seal brings new people from my world (any version of my world) I keep hoping it's going to be Azari, Pym or Hawkeye. Or even a version of Tony.

In other news I'm pretty sure I've conquered the art of driving.

June 12th, 2014

Manor and Those She Trusts (if she's trusted you post cage then your in)

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How do you know you need real help? Because while there's been a few more good days there are still days where hitting the bottle is very tempting (but I'm still sober). I took a quick file grab and while that went well I'm still too spooked to take jobs bigger than that. Its like there's two Parkers, the true girl that died in the cage and the girl typing this.

May 31st, 2014

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I took a job, just a quick file grab for that PI I sometimes freelance for. Figured something routine and quick would be a start to getting the thief back. All he knows is out of state family crisis for my vanishing act.


Already tipped off Ed and Sidney but I'll be on the roof tonight, maybe this time I can rappel into the kitchen without a mental meltdown? So its only me if you hear anything off.

And since you know my secret: doing ok or time for another night in front of the TV?


You know how I sometimes freelance for a PI in town? Well I took a fast job, just grabbing files for a case. Figured its the best step to getting that other part of me back. All he knows is out of state family crisis for my little vanishing act.

And not a drop of booze in sight.

May 20th, 2014

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Okay. So I may have just adopted a puppy? One of the kids at the Center was crying earlier and he said he was moving and he couldn't take his puppy with him, so I said if he wanted me to I'd take him and take good care of him. His mom just dropped him off with all his stuff and he seems to like it here? I'm not sure. Anyway, this is what he looks like.

I managed to get him to stand still for a second... )

Ricky said I could change his name if I wanted but I'm not sure to what. His name is Spotty but apparently he doesn't come when called. I kind of want to call him Chekov after one of my friends because they have the exact same personality but I'm not sure. Anyone have suggestions?


You've been quiet. Need another movie and whiskey night? I have the Ghostbusters movies if that sounds appealing. Or we can watch my facetwin's movie, which apparently is available from Redbox today. I'll admit I'm interested in the Jack Ryan movie, and we can mock it together.


I owe you a rematch on our last game. How does tomorrow sound?

May 8th, 2014

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Since I'm setting down all these roots in this town I'm considering getting a dog. Haven't had one in years. Any suggestions for a breed that won't get too big and a place where I can adopt one?


You know, you're actually pretty entertaining when you're drunk. Glad I decided to join you last night.


I went out drinking with a vampire last night and I was smart and didn't let him talk me into trying to outdrink him. See? I'm learning. Anyway, Friday night. Be in your swanky dress by six because we are heading to Kansas City. Got us a driver so we can drink away your relationship woes and not have to worry about how to get home. Well, you can drink more than me. I have a party to go to Saturday and I don't want to be hungover.


The theme for the party on Saturday is pirates and unicorns and Bo wants all of us to dress up. If you need help getting a costume I was going to see if I could get mine today while we're out, and I can pick up something for you, too. I'm going in the pirate direction for my costume.

May 3rd, 2014

No Evil and No Bo!

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Bo's fifth birthday is next week and I'd like to throw a party for her. Everyone who'd like to come is invited. In fact, she'll insist on it. We'll have it next Saturday around 2. There will be plenty of food so don't worry about that.

We'll have it at the Youth Center but details on activities have to be decided on by the birthday girl!

[Bo H]

Angel, have you thought about what you might want to do for your birthday? I was thinking a special dinner the night of your birthday and your party on Saturday when more people can come.

April 27th, 2014

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Other than having the occasional drink with my fellow captains I don't think I really have any male friends. Somehow all of my best friends here ended up female. My friends back home would get an absolute kick out of this.


Thank you very much for the basket. You really didn't need to but I appreciate it.

April 21st, 2014

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So the lightsaber quiz got me looking for a Star Trek captain quiz. I took this one because I'm in it. I answered everything I'd actually pick.

I got Shatner Kirk.


April 17th, 2014

Anyone Except Khan

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So. I need a date to the ball. I can't believe I just said that. I decided a while back I would probably stay away from dating and all of that when I got home but that was before I agreed to help plan and attend an actual ball. And I really don't feel like picking up a random woman at a bar. So does anyone need someone to escort them to this thing? It doesn't need to be an actual date, but I promise I will actually be attentive and not ignore you all night.


We definitely need to make pool and milkshakes a weekly thing again. And also motorcycle trips. Because that was fun.


Hey. How are you holding up? Sorry I haven't been around as much. I'm kind of throwing myself into work at the youth center.


So. The ball is getting closer and we still haven't done the whole "you and me drinking with you in a dress and me in a tux" thing yet. Time is running out to get to see me in a penguin suit before everyone else. Pick a date and I'll even rent a very nice car to pick you up, with a driver so neither of us needs to drive. It's all in your hands now.

April 14th, 2014

No evil or Heaven

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Already picked out something nice to wear for the ball event soon. Took a while of going through and picking something out but finally So I'm pretty much all set for when it happens. Can't wait, hadn't been to one of those since before the Seal brought me here.

I'm in Paris. Been a while since last time. Oh wait, no, now Hong Kong. And now Tokyo. New York, Hawaii.. Venice, Rome. I really like this new power. Always wondered what it was like for others who can teleport and now I do. It's nice to be able to go anywhere. If anyone else might need a lift to somewhere for emergencies or just want to get away to be dropped off somewhere else, feel free to contact me and I'll help. I wonder if I could have teleported away when I was falling into Hell I really wish I had this gift then so I wouldn't No no don't be thinking of that now

[Thorn Manor]
Any of you going to the ball? Could be fun. I think I need to go. I need to get out there with people again and.. mingle. Be sociable, get a routine, and all that. I'm hoping it will help. Speaking of routine, I'd like to share a secret; I'm starting up a company here in Kansas. I used to run one before. So, familiarity, it might give me that too. And it would help others with jobs and stuff too.

If you need transportation to the ball if you're going, I can loan one of my cars or hire a limo to take us there. I'd offer my teleport services, but... well. There's going to be a Mayor, judges, and other regular folks around. Wouldn't be a good idea for any of them to accidentally catch someone using magic openly.

April 8th, 2014

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So, my career plans are changing. I'm going to manage the youth center for Rose. I honestly think that's going to end up being a better fit than running my own business. However, the offer of consulting help still stands. It'll just end up being a part time thing as opposed to my full time job.

[Friends Filter]

I think since all of you are adults again and therefore back to being of legal drinking age (except you, Jesse), we should all go out somewhere and celebrate the return to normalcy and my new job. I will even pay for everything. I mean, it can be a trip to the movies if we can all agree on something, dinner somewhere nice, clubbing...any combination of the above? I'm up for anything. I really missed all of you guys while I was gone. Any takers?

April 7th, 2014

Filtered against known threats. (What...are they now? Other than the usual?)

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Hi, everyone.

It's...been a while. Four months? I don't
Yeah, it's been about fo
I missed th

I guess me and the Cage didn't mesh so well.

April 5th, 2014

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So just a reminder: my wish was for the knowledge to run a business and not run it into the ground. I decided to start a consulting firm. Anyone who's displaced who wants to make use of my knowledge gets it free of charge. I'd like to be able to help at least a few businesses before I take my company public.


Eventually we need to go get you those dresses because I don't think you want the first time you see me in a tux to be at the ball. However you want to do it, let me know. I'm thinking a couple grand a dress and up to five dresses?


I've got a deal for you: come to the ball and give me the last of your liquor st ash and I will do any one thing you want.


You. Me. Motorcycle trip to Kansas City for a day of exploring followed by a game of pool so I can see if you've improved while I've been gone. You pick the day.


How is everything going on the new business front?

March 27th, 2014

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Filter: Doctors and Medical Types

After almost 3 months in hiding I've come to face the fact I'm basically a physical wreck. So where do I start in getting me back?

I'm braving little outings beyond the manor if that helps any.

Filter: Kirk

Another baby step braved and won, I survived a movie outside the manor without a major panic scare.

March 25th, 2014

No Evil

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Is it bad that I'm starting to think I should have just wished for the Enterprise here? I'm kind of shooting myself for not thinking about it, but on the other hand I have no clue where I would have put it. I don't think an airplane hangar would hold it.

[Martha & Simon Tam]

Florence said you two were the people to talk to about getting stuff for the new medbay. If no one has wished for all of the equipment and supplies you need, I'd like to help out. I can donate about a million to getting it all, I think, if that helps. Maybe a little less? But not much.


Feel up to leaving the manor tonight? I was thinking a movie. Your choice as to what we watch, and we can always grab a bite to eat as well.

March 21st, 2014

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That..was confusing. But I'd always kind of wondered what being a kid was like.

Looks like we've got wishes again. I have no idea what to wish for.

Filtered from Evil

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So, it seems I have some things that don't belong to me.. Mostly money, jewelery, few watches

I apologise but younger me learned from her father.

March 20th, 2014

No Evil

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I took a leap and wished for my gear and fake ID's to be here.

It paid off: I now have my rigs and supplies to be a thief again plus a good chunk of the fake ID's! Still not ready to take a job but when the time is right I'm back in action.

*Filter: Those Parker Can Trust*

Now what? I somehow braved the St.Patrick's Day party with only a couple of rooftop escapes but it feels like I'm back at square one emotionally. Part of me wants to embrace life but at the same time going back into hiding is sounding pretty good.

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i did the wish thing and now i've got a drawer in my dresser full of candy.

and if i take it all out and close the drawer and then open it again? MORE CANDY.

can i give ais a lollipop?

March 19th, 2014

No evil

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So I may have seen a glowing thingie around, and I may have told someone in conversation I wished I could run my own business and not run it into the ground, and all of a sudden my head was filled with enough knowledge to successfully start a million different businesses and ensure they're around for a long time. Can someone explain to me what the hell just happened? Because while this is really strange this is actually really cool, too.
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