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Posts Tagged: 'takizawa+yuta'

Aug. 24th, 2011




Who: Hydracula, select Caduceus, ???
Where: Skullcrusher Mountain
When: Forward-dated to after Mirror's game

[Some time after Hydracula has finished freaking out over being children or the wrong sex or a sekuhara headmonster, a few members of Ophiuchus begin to arrive at different times.]

Aug. 22nd, 2011




Who: Anyone
Where: Outside Hydracula
When: Day 265, afternoon
What: why are they all kids what is this no


Aug. 20th, 2011




Who: Hydracula
Where: Hydracula
When: Day 264, afternoon
What: Hydracula!!1

That was an easy win.



Game 158

Who: Anyone at all
Where:  The Arena
When: Day 264, late morning
What:  A game!

[The Twins are out today in the Arena's center, lovely stone faces bright with amusement, the round table just before the statue draped with an odd cloth of shimmering grey. On it stand clean, empty glasses and pitchers of juice- cranberry, pomegranate, blueberry, and several that are unidentifiable. Clean bowls are here as well, and a massive platter with a serving spoon and what seems to be cucumbers and tomatoes marinated in some sort of tangy dressing. Beside it, on a separate platter, stand segments of coconut sliced into pieces as regular as that of a pie, and whole, fresh figs. Spiraling out from the central table like spokes on a wheel are smaller tables, also circular, draped in each partnerteam set's colors. These are set with ornate, high-backed chairs, each sporting a cushion upon its seat.]

A pleasant morning to you, little blanks. I have another game for you, and my sister has been gracious enough to help me arrange it. Do make yourselves comfortable, hm~? We'll be getting started any minute now.

Mingle | Gamestart | Presentation | Volunteer judging | Endgame | Memories- Hydracula, Bunnycorn, Pygnapus

Aug. 13th, 2011




Who: Hydracula and visitors
When: Day 262, late morning
What: Noxious things!

[Filling the skulldorm today, is possibly the most horrible, curdlingly foul smell for a long, long time.

A sharkling sits, with nose pinched, fanning the smell of a brewing concoction out the "nose" of the skull. Beside him, are a set of leaves, carefully stripped and set aside for the next batch. The process so far has been incredibly painstaking and has taken most of the morning, since Jinx's breakfast request.]

You're lucky I like you, you know.

Aug. 12th, 2011



Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 262, Morning

[There are several members of Caduceus standing around in the arena this time, though they don’t seem to have much with them for once. Apart from a few sheets of paper, the only other notable things around are a set of sixteen empty baskets in the color of each team.]

((This game will run over the weekend so you have plenty of time to find stuff, submissions at 6EST on Sunday

EDIT because ij was all lame and broken submissions are due same time tomorrow.))

Aug. 9th, 2011



Who: bitches and hos
Where: Hydracula, near where Lucky has been watching Pyxis watch Luck watch Pyxis
When: Day 261, assbutt o'clock in the morning
What: IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR CRAZY BITCHES ARE DOING? Because the answer is "having a knife fight."

Really, now, Miss Lucky Vulpecula, if you wanted to dance that badly, all you had to do was ask~ No need for all the longing gazes!


Aug. 8th, 2011




Who: Hydracula & Pygnus
Where: Hydracula
When: Day 260, night

[Things Excel was probably told, but has nonetheless conveniently forgotten: PYXIS]

—Hostile takeover! The red menace!

Aug. 7th, 2011




Who: People not on merry adventures
Where: Various places
When: Day 260, morning
What: 8T

[ this is a post about those left behind or otherwise uninformed about certain shenanigans of a potentially dire nature happening this fine moderately doomy morning.

Life goes on! ]

(( OOC: MOONTIME POST oshi. Locations in titles! ))

Aug. 2nd, 2011



Who: Everyone!
Where: Anywhere
When: Day 259, all morning
What: Fallouts + damage assessments

[it's a new day in Sabra! People are emerging from their dorms (or not-their dorms) and checking on each other and what happened last night]

((put your location in the title if you want it to be in a specific location!))

Aug. 1st, 2011




Who: Hydracula and their pet Ophi
Where: Skullcrusher Mountain
When: Day 258, shortly after things have calmed

[Hydracula and a pair of Ophiuchus on opposite ends of the danger scale are huddling in the relative safely of a skull house.]

E-Everyone's okay, right?

Jul. 31st, 2011



Who: All the good little anti-entropy engine girls and boys and others
Where: On the way back towards the dorms
When: Day 258, evening, so very shortly after Good Ends

[As the festivities end and it’s time to head back to dorms, there seems to hang an uneasy feeling that has nothing to do with bittersweet goodbyes. The particularly astute may notice an uncomfortable stillness about; not a living thing is out and active, save the Blanks. Even the river seems stilled, as if holding its breath. The more sensitive can probably feel it coming, whatever it is. Even the insensitive may find something about the walk home distasteful.]

Jul. 30th, 2011




Who: Nobody here but us shadows!! REALLY!
Where: IN THE SHADOWS near the rocky cove
When: Day 258, noon

[There's a dude in orange, sneaking around in the shadowy areas. His jacket over his head as he figures out the fastest way to climb up the ladder to Hydracula unseen. He glances around. The coast seems clear! There's a soft tinkling of a bell as he makes his move.]

Jul. 23rd, 2011




Who: Anyone out in the city
Where: The ruins
When: Day 256, late morning through afternoon
What: Finding his damn team

[You know what, it's been two days, one game, and a very, very creepy wooden replica of Scowl in Hydracula later, that a shark has had enough fucks. Yes, threshold has been far exceeded and he is giving no more of them as a general rule.

He skates through the rubble and fatty lizard ruined walls near one of the major grazing sites, approaching the old Hydra city, senses alert for either scent, faint as one might be.]




When: Day 256, morning

[Oh good, Scowl's come home! Wait, no, that's a wooden dummy that Lucky stayed up all night carving, put into a spare Hydra uniform, drew a frowny face on, and then propped up at the table. CARRY ON.]

Who wants breakfaaast?



Game 156

Who: Everybody~
Where: Arena
When: Day 255, eveningtime
What: :3(\

[ The OMINOUSLY FOREBODING CALL OF DOOM that summons you to the Arena this evening......... the giggling of teenage girls in triplicate. And a dramatic sigh or two. As you arrive you might just be in time to catch part of a conversation: ]

--and it’s been like, y’know, so boring lately, right? Ugh. And I mean all that dark emo stuff’s kinda hot sometimes, but it gets like so totally old when like, everyone’s doing it. So not cute.

I know, right? It’s totally up to us now. Let’s do something fun for a change.

[[ Links: Signup here!! | Mingle | Groups | The Setup | Rules | Group threads: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 4Kids | Catwalk of Shame | Endgame |

Jul. 21st, 2011




Who: Anyone!
Where: The Arena
When: Day 255, afteroon
What: MINI-GAME...

[CLANG CLANG the familiar aggravating sound of animals not using kitchen utensils properly! And also a kid with a bullhorn]


[if you actually GO to the arena, you'll find that a good portion of it has been covered in what seems to be some sort of large, shoddily put together maze of wood and cardboard. Ash's Pokemon are running about with some cut outs and lots of string]

[also, once entering, either due to magic or a really freaking fast pokemon with the move "In a Dress", everyone who enters the arena finds themselves wearing a tunic in their team color and holding a map]

[over on a rock, carefully reading a video game manual SUPER INTRIGUING story book, is a three headed hydra]

((E-END GAME/PRIZES If you want to finish your thread for fun, please poke me this weekend! Otherwise the dungeon has been burned up/still on fire/rampaged by Cetus/completely looted/everyone is crazy. THANKS GUYS))

Jul. 19th, 2011



Who:  Everyone
Where: Everywhere
When: Day 255, late morning
What: Meet and greet

[The new Ophi kid, followed by his teammate, is out exploring and meeting the Blanks. KNOCK KNOCK ON YOUR DOOR.]




Who: Hydracula, visitors.
Where: Mt. Skullcrusher!1
When: Day 254, late Afternoon


Jul. 18th, 2011




Who: Cetus, Orion, and anyone who is insane enough to visit
Where: Orion dorms
When: Day 254, afternoon
What: GENERAL CLEANUP FOR ORION and Monsterhunter style coping/functionality

[Elliot is sitting on a chair, slowly carving a tiny, shallow, circle into the wall with his knife.]