War Is Coming Communications.

July 8th, 2011

War Is Coming Communications.


July 8th, 2011

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Can you come over?

Text to Ruby

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It's at least worth a shot
Feeling any more fun lately Ruby?

[[I've based Brady having this knowledge on Elle being puncturable, so he just wikipedia-ed her and her relationship with her father]]
A typed note was mailed to Elle this morning with no return address, saying:
"When I first arrived here I was sure it couldn't be true. My daughter couldn't have been here all this time and done nothing to stop all of these people with dangerous abilities running around, completely uncontrolled. My daughter would have stopped them, no matter what it took. Unfortunately, it looks like you're disappointing me again."

Of Note/OOC
Brady has been funneling demons into the city to...work in the exciting profession of food service. That's right, unaffected demons are keeping a steady supply up at the buffet as the affected of Lawrence run off all willy nilly. So if your character is a temporary glutton they will have food readily available to them at restaurants and french fry places (ROSE), probably even if they can't pay.

He's also imported a lot more drugs into Lawrence so that anyone on a drug binge will find them being offered a lot and for a lot less money, or even for free.

Anti-badguy filter (temporarily including Ruby)

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Just so everyone's aware, there was a hellhound outside the complex. its dead now, but... I don't know if there are gonna be more or not or if they'll come after anyone else, but just... be careful. bring guns. It'll take a lot, but they can be taken down - or at least held off 'till you can get back in the complex.

Also, until this famine thing is over, you might want to be careful if you're talking to Ruby. I don't know if she was involved in that or not, I hope not. But she's acting... off. don't go attacking her, it's probably temporary, but just... don't engage her, don't listen to her, and if she asks to meet just steer clear.


Please tell me you're okay.

[Adam & Mel]

You guys all right? Still out of town?


Where are you? I know you said you'd be out, but with the 'hounds around I'd feel better if you were at the complex... or at least not alone.


Are you safe?


So. You get a new puppy?
This is the part where you're supposed to act normal and convincingly tell me you have no idea what the hell I'm talking abou

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I'm leaving the complex, too many rules involved in group living, way too controlling. Also, does anyone want my dog? I have no idea what I was thinking, getting a pet in the first place. They just make it so that your time isn't your own any more.

I'm pretty much moved out already, just letting everyone know in case a new arrival shows up and wants my old place.

[[and, now, cue Allana running off to do whatever she wants goddammit, regardless of laws, signs, or the rights of other people until either this ends or Jacen actually finds her and locks her up.]]


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I do not know why I am doing this
You will just find a way to insult my family
I am not a threat, I promise

Thank you for looking after the girls last night.

filtered to Clark

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Allana broke up with me.


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Where are you?
Luke is being
I don't know what to do about
Jaina's run off, Jacen is being authoritarian, Anakin seems normal but I don't
Allana is
I need to train
I'm going to go look for

I don't know when you'll be home, but don't be surprised. I took Daisy in for Allana while she sorts things out.

filtered to the doctor.

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Let me guess.

Bowties are cool?

filtered to the complex

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All those beautiful paintings
If they end up on the black market I'll
I wish I knew more magic because then

I apologize for Frida Cuddles' barking and crying, the last few nights. The poor thing obviously misses her family I can relate and all the tension isn't helping either.

accidentally unfiltered

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How are you guys all doing tonight? Good? I hope?

Because I'm going nuts. Absolutely. Nuts. I can't help but thinking that maybe you're not okay or that maybe I could do something to help out that's not being done. I'm really sort of freaking out, here, and I don't know why.

Filtered to Ruby.

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Did you really think your pet would keep me from finding you?

NEWS @ 11!

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During the news highlights, a report will appear featuring a story circulating around a bizarre spree of robberies that have been happening in Lawrence over the past few days. Various clothing and accessory stores have been broken into (oddly, without any existing evidence as to HOW the break-ins were managed in the first place) and stripped clean of any and all bowties and hats that may well have been in stock. No vaults were broken into, nor was any jewelry taken. Nope, just hats of all shapes and sizes and bowties of all brands and colors. At this point in time, the police have no evidence as to who took them or how they were stolen to begin with. Stores all across Lawrence are being advised to triple security and stow away their clothing accessories for good measure, as to prevent any losses from taking place until the 'Mad Hatter' criminal has been found.

Magically Inclined

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I have been working on a spell to make the complex somewhat safer. I would appreciate it if anyone who knows more about the existing wards in place would tell me more about them? Some of them do not appear to be traditional magics from this world - as far as my reading can tell me, anyway. It would be best to understand what is in place before I attempt to add to or alter the spellwork.


Are you well? It seems you have not been 'yourself' lately. It is... concerning.


Has this 'famine' affected you, brother? Are you alright?

Filtered against bad guys.

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Until Famine has been located and stopped, I think it would be best if you all stayed within your homes.

It's safer that way.

[ooc: Annnnd cue Clark's hero complex coming full circle and driving him into slightly crazy mode. BEWARE.]

filtered against baddies

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Nobody gets in or out. If you're stuck out, you should have listened and not gone out. It's for your own safety. Being outside right now is a very stupid plan. There are hell hounds, and electric people, and just yeah. Not smart. Clark says this needs to be done. I trust him. You guys need to be watched or you'll die. I don't want anyone to die. Don't try to fight me on this. It'll end badly.

Filtered against evil

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Managed to grab a extra knives and weapons. Might have overstocked a bit, as well as acquired a few automatic weapons and a secret supply room too I'll be handling my Specialty Weapons classes on the weekends too, either group as usual, or can do one on one training sessions if preferred. What else I need? Umm.. Kevlar vests. Teargas. Claymore mines. Shit, that's gonna be hard to get legally

So.. another Horseman. I don't really trust myself to go face him, I could be a liability. Still want to get more weapons, haven't gotten any C4 yet But what I can do is loan my pistol to whoever people are going, maybe it will be useful. It has infinite rounds from the wish I made on it last Christmas.

to Elena

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What would you say to the suggestion that I turn you?

(ooc: Crazy Damon is crazy.)

Filtered Against Bad Peoples

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I hate this. I really do
Yes, it makes me sound all of eight, but I wish Mum were here

Ordinarily I'd be first in line to help with this crap. But I kind of can't move. I literally can't move. Even typing hurts right now. Please tell me someone has a plan?

Those people on the news. I don't want to die that way. Something else. Hell, anything else.
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