War Is Coming Communications.

May 15th, 2013

May 15th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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I apologize for my less than...polite post upon finding myself here. I am unsure how many of you have heard of us, but I am here to assure you that we mean none of you any harm. We have done horrible things in the past, I will not lie about that, there is no reason to, all we wish here is to rebuild our crumbling relationship as a family.

I also understand, thanks to Elena, that I was here before, but I do not remember such events. If there is anything you feel I need to know about my previous encounter, please do not hesitate to tell me.

Filtered from evil (+?)

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It is... good to be back. I did not think I would retur

Was my counterpart
It does not appear that she was too cr
I am sorry if the alternate version of myself did or said anything to

Is everyone well? If there is any way I can assist, please do not hesitate to ask. I will do what I can. I am still attempting to re-acclimate to everything, and have not had a chance to read over very much on the boards here.


I have missed you, my love. Did she hurt y
Are you

Are you all right?

Filtered against Lucifer.

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Now that I'm not drowning in radioactive rock, I'd like to take a minute to apologize for the actions of my alternate self. He had no right to threaten, harm, or abduct any of you. I'm sorry that things got so out of control.

What did I miss while I was away? Is everyone all right and do we still have people out there who haven't been swapped back with their alternate selves?

Filtered to Katherine

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I wouldn't try running.

I'd find you or if nothing else Elijah would glare at me deciding it was my fault.

Instead Katerina you're going to meet me and we're going to have a nice talk, won't that be fun. I'll even promise you'll leave it with your miserable life

Filtered from Evil

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Someone please confirm that I'm in the right world this time?

And that my counterpart didn't kill anyone?

[Family & Friends Filter]
Are you all okay? James, you're back too, right?

Filtered Against Evil

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Not the most pleasant two weeks of my life. I know sometimes I say I miss Nottingham, but that's not exactly what I wanted.

Now. Where am I and how do I get home? I have a husband to cling to until he's purple. Because he's alive and my God I missed


You left but the other you didn't come back. I don't understand.

Filter from Evil

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I need to..

If I was there was He here...did he...

Is anyone hurt? Did he.. What did he do?

Im so very sorry.


His world was...god help me I couldn't...

You said at home I didn't ask. Im asking now.

Help me.

Filtered against Evil

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Am I really here this time?
What was
I miss

So I am going to hazard a guess and say the past two weeks falls under 'unpredictable nature of the Seal' and this being my first real exposure to it then?

How accurate of
Is that how you knew me?
Or was it something


How are you feeling?

Filtered against Evils

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Okay, being dead and in heaven? Pretty freaking surreal.

And someone please say you've got my kids?

No evil (ETA after Elena's news) and no fucking originals

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Can I just...not do that again? Ever? That was... Mama, she

no evil no evil vampires

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I can't do this
I feel ill

The complex is not safe.

You all right?

[ooc: I'm sure Much got a little banged up during the fight, but nothing shattering injury wise?]

No evil

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I think I screwed up.

[Filtered to Claudia]

Tell me you're alright, please.

No evil

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I need some help.

[Filtered to Lydia]

Was he here? Tell me he wasn't here, tell me he didn't hurt you, please.

No evil or bad vampires

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Oh my god that sucked. Like hardcore full-on sucked. Never thought I'd actually be happy to find myself in Lawre Are we all back now? No one's still swapped out?

I read the shit the other me put up. God, I don't... I am so fucking sorry for anything he said or did.

Did he hurt you? Oh god, Harmony, the things he said, I swear to god, I don't think any of that and I never have and I'm so fucking sorry.

God, you're not going to like this
There is a whole lot of shit in my flat that I have no idea how it all got there. It wasn't there when we left town and I didn't put it there and a lot of it looks like the shit they handout at the complex when you show up and I swear it wasn't me that took it.

Sam & Ruby

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You guys maybe wanna let me out of here? Nice touch with the trap, but locking the door would'a been enough. I'm me.




Hey kiddo.

Filtered to Magic-users, sans any vampires

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I know everyone's stressed and shit right now, but with all the new potentially dangerous vampires around, I wanted to know if there is some way we can extend the invitation requirement to the public areas of the complex? Not all vampires need invitation into homes, but even that doesn't do much good for people outside their flats. If there's any way we can spell the entire building so that no vampires can enter without permission, it would make everyone here a hell of a lot safer.

Filtered from Evil

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I got my ass handed to me and nearly shot by a alternabitch version of a friend yesterday.

Said friend is herself again and I got dramaticly Iron Man rescued.

I could mope. I could sit and go ow. But I swung by the hospital and got them to check me out and they say I'll be fine so yeah.


I want one.

Questions, Comments?


I'm making light of it but yeah. I was pretty sure I was done for.

Thanks hero. I'm glad I keep you around

None of the evil

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Marian's still not back. Everyone is back and she

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[Filtered to Jane, Lizzie, Robin, Much, Kevin, Gigi and Damon...fine and Crowley, too]

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare everyone. I just had to I didn't actually think I could Never really expected to be back

[Filtered to Alex]

I don't really know what to say to him.

no evil

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Well that was rather..dull.

What did I miss? Sherlock, you're still in one piece aren't you?

No evil

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Someone please tell me that this isn't some kriffing dream and I'm back in Lawrence.

[House of Lust]
Please tell me all of you are okay? That other me didn't hurt any of you, did he?

After being in that world...I'm more determined than ever to never fall to the Dark Side.


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If it's needed, I'd like to take on more shifts. I think that keeping busy would do me good. By the way, how are you doing?


I was thinking of repeating that night sometime soon. Only if I impressed you with the last date, though.

Filtered against god damn evil

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Camp happening again in a week. Let's go with starting up May 24. Lasts a week. Usual shit applies.

Sign up if you want in.

Anyone in charge of a class, I'm heading down for some damn refresher lessons with you to make sure we're being as accurate as possible.

[Winchesters + Juliet]
You better all be accounted for.

Filtered against baddies

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That was just....weird. Everyone else okay?

Peter, Ginger, Charley

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Do you guys believe him?


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How are you holding up with the arrival of the Three Amigos?

Filtered against evil, vampires

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That was.. the worst. Think you've been sent home by Seal and expecting family greetings, but nooooo. Manor empty. Dusty, hadn't been used in over a decade. They, they were all gone. Not missing. Not moved into another home. No, gone. I mean murdered All of them. Every. One.

I remember having my life, my parents with me. Every year at the start and end of school. And at graduation. But.. but this. It's not my life. I didn't live this, whatever that was. I called for them each day. Each owl and patronus only came back silent. Shouted til my voice left me. Then I found out everything. I know how it took place. And when. Five, I was five, what does that do to someone, to see something so horribl They, umm, they say it was I who had found it. I can't go back, I don't want to. If the Seal, if it ever.. no. It just can't. I couldn't bear it They also said I tried to jump a couple times before I can't, if it ever happens again, I'll just

KÅ­shta na Pierce + Alex

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I'm getting Mitchell now, Alex do you have Hal? And Hal, do you need the restraints like Mitchell's going for?

Also, I was considering filtering to magic users to see if someone can make it so you two can't leave the house until this detox is over, unless anyone has objections.

[Regina + Gaia]
Don't ask questions, I'm not going to answer them right now, but one of you needs to make me check in at 9 tonight.

(ETA) [Magic users]
I've got two blood-detoxing vampires in my house who, really, don't need to be leaving for a night on the town any time soon. I was wondering if any of you can keep them from being able to leave the house. Wards, traps, spells, I don't care what it takes as long as it doesn't cause either of them any harm, but they don't need to be able to leave the house.

Filtered against evil, Originals

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I kinda liked that home better than my usual one. I thought I was hallucinating at first or seeing things in a dream. It's happened before. Though, usually under duress or when the docs gave me a drug in that institution. But no. I figured it was real after a while, and especially after reading a bit on here. I was able to see my mother. The machine had ended her years ago, and my roommate Ginger, and her boyfriend Matt. And yet.. they were all there, and looked at me funny when I asked if they ever saw a big guy in leather with an Austrian accent. Oh, and we were still friends too. Also seems there wasn't a shooting at a club, and definitely not a shooting up of the police station at all.

Felt a bit outdated being back in 1999, though. But it was.. nice. Seeing them again. It was great and I might have liked to stay, but I also know that's not my life. It's hers. Me. The other version of me, whatever. So now I'm ready to get back to work. My class is still on too, for any who are taking it, and any new folks who'd like to attend.
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