War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



August 23rd, 2012

filtered against evil and katherine

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Not again
Fucking hell

Has anyone seen Angel? She hasn't decided to go on some trip to god knows where has she?

August 9th, 2012

Filtered agianst Lucifer & Dark.

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I know my timing here is pretty horrible, but I thought I'd let everyone know that I just went through a real life version of the Exorcist. You know, minus the head spinning and pea soup. Actually, I'm not so sure about the head spinning thing

It was a pretty traumatizing experience for all parties involved, I think, but it was definitely worth it.

I'm a father now.

|added later|

Does anyone know where I can get some really good lobster? I wanna get some for Ruby. I think she earned it.

August 8th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, and Mr. Dark

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...Pretty sure I have the worlds worst timing.

Jess...can you get here..

Sam...can you...I don't know, hug me

August 1st, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, and Mr. Dark

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Its been over a week. ...Jess is this normal? Though how do we know whats normal with Emily, right? ...If it goes two can you take her out of there? is she ready? I don't know.

[Family & Close friends (You know who you are)]

There's something else.

I've been having dreams. Really freaking vivid dreams. Of hell, of the old days, of...a lot of things

[Sam & Dean]

Azazel's always in them. Looking down at her in her crib. And it..

July 27th, 2012

friends filter

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ooc: Basically, the filter includes anyone she speaks to, RENT characters and otherwise.
You ever miss someone so much it hurts?

July 23rd, 2012


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Are you the one having anonymous gifts sent to me? Because I can't think of anyone else who would get me tickets for both the Roots Festival and a voodoo doll of Faith.

July 21st, 2012

Filtered from evil

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Excuse me?

Can anyone tell me where I am? I seem to have been kidnapped. No need to panic, I'm okay. I must have been drugged, somehow, because I don't remember anything since going to bed last night.

It was probably someone from one of our competing schools for regionals that noticed my talent and they know they can't win. I understand, it's one of the prices of fame. But I need to get back home, I haven't done my morning routine and I can't miss out a day.

July 20th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, John, Emma...and the Bat Family, cause that's just rude

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Under the circumstances, given what's happened here and what's just happened in Colorado (that wasn't...'us' related, was it? I mean, the guy's claiming he's the Joker), it probably sounds insensitive. But I've been waiting since I got here for this to come out. It's Christopher Nolan, for crying out loud. Plus Anne Hathway. Catsuit. Need I say more?

Anyone want to come with? Yes, Roger, I am publicly asking you to go out.

[Filtered to Faith]

Still mad at me? I miss you and

You know what you were doing is wrong. Taunting them like that. I had to say something. I'm sorry.

July 9th, 2012

Filtered against all the evils

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So who wants to put a bet on me if I chase down the giant green Hulk that's running around out there?

July 2nd, 2012

filtered against evil

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Looks like Santa came to Lawrence a little early! Guess who has her drums again?

July 3rd, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine

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...I woke up with a necklace on. A very old one I'm pretty sure I haven't seen in years.

Sam? ...you didn't find it somewhere and decide to surprise me did you? Cause that would be kinda weird given why I got it

June 25th, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine

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Where are you? Its on the bed!

....Watching me with its eyes

June 21st, 2012

Roger and Angel (Dumott)

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I don't know if either of you saw the post or not, but that Peter guy posted the other day about starting up a theatre group. But musicians and such are welcome, too. So if either of you are interested, talk to him. There seems to be several people interested so far. Just passing it along for something fun to do between the fucking insanity of this place?

June 20th, 2012

filtered against evil, moriarty and katherine

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Well, that was unexpected. Anyone know who left two tickets to Roots Festival next month under the door to the apartment?

June 16th, 2012

filtered against evil, moriarty, katherine

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I don't even
I'm so sad and I'm just
What am I supposed to do when

Why deos evrything have to get runed?

June 15th, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine

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Damon Salvatore is my new favorite. The end!

June 14th, 2012

filtered against Evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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Mark found his new calling in life. Being Spiderman.


We should be back in Lawrence by Sunday.

Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine

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I wanted to help kill the plastic things. But Sam wouldn't even let me shoot em from my porch all trashy and awesome.

Stupid being pregnant. I have been pregnant forever and thus I have a message for Emily Winchester which she can discover in years to come.

Honey, Mom loves you very very much but on this evening. The 13th of June 2012. I have this to say.





Also Daddy has been very very brave to live with me for the last few months.

Roll on end of July/start of August

And yes you're sitting there reading it now all, hahaha I know when I'm born and you don't. But shush. You're grounded. For the sass.

May 24th, 2012

Filtered against Evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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Right. Anyone who's been needing me for whatever, we should be back in a week or something.

[Angel, Freddie and Ruby]

It's AIDS.
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