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Posts Tagged: '%7Elibrarian'

Jul. 16th, 2011



Who: Everyone!
Where: Everywhere~
When: Day 253 Afternoon Post-Game to Evening
What: Ophiuchus is working hard! ♥

[time to work, time to work~~]

[COPYPASTA FROM ASH'S POST: GENERAL POST FOR GAME MASTER PUNISHMENTS. Ophi can do their assignments here, and folks doing their own dirty work may also hijack this! Feel free to decide if the actions take place in the evening or morning, whatever works best for you :|d Backthreading is A-OK as well]

Jul. 11th, 2011




Who: Whoever
Where: Lizardking
When: Day 251, evening
What: Post game grump

[so we have come home from our glorious day of. Stuff. Having put down the wounded and the exhausted in comfy spots.

Red made some motherfucking tea]

Who wants tea.

Jun. 30th, 2011




Who: Stuff People (that makes more sense)
Where: Lizardking (or wherever you wanna be?)
When: Day 249
What: Day in the life

[Someone who hasn't shown his face outside for about three days has decided to stop being a wuss (sort of). Is hanging out on Cepheus' roof, head poking over the edge that looks out over the rest of the cave, chewing on an empty pipe and doodling on some loose papers]

Apr. 11th, 2011




Who: Lizardkings + Visitors
Where: Lizardking
When: Day 231, morning
What: where oh where have my little teammates gone oh where oh where can they be. . .

[sitting in front of the door. LOOKING VERY DISTRA--no actually he looks aggravated and tired]

Mar. 13th, 2011




Who: Lizardkings, anyone
Where: Outside Cepheus dorms
When: Day 223, postgame

* on the roof of the bookboxhouse, tools lie abandoned for the present; the workman now restlessly pacing back and forth, with the odd glance northwards. *

They're taking a while... maybe I should go...

Mar. 6th, 2011



Who: Cepheus + ???
Where: Cepheus dorms
When: Day 221, after the Solider game
What: 8|

[When Cepheus returns from tattoo adventures, there is an owl waiting on the table for them. With a note clutched in his talons. And a disapproving look on his face.

Feb. 10th, 2011




Who: Cepheus
Where: Lizardking dorms + ??
When: Day 214, early morning
What: Getting some things back from Mirror.

[Bright and early the morning after monster nom game, there is a familiar jangling at the front of Cepheus. And ... some thumping? Actually, that's quite a lot of thumping. Better open the door and see what's up.]

Feb. 7th, 2011




Who: Zexion, Librarian
Where: By the ruined dorms south of Hydracula
When: Day 212, late morning
What: Delivering paperwork

[It's certainly not the best of nesting boxes, being open-topped and formed of stone, and formed of an alcove only as high as Zexion's (admittedly diminutive) stature can reach. But it did meet the specifications in size made by form 106B, and scrubbed down and lined with several handfuls of (black, bar-shaped) paper, it makes for a not overly bad roost.]

That should prove sufficient. And as everything else is in order . . .


Jan. 23rd, 2011




Who: Lizards et al
Where: Lizardking
When: Day 207, evening
What: Carryin' mostly-vaporized watanoodle home

Jan. 9th, 2011




Who: Zexion, Librarian, others
Where: The Library
When: Day 203, early afternoon
What: Books

[There had been . . . reservations, about visiting Sabra's library. Half-real memories, echoes of a reluctance from another time, another life. But the humidity creeping into the air, the scent of earth soaked with water (however wrong, however just a bit off that scent is from what it should be) result in echoes of another kind, and so it is that a lone Hydra has made his way there today, walking the stacks, pausing every so often to brush fingers over a leather-bound spine, or move certain delicate books from the lower racks to the higher.]

Jan. 3rd, 2011




Who: People
Where: Outside Cepheus
When: Day 202, morning
What: DERP

[Red is depressed. There is only one thing to do!!1

Red is sitting on his sitting rock. Wearing a stupid tiara. And on the ground in front of him arranged in a semi circle are smaller rocks. With faces drawn on them.]

So children. Once upon a time, there was a thief. He was so accomplished in his skill, he was known as the King of Thieves. No one knew his face, his look, even his age.

No one knew he was a young man, so small and round faced that he still looked as a boy to many.

But this thief was bored of stealing normal things. To steal a jewel was nothing to him. To take money was too simple. He wanted a challenge. So he thought long and hard about what it was he wanted to steal.

Dec. 23rd, 2010




Who: Cepheus et al.
Where: Cepheus
When: Day 200, morning
What: \o/

* coming back to dorms!! after a not-lifetime of not-adventures *

Nov. 29th, 2010



Who: Cepheus
Where: the usual place
When: Day 197, early morning
What: owls and hiatuses and crazies oh my!

[Going through the morning routine, probably earlier than anyone would really like. Noodle's in the kitchen, making up some tea to help with all those aches and pains.]

Nov. 23rd, 2010



Who: Cepheus
Where: Cepheus dorms
When: Day 195, morning-ish
What: important things!!1

[outside Cepheus, the Librariowl-alarm is jangling for the first time since the earthquake. so many jangling chimes!!]

Nov. 11th, 2010




Who: Cepheus, Lacerta, visitors
Where: Respective dorms
When: Day 189, evenight (backdated)
What: Noodleswap shenanigans :|aaa

* so after THIS happened clearly everything is fine with Sabra's noodletwins!Everyone goes home and things are super normal like whoah :|a *

Nov. 4th, 2010




Who: Lucky & whoever else
Where: Cepheus
When: Day 187, evening

[KNOCK KNOCKIN on Cepheus door]

Yooo! S'Red home!

Oct. 28th, 2010




Who: Claude, etc
Where: Orpheus grounds
When: Day 185, noon
What: Dehiatus

* Blank returning from his super important mission!!1 making a beeline for Cepheus dorms *

* also with a considerable scattering of fluffy owlfeathers sticking out of his hair and clothes :|a *

Oct. 21st, 2010




Who: Ophiuchus~!
Where: Ophi dorms
When: Day 182, evening~!

On a table in the common lounge, sat a small familiar hydra, all three heads busily nosing through a large book. A small stack of papers sat near it. "My, my," she started, only one head looking up from the book as the others continued to read, "How could such a team be so busy and so lazy at the same time? Honestly, it seems like you're having trouble enforcing basic rules! A certain someone is bit flustered at all the paperwork involved with this."

The hydra tapped her head and turned the page. "But! That is why I'm here to assist you! And, really, if you're going to correct someone, you may as well teach them a thing or two while doing so, right?"

[ooc: PENALTIES GO HUR. You may pick repeats or use none at all! bother me in irc for clarification if need be.]

Oct. 16th, 2010



Who: Any
Where: The Arena
When: Day 180

[The Call that resounds from the Arena is loud, echoing to every part of Sabra. A regal crescendo of notes and then anticipatory silence. Should you follow it today, the Arena is that strange darkened landscape again...

Simple darkness fills your vision, no delineation between up and down, walls or even the floor. You can only see the throne in the far off distance, and five pathways each covered with a lush carpet: Pink, White, Brown, and two distinct shades of Blue. They bear the sigil of the graceful Swan, the majestic Unicorn, a the nimble Hare, the canny Dog and deft Dolphin embossed into the weave. Should you turn around, there is no exit yet, but there is a small table, filled with punch, and several large party platters filled with salted hard breads and a few jam filled pastries dusted with confectioners sugar.]

[However, should you follow any of the pathways, the landscape begins to change...]

((OOC Note: As usual, those who run Judges may feel free to have them interact in sand form with the winners.))

Oct. 17th, 2010




Who: Cepheus, visitors
Where: In and out of Cepheus
When: Day 180, morning (before good ends)
What: Morning things, etc.

* morning at Cepheus! a time in which Cepheans engage in various morning things if not otherwise derailed by TERRIBLE THINGS. *

* rigging up a simple set of wind chimes outside Cepheus's main door :|b *