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Posts Tagged: 'zexion'

Jul. 2nd, 2011




Who: Hydra + Lepus = ?!
Where: Lepus
When: Day 249, evening
What: trading for fun and profit. mostly profit.

[This fine evening, two Hydra have made their way up to Lepus tower, cooking ingredients in tow. That's not something you see every day.

Or ever.]

Okay, here goes nothing.

[and knocking on the door.]

Jun. 25th, 2011




When: Day 247, evening

[Lucky, whose skin has adopted a rather suspicious red color, has brought home a delicious-smelling sack of boiled fish]


Jun. 18th, 2011




Who: Hydracula
Where: Hydracula
When: Day 246, night (after the game)
What: Memories . . .

[Kanda is sitting at the kitchen table, glaring at . . . six memory berries . . . as if they personally offend him. Which they probably do.]

[God help you, Hydra, if you bring home another one.]




Who: Blanks
Where: The Arena
When: Day 246, evening
What: A game has beckoned

[Today’s call is like a light touch on the back of your neck, leaving behind goose bumps. Though Haunted sits in the throne, the tacky and overly dramatic decorations are missing. Instead there is simply an unsettling stillness, and near the throne a low mist clings to the ground and the statue. The only sounds are the approaching blanks whose footsteps and voices echo eerily the closer they come to the throne.

She remains silent.]

Jun. 17th, 2011



Who: Yayoi, Hydracula, stalkers and visitors
Where: Cove Area, Hydracula
When: Day 246, Late morning through early afternoon

[After having found the bridge to the cove out and walking all the way around to Lizardking's side of the river and wading through the shallows into the cove's area from there, there is one Cepheus at the base of the skull, considering how to climb the ladder without straining her shoulder more :|;]

They have to make everything so difficult . . .

Jun. 14th, 2011




Who: Hydracula + foolish fools who would visit?
Where: In the depths of a giant hat wearing skull
When: Day 245, evening
What: Being Hydracula

[Arson for what it's worth is busy writing on some papers he got from an Ophi a few days back...]

Jun. 11th, 2011




Who: Hydracula
Where: Hydracula
When: Day 244, night

[The Hydraculas are locked safe away, wounds having been attended to, resting and recuperating. The raptors are no longer knocking. Excel is still tied to a chair. All is well in the fedora skull.]

Feed me. And untie me. And feeeed meee.

Jun. 7th, 2011



Who: ???
Where: Everywhere
When: Day 244, later afternoon --- ?
What: dundunduuuun

[where ever you are outside, you may get the distinct feeling that SOMETHING is watching you :)]

((BEAST EVENT 8) Please put your location in the title of your comment, unless you are just running all over the place for some reason.)

[Navigation (relative-ish to team/location proximity) (thanks to Chika-mun! |D)
DelPavo: By the river (Rapunzel) | South of the cove | By the lagoon (Feathers)
Canis/Ursa: Near Canis | Canis (Curls, Bones) | Near Ursa | Between Ursa and the river (Aura, Molotov, Aven)
Fields (Nutcracker)
Pygnus: By the lake (Dove) | South of Pyxis | Near the lake (Ruby)
Lizardking: Near Lacerta (Allen) | River between Pygnus and Lizardking | Just outside Lizardking
Cetus/Orion: Tunnel near Cetus/Orion | Outside Orion
Lyvus: Near the river (Lyvus) | Lyvus
Hydracula: Hydracula
Ophi: Cave near Ophi (Arianna, Azula) | between river and Ophi dorm | Between Ophi and Dorm area (Parrot)
Northeastern wall (River, HitGirl, Thorn)]

Jun. 4th, 2011




Who: Hydra, Vulpecula, any foolhardy enough to visit
When: Day 243, evening
What: Just a ~friendly night~ at home

[A good pot of Hydra gumbo simmers merrily in the kitchen, surprisingly not poisoned despite Scowl being in the kitchen the whole time it was being made. Upstairs, the more inoragnic member of the team might have shut herself in her room; downstairs, Sparta hasn't moved much from where he's been the past 25 hours.

His jumpsuit has not only been mended, but has begun to sport a lovely border of Hardanger embroidery on the cuffs.]

May. 30th, 2011




When: Day 242, night

[It's been a LONG DAY but we are HOME NOW]

I feel like we've gone down the entire checklist with the maximum number of things that can happen in one day.

May. 29th, 2011



Who: Any
Where: The Arena
When: Day 242
What: Good Ends

[The Call that resounds from the Arena is loud, echoing to every part of Sabra. A regal crescendo of notes and then anticipatory silence. Should you follow it today, the Arena is that strange darkened landscape again...

Simple darkness fills your vision, no delineation between up and down, walls or even the floor. You can only see the throne in the far off distance, and two pathways each covered with a lush carpet: Orange and Black with Silver lining. One bears the sigil of the canny fox, curious and careful and the other shows two twined serpents wrapping around each other in the weave. Should you turn around, there is no exit yet, but there is a small table, filled with punch, and several large party platters.]

[However, should you follow either of the pathways, the landscape begins to change...]

May. 27th, 2011




Who: Hydracula
Where: On top of SKULL MOUNTAIN
When: Day 241, afternoon to evening
What: so about that undead judge-controlled zombie raptor and its friends

[Those out and about in the early afternoon may have seen the combined members of Hydra and Vulpecula (minus a few) coming home from the east, looking dusty, occasionally bloody, and more than a little haggard.

A few hours later, wounds are cleaned up, the unconscious have been put to bed, and the occasional figure in green or orange can be seen on the hat's rim. One, in fact, has been there almost consistently, sitting on the beams of the pulley and looking east.]


Who: Watanuki, anybody
Where: Just outside lizardking
When: Day 241, early evening

[If you pass anywhere near the lizardking dorms today, there is an incredibly delicious smell in the area. Because Watanuki has had a couple of stressful days, and when Wata has a stressful day, he cooks. All the cooking.

He's gotten into Lizardking's meat stores and laid out a barbecue of ... well whatever they have. Mostly lizard and fish, with vegetables too. And plenty of things to roast them on, even though he's doing most of the prep work himself. Non lizardkings are welcome as long as they bring supplies.]

I guess we'll need to go hunting again after this...

May. 25th, 2011




Where: HYDRAC Near the edge of the common areas, towards the ruins
When: Day 241, Late Morning
What: Raptor Hunting

[A group of Hydraculans have gathered near the furthest reach of the glow of torches. For the moment they don't seem to be doing anything in particular—fiddling with weaponry, idly doing tricks on their A-T if they have them, chatting amongst themselves—aside from the few examining the ground for signs of their chosen prey.]

May. 24th, 2011




Who: Hydracula
Where: Hydra and Vulpecula's common (bed)room
When: Day 240, evening
What: Bedtime chats

[The two beds in the common room are neatly made in the near-illusion of being one, pushed side by side and blankets arranged to cover the gaps. After the first night, a bit of twine was sacrificed to keep the feet of the bed lashed together.

It is a very large space, as far as Sabra sleeping arrangements go. Large and, for the second night, strangely empty, despite the small nobody sitting against one of the headboards.]

. . . exceedingly particular.

May. 21st, 2011




Who: Hydracula & Friends
Where: Skullcrusher Mountain
When: Day 240, afternoon

[If you are inside Hydracula right now, you might notice the huge, fedora-skull-shaking THUMP up on the roof. Or maybe the hammer-like pounding that follows it. If you didn't know better, you might think it sounded like the secret knock.]

May. 19th, 2011




Who: Anyone
Where: Through the cove area
When: Day 240, late morning
What: One little Hydra... not as far from home as he'd like to be

[Today there is a tiny figure that is absolutely plastered with mud. Most of it is flaking off and drying now, but at some point, it looks like he had a good roll in it.

It MIGHT have been hard to tell what team he was on, but if the A-T wasn't giving it away, the machete slingshot is a good hint of only one team crazy and inventive enough to make it. That and the scowl as he crouches, examining tracks running through the dorm areas.]

The fuck are they doing out here?

May. 10th, 2011




Who: Hydacula & visitors
Where: Skullcrusher Mountain AND BEYOND
When: Day 237, evening

TEAM MEETING! Also the grub's done. But more importantly TEAM MEETING! STATUS REPORTS, GO!

May. 7th, 2011




Who: Trixie, anyone
Where: Approaching Hydracula
When: Day 237, morning
What: De-hiatus~.


[automatically ninja rolls! … faceplantszzzz…]

[and wobbles back to her feet, unsteady but determined.]

May. 6th, 2011




Who: Gray, Enigma, hydracula
Where: Hydracula!
When: Day 236, night
What: Bedninja!

[A zombie has taken up place in one of the beds in the common room. He's lying on his back and contemplating two small pieces of bone held up in each hand.]