War Is Coming Communications.

July 7th, 2011

War Is Coming Communications.


July 7th, 2011

unfiltered by accident

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Sometimes I really miss my dad. You know? I just wish I knew how to make him proud.

filtered against baddies

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Who's up for some poker? I could use some fun.

to Roger

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Hey! I haven't heard from you since you kicked ass at the party. How are you doing?
Please don't still be mad at me.

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Something's wrong with me I think? Maybe Sam was ri I need more blood, and, I mean, not just... I had a lot? It's gone. I drank it all. I should have had enough for another month or two if I didn't have a lot but I... did. Like, it didn't even last a week.

This is bad, right? This has to be bad. It can't be safe. I shouldn't be going through it that fast and I'm going to end up doing this all wrong and I don't know what's happening and I might possibly be kinda freaking out right now.


I probably shouldn't even ask you but
I don't kn
I don't trust a word you say but I need to make sur

How fast does the blood addiction thing go crazy, normally?

Filtered against big brother and all his pals.

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Since you kids obviously aren't keeping up with the news, let me enlighten you on a very important update that I think one or two of you might be interested in:

Famine's in town and he's looking to cause some serious damage.

Don't know who Famine is? Educate yourselves.

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I hope I'm doing this right.
What is this place?
It can't be in Hyrule I would've seen-

Also, what is this device?

And what are those fast-moving creatures outside? With the wheels? Are they dangerous? I wish Navi were here to tell me their weakness...

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It's amazing to me just how much technology has advanced. Years ago we didn't have things like comptuers. Or, to be more precise, various governments had rooms devoted to them as each one took up an entire room, and they didn't resemble this bit of technology in the slightest, but the average person had no such thing, and most didn't even know of them. But the fact that now so much fits into something so small, as well as this "internet" thing used to communicate with anyone over such great distances, I must say it's exceptionally groovy.

That being said, I've been informed that there's some sort of apocalypse going on, and I would be happy to help in any way possible. My name is Charles Xavier.


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delivered to Caroline's place this morning in an envelope with no return address... )

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I never noticed how many signs there are with orders on them. "Keep out," "no trespassing," "authorized personnel only," really, in the end, I think all they're doing is making whatever's inside more interesting.

I'm not coming to training today. Places to break into, other signs to disobey

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I haven't felt this good in a long time.

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Filtered to Jaina.

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You feel really far away.


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Are you okay? What happened? Why can't I feel you?

Filtered against SOLOS and bad.

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I think Jacen and Allana are possessed.
Nevermind. Apparently there's this Famine thing in town. I thought Jedi and stuff weren't effected, but I guess they can be.


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Elphie tried to
I can't do this alo
No one seems to ca
Do you think your blood could help Elp
I think I got to her on

I need your help.

filtered to Spike

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I have a better idea, let's stay in town. Why leave when we've got plenty to choose from here.

I've even got a list. Looks like Santa came early.

Filtered to Freddie

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I know we don't like each other, but would you watch my girls for me? Svetlana went out to get some things and she's not back yet. It's very unlike her and I think she's in trouble. I should be back soon. The girls are well-behaved, and the might say random words in English.

[OOC: Pretend this was posted before this.

Filtered against baddies.

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Does anyone else feel weird?

[ooc: Sam is kind of on the verge of a demon blood freakout RE: Famine. Anyone else about to lose their shit? Sammy feels so alone.]

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That's me! And Tess! And...who is this Christina Aguilera woman? Why does she look like me and sound like me?

How can I be in a movie? How do they know things about me? And other things, me and Jack? Is that the future?!

This is a trick right?

Filtered to Maureen

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You're the opposite of dependable half the time but
I really just need someone who

I don't know what to do. Roger's using again. I'm literally plastered in front of the door to keep him from getting out to get more but I don't know how long that's going to work.

I don't even think there's anything you can do to help I just...yeah. I needed to tell someone.

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Who's the ruler of this kingdom? I understand there's a war going on, but I'd still like to know - and maybe talk to - whoever's ruling!

Uncle Luke

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Remember that part where we're all connected by the Force and can feel what the other feels? Yeah. I feel what you're doing there, and it isn't comfortable. That's my mom and your sister..so. This is a polite reminder.
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