Okay, I have a question. And I'm going to try to keep this as neutral as possible. But I really do want to know what makes the difference in the cases of blatantly obvious double standards you see around here. What makes the hatred of one person over another any better or more accepted somehow? Why can people feel justified in hating one specific individual, but if anything is pushed against another, people are jumping at them for it? It doesn't make sense.
I was going to try and keep it generalized, but it's not working out. So I'll be specific. And, again, try to be neutral, here. But look at it with the various little dramas that are happening now. People are all levels of mad at Ward for his actions on Loki, they're hounding him for it, making him out to be the bad guy. Even though he has legitimate reasons to hate Loki, everyone cries that this Loki hasn't done those things yet, so how dare Ward hold it against him? Except those things have happened for Ward, so how is that even a little fair? To be honest, the only people I don't have issue with taking such offense here in this situation is the family. Because reasons don't mean shit when family comes into play and I know that better than anyone. So yeah, family types, don't go jumping down my throat for this one, yeah?
Meanwhile, Davina is completely justified in her vilification of my brothers for future actions they've committed against her and, more especially in Klaus' case, people don't tell her she's wrong for feeling the way she does at all. They don't tell her she should calm down or try to hound her over threats she's made toward him. Admittedly it was when she first showed up and, far as I know, she hasn't made any active threats since then, but I don't doubt the ones she made day 1 still hold true in her heart today.
So can you lot just explain this? Explain to me why there is such a difference. Why are these situations practically reversed images of each others? Ward has his reasons for what he did, but is barked at and vilified for it despite those reasons, while the little witch Davina can sit around hating on Nik and not be chastised for it. Is it that Loki's been here longer, done more good overall that makes the difference? Is it just that Davina is the sweet, innocent victim? I just really don't get it.