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Posts Tagged: 'lenalee+lee'

Sep. 11th, 2011



Who: Anyone
Where: Anywhere
When: Day 270, afternoon
What: generic random happenstances

[Which is to say, this is a mingle post. Whatever you're doing today, on this fine day 270 afternoon, you may do it here.]

Sep. 10th, 2011



Game 161

Who: Anyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 270, noon
What: Messenger Game

[The Call to the Arena is a jaunty tune, cheerfully trilling down the scales of a pan flute.

When you arrive, the Messenger sits on the throne, looking markedly better than the last time you'd seen him there. He sits, leaning forward, with elbows on his knees and expression mischievous. He holds a finger up to his lips, in a "shhh" gesture.

You find yourself unable to speak. ♥]

((OOC: Loser game, but any and all can attend! One hour mingle as usual, expect two quick rounds after. IRC or EMAIL ADDRESS in sign in needed for this game.))

Sep. 9th, 2011



Who: Lulu, Chrome, whoever
Where: Everywhere
When: All morning 270
What: Friendly neighborhood Bunnycorn (!?)

[This morning, Lulu is showing her partner team's newest girl around. They are going by everywhere, but especially by all the inhabited dorms. say hi, chase them off, WHATEVER]

Uwaaaah, Violet-chan, what do you think of that? It's nice, isn't it?

Sep. 4th, 2011



Who: Lenalee + YOU
Where: Everywhere
When: Day 269, late morning
What: Hugs and kisses

[Wandering around and knocking on aaaaall the doors.]

((Lenalee has been given a mission to kiss a person from each team on the cheek + hugs for Hydra, Vulpecula, Orion, and Cetus. So I need a volunteer from every team LET'S ROCK PEOPLE.))




Who: Anyone
Where: Anywhere
When: Day 268, evening
What: plottings?

[So, as usual there is an Uroboros wandering around, fairly cheerful and all. And yet there may be a slight difference in his mannerism if you're one to catch that. The fact that he's knocking on dorm doors doesn't seem odd, surely?]

Sep. 3rd, 2011




Who: Lyvus & friends
Where: the Lyvress
When: Day 268, afternoon
What: dehiatus/cuddlepile/memory-taking/wildebeests

[After two days of being too sick to inquire as to Lyvus' happenings, Itachi has woken up feeling a lot better, only to--find the dorm deserted?

Clearly the only solution is sit on the roof with a cup of tea, keeping an eye out for returning teammates.]

Sep. 2nd, 2011



Game 160

Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 268, early morning
What: Haunted Game

[Childish giggling--is it male? Female? It’s impossible to tell--surrounds every blank as they heed today’s call. It’s barely audible, able to easily be ignored. But it is ever present. In the arena on the throne sits Haunted’s statue, headless as ever. Even without facial features she gives off the sense of being very pleased with herself.

Heavy mist covers the floor, giving off a strong sickly sweet scent. The smaller among the blanks may already feel themselves starting to grow woozy from its influences.]

Sign in | Mingle | Nightmares: Sion, Razzy, Thumper, Nishi, Lenalee | Endgame and revivals | Memories

Sep. 1st, 2011



Who: Lyvus, plus Parrot
Where: Lyvus
When: Day 267, backdated afternoon, specifically shortly after this.
What: Sane Robot Man is Not Sane.

[What started out as the best day ever has now become the worse.]

[So now Rory is opening the door to Lyvus, body rigid and tense, and looking like he's just on the verge of completely losing it.]

Aug. 31st, 2011



Who: Persephone and others
Where: Outside the fortress, by the lake, generally flying around
When: Day 267, afternoon

[Guess who remembered how to use her Innocence \o/ Lenalee is outside Lyvus practicing with her boots and learning some control, after she's worn them in some she'll fly further out into the cave and practice sharp turns and dives and guys did you know I could walk on water? I am totally walking on the lake.]


Who: Dagger, Lyvus
Where: Not too far from the Lyvress
When: Day 267, morning
What: De-pillarings

[The torches can't have been lit for more than an hour at most when someone is finally approaching the Lyvress fortress. He has definitely been in better shape before, and the boy keeps throwing nervous glances behind his shoulder, as if to check if someone is actually there. It might also be pretty obvious that he is avoiding any cave walls like the plague. That the fortress is still around is definitely a good sign though, so he's hurrying to reach it as best as he can. When he does reach the door, it takes a hesitant minute until he dares to reach out his hand and knock on it though.]

...Hello...? Is anyone there...?

[Please may they not have been taken too :(]

Aug. 27th, 2011



Who: Anyone
Where: Everywhere
When: Day 266, noon

[Wherever you are, whatever you're doing the world around you just burst into a small pandemonium. The squidrat in your pantry just SHOT out and out the door, the one that was sneaking up on your fish ABANDONED THEM and just ran.

Out walking, one may have just raced by...]

Aug. 26th, 2011



Who: Lyvus
Where: Lyvus
When: Day 266, late morning
What: Memories

Is anybody else concerned that some of us won more than one memory this game?

Aug. 25th, 2011



Game 159; end

Who: Everyone
Where: arena~
When: Day 266, morning
What: Wrapping up the mix-up game!

[Bright and early the next morning, the call to the arena goes out again. Mirror is ... less .. drunk this time. There are no rooms this time, but there is a central area with various Ophi booths and things, with smaller blankets laid out around it for the various teams.]

Ugh, is this why some mortals don't drink? My head is killing me!

[ Mingle | Ophi (8 PM EST until 11 PM EST max!) | Endgame | Results |
Memories (Canis, Monoceros, Hydra, Cepheus, Pavo, Delphinus, Corvus)]

Aug. 22nd, 2011




Who: Anyone
Where: Outside Hydracula
When: Day 265, afternoon
What: why are they all kids what is this no


Aug. 21st, 2011




Who: Lyvus & visitors
Where: Outside Lyvress
When: Day 265, morning
What: Lelouch's teammates going missing is a severe interruption to his morning routine and he highly suspects they have been called to a game that he has missed and he is going to do laundry in the river and fret a lot and this way he can see if they come home and—

. . .

. . . . . . .


Game 159

Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 265, bright and early (to leave room for folks who need to backdate things)

[The pull is especially insistent today, if kind of ... wobbly? It's a weird feeling. Almost nauseating.

And for good reason, because once you get there you will see that everyone's ~favorite~ judge is seated on her throne. Except -- your reflections in her statue are extra wobbly today. And Mirror herself is laughing herself silly, her words slurred.]

Oh! Oh! This will be hilarious! The faces they'll make.

[There are also seventeen small buildings in the room, made of mirrored glass and set up much like your good ol' War Room games. What could be in there??]


Aug. 20th, 2011



Game 158

Who: Anyone at all
Where:  The Arena
When: Day 264, late morning
What:  A game!

[The Twins are out today in the Arena's center, lovely stone faces bright with amusement, the round table just before the statue draped with an odd cloth of shimmering grey. On it stand clean, empty glasses and pitchers of juice- cranberry, pomegranate, blueberry, and several that are unidentifiable. Clean bowls are here as well, and a massive platter with a serving spoon and what seems to be cucumbers and tomatoes marinated in some sort of tangy dressing. Beside it, on a separate platter, stand segments of coconut sliced into pieces as regular as that of a pie, and whole, fresh figs. Spiraling out from the central table like spokes on a wheel are smaller tables, also circular, draped in each partnerteam set's colors. These are set with ornate, high-backed chairs, each sporting a cushion upon its seat.]

A pleasant morning to you, little blanks. I have another game for you, and my sister has been gracious enough to help me arrange it. Do make yourselves comfortable, hm~? We'll be getting started any minute now.

Mingle | Gamestart | Presentation | Volunteer judging | Endgame | Memories- Hydracula, Bunnycorn, Pygnapus

Aug. 14th, 2011




Who: Bunnycorn & . . . visitors
Where: Just outside Monoceros
When: Day 263, early morning
What: A new person . . .?

[This morning, there is a tiny boy(?) in white poking around nervously and curiously just outside Monoceros. Or poking around inside, if that's your thing—either way, he's not going far.]

Aug. 12th, 2011




Who: Lyvus
Where: Lyvus
When: Day 262, late morning

Before anybody accuses me of anything, I am not stress cooking. This is just breakfast.

[. . . yeah sure Royal]


Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 262, Morning

[There are several members of Caduceus standing around in the arena this time, though they don’t seem to have much with them for once. Apart from a few sheets of paper, the only other notable things around are a set of sixteen empty baskets in the color of each team.]

((This game will run over the weekend so you have plenty of time to find stuff, submissions at 6EST on Sunday

EDIT because ij was all lame and broken submissions are due same time tomorrow.))