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Posts Tagged: 'lulu'

Nov. 4th, 2011



Game 167

When: Day 286, Morning ??? WHO KNOWS
What: Game~

The call today was a fleeting, pleasant one. The blanks that followed may have been on their way to more important matters, or perhaps simply going about their daily gathering routines. In any case, once they arrived at the arena, they'd find some familiar faces. On the grass, surrounded by grazing sheep, the blanks slept, their expressions peaceful.

"My, my," the Judge thought aloud, her book closed. "I wonder if this is really a happy ending."

[THE SHEEP AND GRASS ARE CARDBOARD. Latecomers are A-OK, just hit me up on IRC (Ash). Sign-Up/Mingle/Rooms/Memories]

Nov. 3rd, 2011




Who: Friends and future friends!
Where: Near Bunnycorn at first
When: Day 286, late morning
What: Monoceros is empty, and a fallen angel is wandering...

Where'd everybody go? I was so exited to see them, too...

Oct. 29th, 2011




Who: anyone
Where: anywhere
When: Day 285

*it is another torchlight-y day in sabra la tau, and people are doing the things that they do. anyone wandering by the lake may notice a girl in pink sitting next to a makeshift sign offering 'Free Hugs!'*

((general mingle post! do whatever, wherever. maybe note it in the subject line, idk))

Oct. 27th, 2011



Where: Orion :') Please access the dorm from Cetus trapdoor
When: Day 284, Noon
What: PARTAY! Spin the bottle! Burgers! Middle of the day sleepovers!

[There are at the very least four people poking their head up through the trapdoor entrance to Orion, this is not ominous at all.]

You're right Cheer! This place is really empty. Think we can use it?

((Anyone ever is free to tag in! Maya, Rena, Hizumi and Kurono are having a party and it is somehow being hosted at Orion without their consent. You can assume Maya and Rena were being really loud about it and would have told anyone that it was okay to join in.))

Oct. 24th, 2011



Who: Bunnycorn
Where: Bunnytower
When: Day 283, post-game
What: Memories and things!

[Heading home tired and exhausted, but with memories this time.]

A full victory for Lepus, hooray!

Oct. 21st, 2011



Game 166 Day 1

Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 282, Late Afternoon
What: A game :)

[The pull today is insistent and excited, if soul-chilling as is usual for Game Master. Someone's eager to get started on whatever he has planned, it seems. The Arena, when blanks arrive, is also dimly lit as usual as well. However, something about the lighting seems a bit . . . odd. Shadows falling where there should be none, flickers of movement just at the boundaries of your vision.

Even stranger is the small circle buildings waiting at the foot of the throne when blanks first reach it. It isn't as though the buildings are strange in and of themselves, but there are only three of them. A rather unorthodox number considering the number of all the team, and even the paired partner sets.

In the center of the three buildings are a number of computer writing tablets.

Game Master sits in the throne, face hidden from view beneath his ever present hood.]

Welcome to you, blanks. Welcome, new and old alike back to this stadium of despair and triumph. Will you, I wonder, enjoy the game I have prepared for you today? Will you delight and take pride in the challenges conquered? Or will you, perhaps, despair and curse my name as you often have before?

Let us find out together, you blanks.

[OOC: Sign-in | Mingle | Do a thing | Room assignments | Post-game mingle


Oct. 20th, 2011




Who: Bunnycorn
Where: Dorms!1
When: Day 282, early afternoon

[a lawyer with a hangover has his shirt back on! And is staring at his one memory berry]

[just one]

. . .did I eat my others while I was plastered. . .

Oct. 19th, 2011



Who: Anyone
Where: Anywhere
When: Day 281, all day
What: insert tattoos and drinking and generic mingle here

[So hey, there's a lot of tattoo kits going around today. Made your mark yet? Or you know, use this post for what you will.]

Oct. 10th, 2011




Who: whoever
Where: outside Orion
When: Day 279, afternoon

*a raptor--or at least an uncannily realistic life-sized cutout of such--has been carefully arranged to look as if it's ringing Orion's doorbell. ...But since they don't really have a doorbell, Cheer has banged on the door herself*

Oct. 6th, 2011



Who:  Rapunzel and whoever
Where:  By the lake
When: Day 278, afternoon
What: Chess lessons

[Anybody who has seen Rapunzel by the lake is surely used to the sight of her surrounded by lizards. What's new today is the clearly handmade chess set she is showing them, sitting cross legged and picking each piece in turn as she paints the final details. The lizards are listening with rapt attention.]

...can only move one space at a time, and if you lose the King it's game over so you have to protect him. This piece goes next to it, it's called the Bishop. The Bishop can move any spaces it wants but it can only go diagonally- Across these squares, like this.

Oct. 4th, 2011



Who: Whoever dares approach the Lepus tower
Where: Right outside Lepus
When: Day 278, late morning
What: Doors :(

[There's a rattling noise from the front door of the Lepus tower this morning. Someone is trying to remove the bar on the door but seems to have a little trouble.]

Please... Just open.


There we go!

[And now she's cautiously stepping outside to try to see what kind of place this really is.]

Sep. 25th, 2011



[Game 163]

Who: Everyone
Where: Arena
When: Day 275, morning
What: A game

[The bleating of goats call you to the arena once again. The statue of a young boy sits on the throne, his chin resting on his hands. There is a simple, wooden raised platform right below the throne that serves as a stage. Decorating the ground in front of the stage are enough cushions and pillows for everyone to sit on. Circling the stage area are simple panels in team colors. On them are three buttons. The Kid sounds tired... bored...]

Let’s be honest today.

[Mingle | Game Start (team posts go here) | Stage | End Game | Memories (Hydra, Pyxis (Cygnus), Cepheus, Lacerta, Orion, Lepus, Apus, Lynx)]

Sep. 12th, 2011



Who: Anyone
Where: Everywhere, at ALL the dorms
When: Day 270, Evening
What: Sabra Relationship Chart :)

[It's still quite some time until curfew when you'll hear some very insistent knocking on your dorm door, or maybe you are being tapped on your shoulder while walking between them.]

Hello, this is Diamond from Ursa. I need your help with some very simple questions.

((Rena has a solo mission to do a GIANT relationship chart of as much of Sabra as possible and will ask everyone about their friends, love-lives and rivalries. She'll also ask you about other people's relationship. Oh, and it is totally okay to feed her with misinformation. Because even if I am really going to draw this up, it will still be done ICly.))

Sep. 9th, 2011



Who: Lulu, Chrome, whoever
Where: Everywhere
When: All morning 270
What: Friendly neighborhood Bunnycorn (!?)

[This morning, Lulu is showing her partner team's newest girl around. They are going by everywhere, but especially by all the inhabited dorms. say hi, chase them off, WHATEVER]

Uwaaaah, Violet-chan, what do you think of that? It's nice, isn't it?

Aug. 20th, 2011



Game 158

Who: Anyone at all
Where:  The Arena
When: Day 264, late morning
What:  A game!

[The Twins are out today in the Arena's center, lovely stone faces bright with amusement, the round table just before the statue draped with an odd cloth of shimmering grey. On it stand clean, empty glasses and pitchers of juice- cranberry, pomegranate, blueberry, and several that are unidentifiable. Clean bowls are here as well, and a massive platter with a serving spoon and what seems to be cucumbers and tomatoes marinated in some sort of tangy dressing. Beside it, on a separate platter, stand segments of coconut sliced into pieces as regular as that of a pie, and whole, fresh figs. Spiraling out from the central table like spokes on a wheel are smaller tables, also circular, draped in each partnerteam set's colors. These are set with ornate, high-backed chairs, each sporting a cushion upon its seat.]

A pleasant morning to you, little blanks. I have another game for you, and my sister has been gracious enough to help me arrange it. Do make yourselves comfortable, hm~? We'll be getting started any minute now.

Mingle | Gamestart | Presentation | Volunteer judging | Endgame | Memories- Hydracula, Bunnycorn, Pygnapus

Aug. 15th, 2011




Who: Bunnycorn
Where: Lepus dorm
When: Day 263, morning
What: New person!

[Hi Lepus. There's an unfamiliar blond kid floating into your common room and looking around, wearing your colors.]

Aug. 14th, 2011




Who: Bunnycorn & . . . visitors
Where: Just outside Monoceros
When: Day 263, early morning
What: A new person . . .?

[This morning, there is a tiny boy(?) in white poking around nervously and curiously just outside Monoceros. Or poking around inside, if that's your thing—either way, he's not going far.]

Aug. 2nd, 2011




Who: Charles, Anyone
Where: Lepus
When: Day 259, morning

[walks into the common room, looking like a wreck]

This gives a whole new meaning to mentally scarring.

Aug. 1st, 2011



Who: P . . .yxis?
When: Day 258, getting later
What: [FFFFFFFFuck I can not even look at that thing.]

All right, we- . . . we need to figure out where we'll go, for tonight . . .

Jul. 31st, 2011



Who: All the good little anti-entropy engine girls and boys and others
Where: On the way back towards the dorms
When: Day 258, evening, so very shortly after Good Ends

[As the festivities end and it’s time to head back to dorms, there seems to hang an uneasy feeling that has nothing to do with bittersweet goodbyes. The particularly astute may notice an uncomfortable stillness about; not a living thing is out and active, save the Blanks. Even the river seems stilled, as if holding its breath. The more sensitive can probably feel it coming, whatever it is. Even the insensitive may find something about the walk home distasteful.]