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Jul. 29th, 2010


Shrekody by roozetter

Title: Shrekody, a Snarry Tale
Author: [info]roozetter
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 22,319
Warnings: Highlight to view: bestiality, bondage and role playing
Theme: Quest
Prompt: Bump in the night
Summary: Harry has vanished and Lord Farquaad is out of control. The only person who knows where Harry is isn’t telling. Therefore, it is up to Snape, as always, to fetch the brat, muzzle the wolf, deal with Gryffindors, and save the day with limited recognition for his work. Woe.

Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. Shrek is owned by Dreamworks and Disney, depending on whatever the state of their divorce settlement was, and I don’t own them either. Nor do I own any of the movies I ruthlessly warped to fit my story. I make no money or friends for my effort here. I sincerely apologize for writing this, in fact.

Authors Note: Inappropriate amounts of love go to [info]dracosoftie for her Overall Superior Awesomeness, and [info]faeryqueen07 for staying up till one in the morning and coding half the damn story in HTML for me. I adore you beyond words. A shout out to [info]etbhsb even though she vanished off the face of the earth (tear), and to my Bizan lovelies: Branny, Carrie (Luna4917), and Jess (hdpryncessflyffy) for rallying with Shrek quotes and not mocking me when told what I was writing.

Shrekody, a Snarry Tale

Jul. 28th, 2010


Prank by Bielol

Title: Prank
Author: [info]bielol
Pairing: Severus and Harry
Rating: PG
Media: Photoshop and tablet
Warnings: none
Theme: Love and Courtship or 1. Quest [I am not sure]
Prompt: Let slip the dogs of war
A/N: This one was completely spontaneous and brings a smile to my face, so I thought to share it with you.

Prank )


Blackmail by sexyseverus

Title: Blackmail
Author: [info]sexyseverus (Kyrie)
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4540
Warnings: None
Theme: Love and Courtship
Prompt: Reaping what you sow
Summary: Harry is determined to get Severus. Severus is determined to annoy Harry.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Severus, although I wish I did. All Harry Potter characters are property of J K Rowling. The plot is the only thing that is mine. And my cat would dispute even that.
A/N: I want to thank the incomparable White Cotton for taking the time to beta this – corralling all the errant commas and excessive thats, and also for putting up with my scatter-braininess. Also, I need to thank my good friend, Abigail, who gave it a rough once over even though she is not a Snarry fan.

Blackmail )

Jul. 27th, 2010


Riverside Romance by vividzephyr

Title: Riverside Romance
Artist: [info]vividzephyr
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Medium: digital
Warnings: Highlight to view: crossdressing
Theme: Overcoming Adversity.
Prompt: If this be real.
Summary: Severus Snape finds romance in New Orleans with a prostitute named Harry.
A/N: Set in New Orleans, 1915, the red light district now known as Storyville.

Riverside Romance )

Jul. 26th, 2010


Watching Over You by Daisygirl

Title: Watching Over You
Artist: [info]daisygirl080
Pairing: Severus and Harry
Rating: PG
Medium:digital Photoshop
Warnings: Highlight to view: slight hint of death scene
Theme: Overcoming Adversity
Prompt: Death be not proud
Summary: "Of the many times he's watched over me, I realized just how much of a commitment that would take, to put himself between me and death". (~Harry)
A/N: I think this is the only piece I've gotten done any time in the past month that wasn't practically complete angst. Haha, I had fun with this one, though I'm hoping all the scenes are at least a tad bit recognizable.

Watching Over You )


Never Say Never by Alisanne

Title: Never Say Never
Author: [info]alisanne
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter, Poppy Pomfrey/Luna Lovegood implied.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: +/-4000
Warnings: None
Theme: Love and courtship
Prompt: A throw of the dice.
Summary: After a Hogwarts staff game of “Never Have I Ever” in which Snape admits to doing nothing mentioned, Professor Potter decides Snape hasn't experienced enough in life. Yes, I ‘borrowed’ this prompt from the Snarry a Thon, why do you ask? ;)
A/N: Thanks, as always, to my beta-reader, [info]sevfan, and to the Slash Chat girls for their support and hand-holding. Nothing you recognize belongs to me.

Never Say Never )

Jul. 25th, 2010


Riding Lily by Purpledodah

Title: Riding Lily
Artist: [info]purpledodah
Pairing: Severus & Lily
Rating: PG
Medium: Watercolour paint on 140lb Bockingford paper
Warnings: None
Theme: Quest
Prompt: Always a woman to me
Summary: There had only ever been one woman Severus cared for, and even now, there was only one woman he was willing to ride. And ride her he did, at every opportunity and excuse to go on a quest for supplies.
A/N: I blame Berta for this! She had to go and post pictures of bikes and blokes. So I twisted the prompt a bit to make this fit.

Riding Lily )


Under the Moon by bielol

Title: Under the Moon
Author: [info]bielol
Pairing: Severus and Harry
Rating: R
Media: Photoshop and tablet
Warnings: none
Theme: Love and Courtship
Prompt: The night falls on the shadows
A/N: Venturous thank you very much for your input. Working with you on this one was a pure pleasure.

Under the Moon )

Jul. 24th, 2010


Week One Summary of the Grand Challenge!

Thank you to all who are reviewing and cheering on our authors and artists! Remember, if you'd like to enjoy the amazing stories by [info]lilyseyes, [info]dementordelta and [info]cruisedirector, [info]k8bnimble, [info]camillo1978, and [info]conzieu, remember to friend the group!

Week One in Review )


The Mourning March by Daisygirl

Title: The Mourning March
Artist: [info]daisygirl_080
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Highlight to view: Canon Compliant Character Death, Angst
Theme: Overcoming Adversity
Prompt: The night falls on the shadows
Summary: He'll watch from the shadows, hoping all his hard work will one day be appreciated and credited what he'd sacrificed.
A/N: Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement, I've had SO MUCH fun participating in this first challenge since I've joined. I LOVE the group, and looking forward to being a member for a very long time.

The Mourning March )

Jul. 23rd, 2010


Whores in Towers by deathjunke

Title: Whores in Towers
Artist: deathjunke
Pairing: Severus /Ron
Rating: R
Medium: Pencil, acrylic paint and photoshop for touch ups.
Warnings: Highlight to view: dark theme, M/s overtones
Theme: Quest
Prompt: Let slip the dogs of war.
Summary: The consequences of war for the victors and down trodden.
A/N: I never draw faces, this was very difficult for me (which is the point of a challenge I guess) so forgive me for any oddities. Well... enjoy.

Whores in Towers )


The Room of Banished Things by Alexcaster

Title: The Room of Banished Things
Author: [info]alexcaster
Pairing: Severus/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~3700
Warnings: None
Theme: Quest
Prompt: The night falls on the shadows
Summary: When Severus finds himself in the Room of Banished Things, he finds something that he once thought was lost.
A/N: Many thanks to my marvelous beta who did a bang up job on such short notice. Much love, as always, and you have my eternal thanks and appreciation.

The Room of Banished Things )

Jul. 22nd, 2010


CastAways by Serpenscript

Title: CastAways
Artist: [info]serpenscript
Pairing: Severus and who else, plus any additional pairings.
Rating: Um, PG? *has no idea what rating it is*
Medium: Digital media
Warnings: Highlight to view: blindness, paralysis
Theme: Overcoming Adversity, Love and Courtship
Prompt:Throw of the Dice/Death Be Not Proud
Summary: One the war was done, the Wizarding world cast off those who paid the price for the war in flesh.
A/N: It's my first time drawing old!anyone, so I'm sure there are hundreds of problems with this. But when I looked over the SS_GC prompts (*after* signups had closed, no less), the first line of what wanted to be a poem wiggled its way into my brain....this was the end result. I hope it's enjoyed; I was aiming for something bittersweet, but showing a depth of character and commitment.

CastAways )


Smuggler's End by centaury_squill

Title: Smuggler's End
Author: [info]centaury_squill
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~10,000
Warnings: Highlight to view: Non-magical AU
Theme: Overcoming Adversity
Prompt: Bump in the night
Summary: A tale of smugglers, spies and derring-do, set in 18th century England.

Smuggler's End )

Jul. 21st, 2010


Unforgiveable by camillo1978

Title: Unforgiveable
Artist: [info]camillo1978
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Medium: Pastel pencils; colour saturation increase and contrast adjustment in Photoshop
Warnings: None
Theme: Quest
Prompt: Let slip the dogs of war
Summary: Snape casts the killing curse
A/N: Snape's quest for redemption - and the fact that he is forced to kill in order to progress the war - seemed appropriate for this theme and prompt. According to JKR, in order to perform an Unforgiveable, you have to "really mean it". Attempting to convey that alongside some more ambiguous emotion was a grand challenge ;-) Many thanks to dickgloucester for beta-work and helping to select the final version.

Jul. 20th, 2010


Tear Stained Letters by Daisygirl

Title: Tear Stained Letters
Artist: [info]daisygirl_080
Pairing: Severus and Harry
Rating: R
Medium:digital Photoshop
Warnings: None
Theme: Love and Courtship
Prompt:What’s love got to do with it
Summary: Harry knows what he must do to get rid of the monster, perhaps Severus will be able to move on, soon the world will see him as their hero, the spy for the light.
A/N: Angsty, I know. I've been in a...funk, but I think the challenge was a GREAT excuse to get rid of all the sketch bunnies that have been wracking my brain.

Jul. 19th, 2010


Love Quest by Bielol

Title: Love Quest
Artist: [info]bielol
Pairing: Severus and ?
Rating: G
Medium: clay and ceramic paint
Warnings: none
Theme: Quest
Prompt: What’s love got to do with it
Summary: Severus is sitting on a luggage reading a letter. The letter was a cause that started his quest. Who wrote the letter? And where is he going? And what's love got to do with it?

Love Quest )


Friends Locked Posts

Can't see [info]lilyseyes' lovely fic? Be sure to join the site in order to enjoy all the NC-17 fic and art!

The Grand Challenge Team

Jun. 28th, 2010


Grand Challenge Submissions Due Today!


All submissions are due today!!

Posting begins July 19th!

Contact grandchallengeteam (at) gmail (dot) com
if you have any questions/concerns.

Jun. 4th, 2010


SeverusSighs Grand Challenge Posting Header Templates

Severus has an announcement to make, everyone: when submitting your entry to the SeverusSighs Grand Challenge, please use the applicable header below.

Posting Template for Authors:

Posting Template for Artists:

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