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Posts Tagged: 'selendis'

Aug. 12th, 2011




Who: Lyvus
Where: Lyvus
When: Day 262, late morning

Before anybody accuses me of anything, I am not stress cooking. This is just breakfast.

[. . . yeah sure Royal]

Aug. 6th, 2011



Who: Our merry adventurers
Where: In the abandoned city
When: Day 260, late morning

[As you leave Delphinus, you feel the faint, rare tug of wind around you. It whirls gently and quietly from the doorway of the dorms and urges with a faint tug of cloths to the northeast. The world outside of the groups, as they split, is unusually quiet and muted, as if everything is occurring from a vast distance.

When in the city, the tugging becomes far more persistent leading through a dizzying set of turns and twists in the road until you've passed two large, defaced statues... the trail continues further ...

To a dead end.

A large cave in seems to have smashed the entrance to what was an enormous temple. The wind continues to swirl around you...

As the last gathers, it happens between one glance and the next... the stone is gone, and a temple door is slightly ajar.]




Who: Mission Goers
Where: Delphinus Dorms
When: Day 260, Morning
What: Preparations

[The summons come by squidrat, little scraps of paper with left in exchange for scraps of food (stolen, naturally). The notes simply read "Meet at Delphinus" and have only been delivered to those who spoke specifically to Scowl previously. Who they choose to bring along (or who chooses to follow them) however is an entirely different matter.]

[OOC: Consider this a large mingle before the event! Nishi will be beginning that herself in a few hours.]

Aug. 5th, 2011




Who: Lyvus & visitors
Where: Lyvress
When: Day 259, afternoon into evening
What: Team meeting!

[so, shit is going down. let's stress cook again and have a team meeting yeahhhh]

Aug. 4th, 2011



Who: Roy and anyone else
Where: Out and about
When: Day 259, afternoon

[Roy has a big sack with various fruits sticking out of it sitting on the ground in front of him]

It's been so serious around here lately, who wants a treat? For a small price, of course.

Aug. 2nd, 2011



Who: Everyone!
Where: Anywhere
When: Day 259, all morning
What: Fallouts + damage assessments

[it's a new day in Sabra! People are emerging from their dorms (or not-their dorms) and checking on each other and what happened last night]

((put your location in the title if you want it to be in a specific location!))

Jul. 25th, 2011




Who: Weed, Lulu, people getting ninja-hugged
Where: Everywhere
When: Day 257, whenever
What: Looking for people to hug

*walking around with Lulu*

I hate this.

[[OOC: Daisy was given a solo mission to ninja-hug ten people from ten different teams. If you tag into this post, Lulu will help Daisy try to hug you without IC permission. I'm in chan so feel free to ping me if I don't get to you first!]]

Jul. 16th, 2011



Who: Everyone!
Where: Everywhere~
When: Day 253 Afternoon Post-Game to Evening
What: Ophiuchus is working hard! ♥

[time to work, time to work~~]

[COPYPASTA FROM ASH'S POST: GENERAL POST FOR GAME MASTER PUNISHMENTS. Ophi can do their assignments here, and folks doing their own dirty work may also hijack this! Feel free to decide if the actions take place in the evening or morning, whatever works best for you :|d Backthreading is A-OK as well]

Jul. 9th, 2011



Who: Everyone
Where: Pavo's hotspring bath
When: Day 251, noon post game
What: Bath time!

[This is a post for bathing and mingling and warming up after freezing in a snowball game]

Jun. 27th, 2011




Who: Royal, Lyvus, visitors
Where: Lyvus
When: Day 248, afternoon
What: Like a boss . . .

[Drink too much at Good Ends, like a lightweight boss. Come home and decide it's a good time to take those memories you were putting off, like a boss. Realize the folly of these actions when it turns out to be a triple bypass of super-intense infodumps including matricide, patricide, and getting smacked in the subconscious by the World of C and giant existential mindfucks involving the entirety of humanity's conscious will and—what? what!?]

[NOT SURE IF DRUNK, HUNG OVER, OR HALLUCINATING, but kind of passed out on the pillows in front of the fire uhhhh this is pathetic]

Jun. 26th, 2011




Who: Any
Where: The Arena
When: Day 248, Morning
What: Good Ends

[The Call that resounds from the Arena is loud, echoing to every part of Sabra. A regal crescendo of notes and then anticipatory silence. Should you follow it today, the Arena is that strange darkened landscape again...

Simple darkness fills your vision, no delineation between up and down, walls or even the floor. You can only see the throne in the far off distance, and two pathways each covered with a lush carpet: Red and Black with Silver lining. One bears the sigil of the compass, pointing steadily down the path and the other shows a hooded cobra in the weave. Should you turn around, there is no exit yet, but there is a small table, filled with punch, and several large party platters.]

[However, should you follow either of the pathways, the landscape begins to change...]

Jun. 19th, 2011



Who: Lyvus, visitors
Where: Lyvus dorms
When: Day 247, early morning
What: Post-game shenanigans.

{There is memory bread voodoo dolls on the table -- enough for Corvus -- but Honor, in a new uniform and having found a new knife, seems to be more interested in practicing combat, though her lack of memory for fighting is probably painfully obvious, even if she is clearly in good shape and has muscle memory.]

[From the looks of it, she may not have slept last night]

No, no. This won't do at all. I'll have to try it again.

Jun. 18th, 2011




Who: Blanks
Where: The Arena
When: Day 246, evening
What: A game has beckoned

[Today’s call is like a light touch on the back of your neck, leaving behind goose bumps. Though Haunted sits in the throne, the tacky and overly dramatic decorations are missing. Instead there is simply an unsettling stillness, and near the throne a low mist clings to the ground and the statue. The only sounds are the approaching blanks whose footsteps and voices echo eerily the closer they come to the throne.

She remains silent.]

Jun. 9th, 2011



Who: New person, Lyvus, whoever
Where: Lyvus's dorms, second floor
When: Day 244, post-raptor rapture
What: In which, on the 244th day since the first awoke in Sabra La Tau, the team of Corvus obtains a new member.

[Someone in a Corvus uniform opening the doors, as if looking for someone, and talking to herself]

Bah! Another bedroom.

Jun. 7th, 2011



Who: ???
Where: Everywhere
When: Day 244, later afternoon --- ?
What: dundunduuuun

[where ever you are outside, you may get the distinct feeling that SOMETHING is watching you :)]

((BEAST EVENT 8) Please put your location in the title of your comment, unless you are just running all over the place for some reason.)

[Navigation (relative-ish to team/location proximity) (thanks to Chika-mun! |D)
DelPavo: By the river (Rapunzel) | South of the cove | By the lagoon (Feathers)
Canis/Ursa: Near Canis | Canis (Curls, Bones) | Near Ursa | Between Ursa and the river (Aura, Molotov, Aven)
Fields (Nutcracker)
Pygnus: By the lake (Dove) | South of Pyxis | Near the lake (Ruby)
Lizardking: Near Lacerta (Allen) | River between Pygnus and Lizardking | Just outside Lizardking
Cetus/Orion: Tunnel near Cetus/Orion | Outside Orion
Lyvus: Near the river (Lyvus) | Lyvus
Hydracula: Hydracula
Ophi: Cave near Ophi (Arianna, Azula) | between river and Ophi dorm | Between Ophi and Dorm area (Parrot)
Northeastern wall (River, HitGirl, Thorn)]

Jun. 4th, 2011







May. 29th, 2011




When: Day 242, after Good Ends
What: Game~

[once the festivities have died down and King has left, a familiar voice echoes through the ring:]

Wait, Blanks. You aren't free to go just yet.

[Please sign in with your name and team name! No penalties for this game either. Also, if you went to Good Ends and don't want to play (or vice versa), that's totally fine. Assume you snuck out early/came late/whatever works.]

May. 16th, 2011




Who: Blanks!
Where: Arena!
When: Day 239, late morning
What: Game!

Why, who could be calling you to the arena today? The call seems familiar, but a bit strange, too - a little bit warped. When you arrive, there are eight doors, color-coded according to partner teams, and on the throne is someone you might not have seen running a game for quite some time!

It's Waterbearer, and... he looks like absolute shit. As well as featuring the sort of skinniness you'd only see on someone with severe digestive parasites, his normal pose is different- the clay jar, sporting several hairline cracks now, is toppled over at his knees, water gushing everywhere. His hands hang limply (or as limply as a statue can hang) at his sides, dripping with water that seems unusually muddy.

The statue seems to have been damaged in places - as though someone with very strong fingers had gouged out parts of the statue's face, throat and arms. Everywhere one of these gouges can be seen, thick, muddy water drips out and onto the arena floor.

Unsurprisingly, he's crying - it sounds different than his usual sniffling, though. This is the kind of crying that borders on outright hysteria. In fact, forget the borders. It is hysterical psychosobbing.

W... wh... why? I cuh-cuh-can't- h-he's ... I c-can't get him out, I c-can't-
I can't-

I can't

I-it's not fair, i-it's not right, I can't, I can't, but m-maybe, maybe if...

And then his crying just dissolves into an anguished wail.

Around you, the color-coded doors unlock with a soft click.

May. 15th, 2011




Who: Lyvus
Where: Lyvress
When: Day 238, evening
What: memories and/or antics

[What surprises await those of us who missed the call?

And I don't know about you guys but Itachi is working on the garden and keeping an eye out in the direction of the Arena. :|]

Apr. 26th, 2011



Who: Lyvus + visitors
Where: Lyvus dorms
When: Day 235, morning
What: New Corvus!

[There sure is a new Corvus wandering around, checking out the inscription by the door as new Blanks are prone to do.]

Old friends don't matter..?