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Posts Tagged: '%21days+220-229'

Mar. 18th, 2011




Who: YOU
Where: ARENA
When: Day 225, morning
What: ~*Game*~

[TODAY on our throne is none other than our buddy Angel, flanked by her usual enormous maze. There are eight entrances to the maze, each blocked from view by fluttering coloured fabric.]

Hey, hey, is it really scary to lose things? That stuff you're holding onto, would you really be worse off if you didn't have it? And, and, that stuff you want to lose? Is that important too?

[Prep | Mingle (4:30PST - 5:30PST) | MAZE (5:30PST - 8:30PST) | Endgame | Memories]

Mar. 16th, 2011




Who: Pygnus
Where: Cygnus dorms
When: Day 224, late morning
What: After-game reporting to the other swans.

...So, it was a very nice game! There were no zombie attacks; everyone got to hide behind a mask and enjoy themselves.

And everyone was allowed to keep their outfits! A few people liked the one I made.


Who: Ophiuchus
Where: The barracks
When: Day 224, late morning

[By some miracle, when the rumbling of movement comes from below and the sweep of change through the halls and rooms of the Ophiuchus sub-units.

Uroboros will find their living conditions unchanged at the the most comfortable and convenient, however, Uraeus' have noticeably improved. Caduceus has dropped to the lowest rank.

There is no words from below, however, the faint tremors of movement indicate that the giant snake is settling again.]


Who:  Rapunzel, various animals and YOU
Where:  Wherever it is feasible to have all these animals and plants. The fields maybe?? Lets go with the fields.
When: Day 224, afternoonish

[An unmistakable buzzing noise. An unmistakable, oddly tuneful buzzing noise. Add in a chorus of Orvi cawing, some clapping, and... A violin solo somehow? Drums? Who even knows. Should you investigate this abnormality you will find one Disney princess engaging in an elaborate dance number with several of Sabra's beasts as they help her gather food. There is a stack of pederpes rolling onions into a basket with a flick of their tail, beebats actively sharing their honey, fatty lizards helping to carry baskets, at least one dolphinacorn in there somewhere, it goes on and on. This is real. This is a thing that is happening.]

Mar. 15th, 2011




Who: Bunnycorn!
Where: Bunnycorn!
When: Day 224, after breakfast

[This Lepus is having a staring contest with his memory berry in the kitchen table.]




Who: Aven + Ophiuchus
Where: Ophi-place???
When: Day 224, morning

[So there is an Ursa. He is standing outside of Ophiuchus. And he is wanting to talk to an Ophiuchus. How does he?]

Rise and shine, lazy bones! I'm here for a mission--if you'd like. I'm pretty sure there's other things you'd rather be doing but I'm assuming that there's some sort of mutual benefits thing for missions, so...

[he could prattle on all day, really, if you let him]


Who: ever.
Where: the lake.
When: sometime Day 224
What: trying to figure out how food comes out of lake (and nearby)

[today, there is a girl and a dog, wwwandering around the lake and wherever there's torches, examining the various traps and nets that have been set out, as well as the gardens. a very serious mission, when you are hungry much of the time!]

Mar. 14th, 2011




Who: Any
Where: The northeastern tunnels
When: Day 224

[To those who first return to the cavern in the northeast, it may appear that the great green dragon sleeps.

The cavern is dark, its fires burnt out and the dragon rests in its ashes.]




Who: PARROT, whoever
Where: Monster Hunter area
When: Day 224, noon


Hey, you forgot to-- ... he's gone.

[He is decked out in stylish Cetus colored feathers. Including the parrot beak too]

. . . this is worse than the rabbit ears.

((OOC: STILL HILARIOUSLY SLOW due to moontime schedule BUT NET IS FIXED.))


Who: Ice and Wolfwood
Where: Heading back to beardog
When: Day 224, late morning/afternoon
What: ttly friendly conversations

[After hunting with Pyxis is over one Ursa is heading home. Whoever could he run into along the way?]

Mar. 13th, 2011



Who: Loud pink and red kids
When: Day 224, morning

They'll certainly be for it. I've no doubt! And the bigger the party, the bigger the game we can handle, right?

((THIS HERE BE A PLANNING AND MINGLE POST actual hunt tomorrah o7))




Who: Lizardkings, anyone
Where: Outside Cepheus dorms
When: Day 223, postgame

* on the roof of the bookboxhouse, tools lie abandoned for the present; the workman now restlessly pacing back and forth, with the odd glance northwards. *

They're taking a while... maybe I should go...

Mar. 12th, 2011




Who: Lynx & visitors
Where: Lyvus
When: Day 223, evening (post-game)
What: Bad decision kittysaur.

[after a fairly enjoyable game, it is time for nice tea time in front of the fire!]

You know, I think we all have two memories to take, now.

Mar. 13th, 2011




Who: Ursa, maybe Canis?
Where: Beardorm
When: Day 223, a few hours post-game
What: Hiatus post~

[There's a note on the doorstep! In Aura's neat, tidy script, it reads,

"Dear Ursa,

I will be spending [AN AMOUNT OF DAYS] with a Judge. There's stew for dinner; if it's gone cold, please be thorough when reheating it.

My apologies for the inconvenience and lack of notice,
Lots of love,
Aura. ♥"]


Who: Monster Hunter, visitors
Where: Monster Hunter
When: Day 223, After game
What: Newbie!

[an UNFAMILIAR HEAD just poked itself out of the trapdoor that connects Cetus and Orion] Helloooooooooo? Anybody home?




Who: Anyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 223, afternoon 
What:  Masquerade~ Paper faces on parade. Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you~

[The arena is dim today, the light of the torches giving way to a shimmering sort of half-light as one approaches. The ambiance is more that of twilight than dawn, and it flatters the smiles on the statue of the Twins high above. Tiny white lights flicker and disappear in the air, swaying and dancing like fireflies, but to any who examine them closely, they seem to lack substance.]

[What stands in the rest of the arena, however, remains a mystery- for towering to an improbable height near the foot of the stairs is a gate of ornate iron scrollwork, and the wall attached encircles the arena, blocking off the space closest to the statue. Lanterns of colored paper and whimsical metal shapes have been hung from the top of it, adding a splash of color- here Cepheus purple, there Hydra green, and all the teams represented in their turn. From above the gates, there rings out a voice that is pleasant and more than a little amused.]

A pleasant evening to you, little blanks. I trust you've had word from Ophiuchus? Do prepare yourselves accordingly. I've arranged a game for you, and my dear sister has agreed to help me put it on.

Sign in | Mingle | Game start- dance floor, food, reflecting pool. | Ophi enters- The catwalk, Two truths and a lie, costume contest. | Status report | Endgame | Memories

((OOC- Please sign in with your team and character name if you're playing. Also, before you do, make sure you've filled out this.))

Mar. 11th, 2011



Who: Anyone
Where: The northeastern tunnels
When: Day 222, evening

[It is sometime as the torches begin truly dimming and even the well lit areas by the cove become a struggle to see. The evening is peaceful as it can be, most of the creatures grazing or hunting anything smaller than itself...

When almost at once, as if obeying some unseen or unheard signal, creatures great and small take on a stance of panic and flee towards the south.

It is merely moments after that when the entire area lights up with a luminance greater than daylight, radiating from the northeast. It darkens slowly, fading to a mere glow in the distance, casting along the great cavern.]

Mar. 10th, 2011




Who: A lot of teams (mostly Delpavo and Hydracula. Or whoever wants to visit any of them)
Where: All up in the Cove?
When: Day 223, EARLY MORNING (forward dated)
What: Vulp + Del prince and the pauper exchange.

Well then. If everyone is all right with the exchange I will be back late in the evening. I've taken the liberty of preparing a cold lunch for everyone as well but you'll have to fend for yourself for dinner. I trust Zero will be able to handle it.

Is there anything else before I go?

[ Pre-threading | Delphinus and Pavo | Vulpecula and Hydra ]

Mar. 8th, 2011



Where: Down in the
When: Day 222, afternoon
What: blood, dirty loli stumbling down the stairs

ssswear to christ I would rip someone's nuts off f'r a pb&j and a glass of milk . . .

Mar. 9th, 2011




Who: Lyvus, visitors, someone new
Where: Lyvus, possibly other places
When: Day 222, afternoon
What: the newest Corvus awakens. Well, when I say awaken...

*There's an unfamiliar guy in Corvus uniform, at the table in the Lyvress common room. His head is pillowed on his arms, and he appears to be asleep.

Poke him?*