War Is Coming Communications.

May 14th, 2013

May 14th, 2013

Filtered against evil, crazy vamps, Originals

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Well now, that was interesting. I was back home. Just.. not completely. Some parts were a little off. I had called the manor for a usual pow wow meeting like they do, none of the sisters knew me either. Leo.. well, he did at least but it wasn't knowing me personally, more like from reputation. I did some digging and found out about another witch family. Seems they raised me back in the 1890s to the 1920s, and then I'd helped out their descendants once in a while as time went on. I'd also taken a risk and went to the Underworld (place below ground where all the demons live and do their evil plots). Wasn't attacked. They actually didn't know me.

I'm guessing alternate timelines? Yeah, I'll go with that. Whoever I was supposed to be in that realm, he's who I'd have been had I not grown up in the Underworld and used for evil. I admit, I'm a bit jealous, he probably has none of that baggage I carry Plus he worked in media, not law. I've been to the very distant past before. And I'd even been to other planes of existence... so the idea of a parallel world is possible. But now that I'm back, anything needed? Any hunts? Or maybe any teaming up of people gearing up to stop something big, or maybe the services of a teleporter could be used too.

Filtered against evil, evil vampires, those original vampires, crazy!Superman...and my Mom

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Can I have my real Mom back now please? Or just not have her here at all if she's going to be all...wrong and assassin-y?


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Added: Filtered against evil

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I think I would like to go home now please seal.

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I'm not too sure what's going on, here...I was told by the girl in the diner to come here for answers. Not sure how it's going to help, exactly, but maybe someone can help me figure out how exactly I got here. My wife and kids are gonna be real worried when I don't show up for dinner tonight.

Filtered to Caroline Forbes

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I'm given to understand you're as trapped here as the rest of us?

Meet with me?

Filtered from 'Evil'

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Right, call it an idle curiousity. But how many of you have been warned that my siblings and I are going to try and kill you all. Or well, mostly me if I know those from back home.

Thousand years and I generally don't go in for pointless massacre. I'm not stupid, I never have been. And it seems none of you are responsible for my being brought here.  So why would I slaughter this city when I have no real issue with any of you?

Those I have issue with are well aware of it.

Now. Lucifer. What precicely is his plan to end the world. Because unsurprisingly perhaps I'm rather fond of the world and my existance within it. 

no evil, no evil vampires,

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We've found Lydia. She's in one piece. Mitchell's dead. she's home now.

[Second filter, no evil, no vampires or Lydia]
What is being done about Hal? We can't just leave him to hurt anyone else can we?

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[Katherine Katerina]
How're you doing dear?


No Evil or psycho vampires of death

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So whose amazing plan was it to leave all these little gift baskets with laptops and giftcards and shit just out in the lobby? Because wow, make my job easier, why don't you?

This place isn't so bad so far. You know, aside from all the crazy people and evil vampires. Almost wouldn't mind sticking around longer now.

{ooc: so AU!Harry continues to be a douche. He's just stolen all the care packages out of the main complex. Normal Harry will be back tomorrow and will flail about all the stolen shit piled up in his apartment, because dude, he was stopping all that so wtf!! But yus, if anyone feels like noticing a distinct lack of shit in the lobby... Should note that he does know how to avoid security precautions pretty well, so any video evidence would be minimal}

no evil or evil vampires or whatever the hell else is evil anymore idk

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I had something to say, but now idk. I just don't even know what to say about anything right now. This pointless post brought to you by procrastination and not wanting to talk to Clark. Carry on. Unless help is needed with the evil vampires, sorry I was MIA for that. Just..yeah. Things.

Mystic Falls excluding Originals

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Did one of you tell other me to write myself a letter? It's kind of condescending. Other me is a douche.
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